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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome (32p)
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K
Engine version: 105.1.1-841-g099e9d0
Battle ID: 1475782
Started: 2 years ago
Duration: 19 minutes
Players: 32
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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2 years ago
Stunning 12K worth of ravens and surviving with 800 HP as Paladin. DErankAdminmojjj is it giffable :D?
+2 / -0

2 years ago
replay file has sadly 0b size
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I have the file in my pc. You can download it here: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/LuXKtsWQ#link
+0 / -0
2 years ago
I was so sad when it got away, it's very hard (if not virtually impossible) to counter a paladin for a reasonable cost when it is properly screened like that.

Sending the bombers in a line would have been a bit less awful, but then they can die to AA more easily so still might not have enough damage to kill...

Conclusion is raven is not a good way to counter paladin.
+0 / -0