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Recurring 1v1 Event

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21 months ago
There has just been an idea to host a simple recurring 1v1 event. The aim is to get people together to play a bunch of 1v1s in a concentrated burst, against different opponents. Some sort of scoring or league could be added on top, but this would be secondary to just playing games. Ideally it would be weekly, and maybe even happen a few times a week.

The proposed format is something like this.
  • N players show up.
  • Randomly put the players into 1v1 games, leaving one or two without a game. The remainder form the queue.
  • When a game ends the winner stays to play the front of the queue, while the loser joins the back.
It is essentially parallel king of the hill. There would be lower bound on rank because the format seems pretty unforgiving to large rating differences, but this seems ok because the top of the ladder is the hardest place to find games. If tests go well then perhaps the system could be automated and extended into a set of rank leagues that players move between.

This post is to express interest. The system would be pretty easy to run manually using the tournament UI and some basic communication (ie saying when your game is over). I could run it to try it out, but eventually I would want to automate it or at least rotate the coordinator between sessions.

Anyway, I could run UTC 2100-2300 (9pm to 11pm) on most days most weeks except Tuesday, but have a slight preference for a weekday (at this point), and the time would shift to 2200-Midnight in the other phase of daylight savings. I would want to try it out with at least five people as it seems good to test the multi-room system. I am thinking of a cutoff around 2600+ for an initial test but could be argued around depending on who is interested.
+17 / -0

21 months ago
I'd play, as long as it's usually not on weekend.
+0 / -0
I would be interested in joining on Fridays and weekends (Monday-Thursday the timing doesn't work for me), though I fall a bit outside the 2600 rating limitation for an initial test.
+0 / -0

21 months ago
seems like a great idea!
+0 / -0
21 months ago
Wednesday or sunday this week are the only ones I can participate. Fridays and saturdays are probably heavier on the irl events.
The proposed timeslot is on the late side for eastern europe, but if nothing else we can warm it up with traditional one room spec-k.
+0 / -0
There seems to be enough interest in Wednesday 2100 UTC to run it then. This is in just under two days. Post here so I have some idea of numbers and who to expect to show up (to make the right number of rooms). Joining late is possible but I'd like to know start numbers, so mention when you might be there as well.
+1 / -0
21 months ago
Hopefully the recently activbe RUrankizirayd @ATOSTIC @hedkeaf GBrankDasFapitale DErankStiofanKingofAwoo and DErankBrackman can consider too.
If it becomes regular streaming some matches can be a good way to showcase 1v1 gameplay as well.
+0 / -0

20 months ago
I'll be there
+0 / -0
20 months ago
I can join.
+0 / -0

20 months ago
I'll be there too, for about an hour.
+0 / -0
20 months ago
ill join
+0 / -0
20 months ago
+0 / -0

20 months ago
sure ill join :P
+0 / -0

20 months ago
Probably will be there
+0 / -0

20 months ago
Join #fc in the lobby.
+0 / -0
20 months ago
Good fun. With this many people it does kind of start flirting with matchmaker. Maybe that one should prefer to wait a bit before rematching the same players?

The timeslot is on the late side for EU, start earlier? host handover? Maybe the best of all worlds is to have slots for EU, NA and an extended EU+NA one now and then.
The lobby bouncing was maybe a bit chaotic, just things like following host messages in the lobby channel was a bit difficult. Can it do text color for users?
If we can keep up this kind of turnout, explicit pyramid scheme sounds fun.
+2 / -0
The first fight club ran quite well. I put the sheet I used to keep track of it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D0ZeNK_rA5ZBYVA1SeJ5PPgTAcHZfEU_iWztQwPp-gk/edit?usp=sharing

The replays can be found by searching FC.

We played 32 games over the two hours (33 if you count NOrankAdminKingstad's foray into the matchmaker). We started with nine players, four joined mid way through, and five left early at various points. The player count was always at least nine, but sometimes it peaked into a fifth room. The rate of joining and leaving could make for some weird edge cases for an automated system. Manually I think I could run 8-10 rooms with practise.

It is a lot like a matchmaker. I think the shape of the decision space is important though. With MM you have to keep clicking the button, the way I ran FC you were either in or not, and if you were in I put you in games as they came up. There is also the way that the winners stay on and fight the next challenger. I'd like to know what people thought of that as it was hard to judge that aspect of it while running things. A FC-style system could perhaps be approximated with something like the current MM. The rules could be something like:
  • There is a queue of players.
  • If there are at least three players in queue, make a game with the first two.
  • When a game ends, the winner goes to the start of the queue and the loser to the back.
Trouble ensues when multiple people join or leave at the same time though. Or when they end up in the queue but meant to leave in a minute.

Also, I invented sudden death 20 minutes before the end. This emptied the queue to make a few final games. I sort of implemented a pyramid scheme too, as rANDY and MSPR played a game after previously winning two king of the hill battles.

Anyway, what sounds like a good time to run this? Mondays and Thursdays same time (starting next week)? It depends a lot on how often we would get decent numbers, which I think would be seven players. More players reduces wait times and creates more match diversity.

If enough people say they will show up on any given day then maybe it could run? Having the #fc channel just contain those interested was pretty useful, perhaps we need a way to kick from channels.
+4 / -0

20 months ago
Apparently Thursday is taken. How is Monday and Wednesday?
+0 / -0

20 months ago
Mon/Wed sounds ok to me, but note that i missed this Wed :P
+0 / -0
20 months ago
If the event become open to lower ranks I'd definitely be interested in joining, though I'd only be able to join halfway through most weekdays. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the best for my part, but I'll try to make it on other days as well.
+0 / -0
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