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Make Zenith pierce shields

15 posts, 492 views
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16 months ago
I like the low damage of Zenith, but shields seem to annihilate them. I think that making Zenith pierce shields (and potentially terraform) could be an easy fix to the problem, without invalidating any other playstyles.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
I just want to give zenith stronger terrain flattening.
Meteors falling should flatten entire mountains, not struggle against some dirt wall....
+1 / -0

16 months ago
just for the record:

you know that charging is an essential element of zenith?
+4 / -0

16 months ago
I have yet to see someone bold enough to wait for 300 full zenith charge. 30 is a max. And that's for every fusion reactor the zenith missed.

300 times 1.2 is 360 seconds for every shot, making it a sort of a nuke that is easy to disarm before it makes cost.

Thanks for bringing it up.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
A big Zenith strike will turn even clusters of shields under a funnel to scrap. Zenith makes regular shieldballs irrelevant. I really don't get the complaint. You just have to wait a bit for it to charge up before using it.
+1 / -0
I know the charge, but I just want a meteor to leave a huge hole, a swarm should change the entire map....
+0 / -0
16 months ago
Sounds good but if you make it stronger make it the most expensive super weapon.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
not stronger, just more terrain damage.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
+0 / -0
16 months ago
No one is going to afford 64k metal in a game..... t
+2 / -1

16 months ago
Hey, if you like Gacha games like Genshin Impact, you could suggest a "pull" system for Zenith. Zenith generates 31 crystals every 5 seconds, and players get to spend 6 crystals to pull in an asteroid from deep space into the asteroid swarm. Now, these asteroids have a 41% chance to be a common asteroid, that deals about 400 damage on impact, you know your average whatever rock. But some 31% of the time you get an uncommon asteroid, and that's a regular asteroid but also comes with 3 enhanced stardust (this is a currency that can be used to upgrade your current asteroid swarm as well as guarentee certain asteroids from the pool). 20% of the time it's a rare asteroid, which has a red color(red is cool) and this asteroid is like a mega asteroid, dealing like 1000 damage on impact with a larger AOE. 7.5% of the time you pull a UR(Ultra Rare) asteroid, which is about 50% better in all stats to the rare types of asteroids. And the grand mega pull, the SSR 0.5% chance to pull a NUR(Nuclear Ultra Rare) asteroid that does a Dinosaur-level extinction event of about half a nuke. I think this is a strong base for metal monetization to deal with the late game metal econony in the game, to give players a metal sink (ofcourse you can spend metal to generate crystals for more pulls). Players will be delighted to know that they can reclaim their asteroids in the swarm to recieve 8 crystal dust, and by combining 3 crystal dust they can create 1 more crystal, to pull another meteor from outer space.

Just a though...
+5 / -0
16 months ago
How should we name such monster? Zisco Party Controller ?

Besides the crystal idea (sounds to complex), make the meteors more like the DRP shots (variable, some stronger) would be fun.

And as option I would like to have some "increase accuracy" special fire. Like "use only half meteors you have but cover area perfectly around target point". At times it feels too random without control.
+1 / -0
16 months ago
Just remove all static superweapons out of the game and instead have giant robots like Detriment win the game. Way more fun imho.
+3 / -0

we could finally have microtransactions then! Like the Mod-Packs in Warframe, the quintessential lootbox! Great Idea. You could mod your zenith to have more power with things like "+165% Slow Damage" or "+80% Status Chance, On Kill: +120% Damage for 12 sec, stacks up to 90 times."

No one is going to afford 64k metal in a game.....

You sure?
+4 / -0
16 months ago
3 detri or a super zenith? not a hard choice....
a starlight+ detri? even easier choice....
unless other stuff got a super nerf and shields/defenses got a super buff this would just be a victory lap thing
+1 / -0