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ECONOMY (vent)

16 posts, 681 views
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16 months ago
I dislike to spend MOST of my time building up the economy, as a rover player!
I want to rush scorchers, ravagers into the enemy base.
Instead, I saw that our economy was struggling, and it was the fastest way for me to build it up!
But then, I realized that I was the only one building economy, our economy did not free me up space to build up forces, artillery was pushing us back, I kept on building special units, but I knew that without eco, there would be way too little assault units!
+2 / -0

16 months ago
Maybe a gamemode where eco builds itself would be fun?
+1 / -0

16 months ago
+0 / -0
The opposite of factorio. Area control, like CoH.

You know those artefacts in the point control mode that switch sides when they are killed? They could easily be placed on each mex spot, and make metal.
+1 / -0

16 months ago
It's a balancing act. On other games I find myself out in front the unwilling star in a 4-way BDSM horror show while the rest of my team are spamming solars, rushing fusions, building a ramp with newtons and morphing comm but making 0 units. If only I could hold out against 3 players for a mere 10 minutes, we would be in a great position.

Truth is a mix of offense and eco is typically optimal. Cap the mexes near you and queue up solar chains to the next metal cluster while you micro stuff at the front. When repairing or resting from offense, chain some more mexes together with E. A surprisingly good eco can be had from just a fully gridded economy without extra E buildings. By the time front is stable you should be looking at helping out a team singu with a con.

That to me is ideal. Better players may disagree :)
+4 / -0

16 months ago
Territory control game mode for ZK would be SO much fun, plus I can use it to teach my friends to expand lol
+0 / -0
NOranktalas There's actually a mod like what you're describing, though I have no idea if it's up to date. It's called arena mod, and it auto builds defences and eco around map points you captured with your combat units. One unfortunate thing about this mod is that for some reason it adds a certain level of RNG to unit construction, with you effectively constructing a custom factory unit set out of a randomly shuffled deck of cards.
+1 / -0

16 months ago
Thank you for the support, everyone
Unfortunately, it is a rover player's unwritten duty to expand fast. It is written in the builder's contract.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Maybe an "autoeco" state might be nice.

Off: No action.
Auto Expand (Naked): Build a mex, move on.
Auto Expand (Defended): Build a mex and a LLT nearby.
Auto Power Balance: Maintain power-to-base income ratio by building solars nearby.
+1 / -0
16 months ago
Area Mex already dang near has that built in, sure it's not a toggle+forget state, but it's close. That being said, I did wish area Mex did have an option or input that included the LLT.

Also I just don't know how to balance energy so am not sure if it's one, two, or four solars is the optimal use of area mex as is.
+1 / -0
16 months ago
Just play 1v1 and you will have no time to build up your economy.
+4 / -0
the real issue here appear to be your teammates :3
Somebody has to build eco, and unless you have a teammate with a singu fetish somebody has to bear the responsibility because otherwise nobody will build any eco
in an ideal world everybody perfectly coordinates and nobody has to spend all their income macking eco but things are not perfect
+1 / -0

16 months ago
Okay, z
+0 / -0
16 months ago
Ideal job for an AI team mate. :-)

We could do with AI team mates that can focus on specific duties, be it eco, or fighting in a particularly style, or with particular units, leaving us humans to enjoy the part of the game that we like.

I'm reminded yesterday I hosted a game, but ended up playing against the AI because there was no humans interested !

I may as well code my own game if that is a regular thing !

With proper AI team mates. :-)
+2 / -0

16 months ago
I think a mixed human-AI team game has a lot of potential, maybe there should be a permanent one of those running? The AIs would need some ELO score to balance things a bit. I'd play such a game sometimes, depending on player count.
+2 / -0

16 months ago
- I would not complain, because building eco needs maybe a quarter of the apm and attention compared to frontplay, and in 1v1 you have to do both at the same time.

- A gamemode like GoogleFrog suggests makes more sense than having to play with a bot. Depending on what the bot would decide to do, one side would be better of than the other, without any control the players have. That does not sound fair. Why not go the MOBA-way completely? Both sides have fixed equal income, and that could maybe increase over time.
+1 / -0