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New Support Structure Idea

11 posts, 608 views
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15 months ago
Pier: A Small, floaty, and cheaper alternative to terraforming on water maps. Low HP, can be hit by damn near anything, and once destroyed it will instantly destroy what ever building is on top of it. If a unit is on it, the unit will just fall into the water.

I think something about the size of 1 solar collector and about the cost of maybe 100 or 120, but you should be able to stack these together to place ground only buildings on the water to maybe make naval battles more engaging. That way most of the fun buildings aren't locked to islands only or very expensive terraforms. Of course I think it should be able to be damaged by lava or acidic water so you'll still have to terraform in those but I think having something much cheaper than a massive terraform would entice players to consider land buildings on the water as well
+3 / -0
While I have my doubts if it's even possible to make a structure that land units can walk on and subs can go underneath in spring.. Anything is possible I suppose..

Keep in mind I am a lobpot player not 1 vs 1..

I believe we shouldn't try bringing land units into sea, that would kind of take away what sea has, a space only a few factories have access to, which gives it a strategical factor when playing in maps that aren't fully water and have things like ponds and rivers. Besides, this structure would be outmatched by such factories instantly in situations it would be even slightly significant, both in maneuverability and the ability to hide underwater. I don't want sea to turn into LAND 2.0. Also, Djin exists for transporting units across land masses...

Additionally, I don't think making an easier way to build porc in sea would help, if anything it would make the whole experience more miserable. The biggest issue right now imo is that it is a static lane where neither opponent can push into each other if they are good enough. Heck, try destroying GBrankBLaNKMiND in the sea, dude is a BEAST, I can't leave lane for 2 minutes without him destroying my team, but if I stay I can't push and he can't push either, unless one of us has 2-3x the army value.

Nevertheless you got my +1 because I would like sea balance to be more discussed and ideas thrown into it sense right now it's a really boring attrition lane and in need of a new mechanic imo, because it only feels like damage control for Scylla. If you lose it then a good Scylla player will be the end of you.

+2 / -0

15 months ago
I wasn't rlly thinking of a factory, nor a platform for porcing. Actually I think it directly makes porc worse if you don't terraform as the structure itself would detonate what ever is above it making the turret above having the same effective health (probably 700 would be fair as it's nothing but a platform). What exactly do you mean by bringing land units or being outmatched by other factories?
+0 / -0

15 months ago
adding onto what I said before, many people's main complain is how economy in naval REALLY sucks sometimes so I was thinking of this platform's primary use would be to make it more coinvent for economical structures like solar and singu
+0 / -0
15 months ago
try destroying GBrankBLaNKMiND in the sea

+6 / -0

15 months ago
The engine pathfinder will not work with this idea. Fundamentally, a given location on the map is always at a given altitude vs "zero" level (which is the water level). Thus, if pier is to be a thing, it needs to be functionally equivalent to terraform (i.e. subs would not be able to pass under it). With that in mind, I'd argue it is more trouble than its worth.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
damn engine limitations always killing my hopes and dreams :')
+1 / -0

15 months ago
Engine is open source, feel free to fix it=) Its quite a few lines of C++ though...

But conceptually there is nothing impossible about it, you just need to patch the pathfinder algo to have multiple "layers" to it (so the pathing is not done on one graph, but rather on several different graphs which have certain connections between them). It would also allow for some cool map features such as tunnels and bridges, as well as maps with multiple water levels (e.g. Folsom Dam would be able to actually be a dam with water levels before and after being different).
+0 / -0
So SErankLobHunter, do you have a background working on/around Spring or something?
+0 / -0
15 months ago
as well as maps with multiple water levels
You don't need to change pathing for multiple water levels. Source: I have done it, see original thread with video at: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/29599?page=2&Search=&User=&grorder=&grdesc=False&grpage=1

Tunnels/bridges are indeed a different story, especially for units (such as hover) that should be able to take both "under" and "on top" of the bridge.
+1 / -0
Agreed, just multiple water levels can use existing pathing as long as there is a particular water level for every location. Tunnels would need new pathing.
PS: epic work with dynamic water FRrankmalric!
+0 / -0