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its a team game

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15 months ago
mute in team game = interesting, lost me multiple games
+1 / -0
15 months ago
Then dont do something that gets you muted?
I know im not the one to say it, but it had to be said.
+7 / -2
15 months ago
ive only ever muted flying fortress. Its kinda hard to get muted in this game if u didnt anger someone
+1 / -0
15 months ago
Help sanity by damaging team work and win chances. Players dont see who has muted them, right? Would help to know from who not to ask help from, if they cant see your messages anyway.
+2 / -0
"I know im not the one to say it"
Atleast i dont show a complete lack of remorse, compared to some other players.

This might get downvoted into oblivion.
+2 / -0
i once told people to try to work out there differences and get along and it got down voted into oblivion.. so.. fighting seems to be some kind of fun game for people..

"Atleast i dont show a complete lack of remorse" is bait.. and then its his turn to get offended.. and then your turn and then someone else can start a new fire on the edges of this topic and slowly it will burn itself out... sorry im interrupting the process.. carry on where you left off.. i better not spoil the mood so you can argue in peace
+4 / -0
15 months ago
Thats not entirely what i meant, ill just stop arguing, theres nothing of value that can be achieved.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
Based Smokedragon, hit the nail on the head xD
+1 / -0
"Thats not entirely what i meant", i didnt mean for it to be bait, and "compared to some other players" refers to some people, who havent made a post which i dislike because they often dont show the slightest remorse, even when acting almost harm-joyful/malicious (not sure on what term to use), i apologize if i offended anyone in any way.
+2 / -0
i believe you theflyingfortress in so far as your feelings are something that can make sense with perspective and can be understood as a point of view.. indeed if i was you i would feel as you do.

"refers to some people, who havent made a post which i dislike" so if i understand you correctly its a certain type of bait to catch a particular fish.. and you hate this fish and want to fight it? but that doesnt sound like im granting it innocence perhaps you had hoped to bring grievances to light in order to resolve trespasses and wrongdoings made in disregard of your emotions.

sadly its unlikely this path will give you closure and resolution with said individual due to its antagonising nature.. things reflect.. so if you offer your white flag you would have much more luck

"i apologize if i offended anyone in any way" you sound like a nice guy being considerate of how your actions may effect others and this was a nice thing to say imho =) im glad there will be no more fighting for a few hours =P
+1 / -0
Im not trying to be rude or arrogant, but is that irony?

Edit: nvm.
+0 / -0
"Im not trying to be rude or arrogant" well i regard myself as all dark things despite my best efforts.. i have pride fear anger ect.. i try to combat those things.. but from time to time they may occur in me even unseen no matter how hard im trying not to be.. because im emotionally corruptible and even though my story began just like yours.. along the way as i grew.. i grew blind to what i am..

its ok to be hurt and to desire vengeance so long as the wave breaks and you recover your ability to forgive and forget

perhaps even when you let go of any hate you may still find others remain unreasonable.. some times all you can do is accept the world may never be ready for peace.. but if you follow the path of war you tend to find war

"but is that irony?"

im sorry but i cant be sure i correctly understand the context? i said something ironic because im bating you aswell? perhaps your right. maybe you could explain it so i can understand? even unintentional but still a part of me thats insensitive or moves unseen due to my pride.. im sorry if i harbour abrasive aspects. you deserve to feel cared about. but it was not a mindful act. i dont want to hurt people deliberately.

that being said i am ashamed at the way i have bullied some players when i called them noobs.. i realise that i have behaved badly many times.. upsetting people without caring how they feel.. sometimes even in ways that i felt when i was called a noob.. a strange kind of echo in it all.. something reflective about it all.. bouncing back and forth between people.. i just hope i can be a nicer person in time.
+1 / -0
I accidentally misread the understanding of the message, my fault, hence the nvm.
+1 / -0
i once told people to try to work out there differences and get along and it got down voted into oblivion.. so.. fighting seems to be some kind of fun game for people..

Should we dig out that original post? The next time you get robbed and go to the police they should tell you to just work out your differences with the person that robbed you... I don`t know... I really don`t know... How you can be so extremely cynical? To think that someone that that suffered abuse just wants to fight because its fun.
+2 / -0

15 months ago
filling chat with abuse in team game = interesting, lost zk multiple players
+9 / -0
15 months ago
interesting point katastrophe.. i think fun is not the right word.. maybe i could have said desire.. people desire to fight. not that its always pleasurable. and just like the scenario you described there is a motivation to conflict yes.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
I ignored one person once, but then I unignored him, now I don’t see his messages or added points in the game, how can I fix this?
+0 / -0

15 months ago
try to type /unignore playername ingame
+1 / -0

15 months ago
I think given how vital communication is to team play, if one is abusing that ability to communicate it would probably make more sense to ban them from playing in team games at all rather than just banning them from speaking.
+1 / -1
15 months ago
That seems too excessive Stuart...
+2 / -0
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