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Select missiles in missile silo

14 posts, 809 views
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14 months ago
Thinking about the "fight the opponent not fight the interface" was wondering how are people managing selecting the correct missile type in the missile silo.

For example: you want to silo a shielded Cerberus, you have to select one Shockley fire it, then select two Eos and fire them.

Sometimes I find annoying to do that as I would prefer a fixed place where each missile type is found when I click on "something", and now selecting all units in area could easily select more or clicking on each missile will depend on which missile is where.

Maybe there could be 5 more icons for silo commands with "fire Eos", "fire Zeno", etc. Or maybe the fire icon could have a drop-down with the list, or ... dunno, maybe there is another obvious way.
+10 / -0

14 months ago
Yes, this would be a great improvement. I have found it annoying having to zoom in on the missiles to see which is which and clicking on them, but forgot about it outside of the game.
+1 / -0

14 months ago
Not ideal, but missiles can be assigned to auto groups.

If you have a shockly (partially or fully built) and you press alt+1, any shockly fully built can now be selected using 1.

If you auto group shockly to 1 and eos to 2, you can do 1,F,2,F and that'll do what you want.
I tweaked my settings so I am not sure about he default, but I think auto groups carry over game to game, which can be annoying.

The other potential problem is that auto groups will add any fully built shockly from any silo, so if you have two silos with a shockly each, 1 would select both and you could "overkill" if both are in range of the target.
+1 / -0
14 months ago
Yes, autogroups can be a solution, but I use them already like 1 various raiders, 2,4,5 various artillery, 0 lichos. I could use some for missiles but could get crowded and confusing.

In fact with me building silos so rarely I generally have one silo, and not that many missiles, so I can also just directly use groups.

Still was wondering if someone has a much better solution.
+3 / -0
The fastest way for me is after selecting silo press 'd' or 'select all missiles' icon, then select one i need or right click those i don't need and press 'f'.

For me nice change would be option to align perfectly schockley eos fire and qake - that way if u select all or some of then press 'align' button then 'f' the first to hit target is qake then schock and then eos with fire.
+3 / -0

14 months ago
Perhaps the shortcuts for the extra fire icons could be certain letters when the missile silo is selected, such as Q-W-E-R-T-Y or G-H-J-K-L or something similar, and then 'f' could fire all missiles at once.
Also, having a ctrl + letter command to select missile silos could be useful (like it is already with commanders and factories), unless I'm mistaken and that's already true.
+2 / -0

14 months ago
My ideal would be that once I get a silo I get a little panel on the side with a button per missile. Each:
  • Showing how many missiles can hit where my cursor is
  • Letting me click on a button to select a missile of that type
  • Letting me shift-click to select all missiles of that type
  • Letting to ctrl-click to build another missile of that type in the nearest available silo space.

I did start this project but got distracted half way through...
+3 / -0
Buttons below each missile type in the build menu was a previous idea. Someone has to play around and figure out what works.

Here is a related problem/idea: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/5163
+0 / -0

14 months ago
possible solution, like the nuke button widget? but only enabled when silo selected.
+0 / -0

14 months ago
I usually press Ctrl + A and select a missile
+0 / -0

13 months ago
Having a nice UI to choose which missile is to be fired without having to select missiles would also enable things like scylla and reef to stockpile different missiles, if that is ever a thing we want to try out. Pitching this to unknownrankShaman might yield a functional bit of LUA.
+0 / -0

13 months ago
i press shift and box-select the silo, then select the missiles from the screen below, whatever its name...
+0 / -0
I have a higher selection rank for missiles than silo so I just select them normally like any other unit...
+0 / -0

13 months ago
press ctrl-a and search for missles
+0 / -0