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When to reclaim and when to repair

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13 months ago
Metal is useful for increasing damage output. Repair gets a unit's health back up. Tanky units benefit from getting repaired, while damage-dealing armies benefit from reclaiming, if there's reclaim available.
This is a simple note, but it is an important one. Keep it in mind if you can.
+1 / -0
13 months ago
You might want to check: http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/Repair

One observation: reclaim does not use any resources, repair uses energy (so, if you have no energy, don't repair). As I generally lack metal and have energy I mostly prefer to reclaim if available (unless specific circumstances).
+1 / -0

13 months ago
Cool, there's a penalty for in-combat repairs.
Didn't know that
+0 / -0

13 months ago
I don't understand this question....
You repair when units are alive and damaged.
You reclaim when they are dead.

It's always worth repairing units since it's cheaper to repair than rebuild.
Even if it weren't, a damaged unit can still inflict damage if needed. A new unit being built, can't.

Caring for and repairing your damaged units, will eventually result in a bigger army to crush the enemy with.
+0 / -0
If I have +18/+19 economy with no stored energy, and 1 free constructor, that free constructor is better provisioned to assorted reclaim and energy production than repairing units. If I can manage to build another con, then both cons will be making energy/ reclaiming. Repair is when I have 8+ energy surplus or at 4+ energy surplus in emergencies.
+0 / -0
13 months ago
My Smartest Builders widget implements a good approximation of the optimal approach: It prioritizes repairing over reclaiming except if you have energy deficit. If you have metal (or energy) excess, it only reclaims metal (or energy) if allies have free metal (or energy) storage.
Determining when there is a resource deficit or excess is the tricky part: How a constructor that is controlled by my widget sees the resource situation depends on its buildpower. That units can also heal themselves is neglected.
+1 / -0
note: lobpot thoughts ahead

kind of necro sorry. Another situation in which things get complicated is where you've just captured a reclaim field but your forces are wounded. I think that repairing your units will mean they can hold that position longer and allow for more reclaiming. Your enemy may have even fallen back to repair so it can wipe your force out. If you're caught up in a battle to secure a reclaim field and you keep losing units, then you're making that reclaim field continue to exist and if you lose that fight, then you lose the field. Usually a reclaim field (between two armies) is not worth an entire army or even a good part of it, especially losing that army + the enemy getting to reclaim it. Also I think generally you want to reclaim wrecks further away from your lines (that you can access without getting blasted), since those are the ones you are most likely to lose access to in the near future, and you can deny the enemy access to that metal.

I think throwing down caretakers really quickly might be a play (with terraform in front of it to block shots, ideally no tremor) so that your cons don't have to get too close and you get a ton of extra BP really quick so that your cons can focus on repair, or even setting up defenses with the huge metal flow you get from caretakers. If the enemy is applying too much pressure, quickly reclaim the caretakers before you lose them (10% loss of metal vs. 140% if the enemy takes the territory and reclaims the wrecks). You could even have the caretakers reclaim themselves. Caretakers are cheaper BP anyway so losing them isn't really a big deal compared to losing an army of mobile constructors, which has much more value. They make cost in metal every 18 seconds!

USrankAdminSteel_Blue, I feel like that situation only comes up earlygame, in which case you should probably be focused on expansion like you said since a damaged raider can still retreat micro and occupy territory, and getting the con to repair the raider is a time-consuming task. If you can quicky repair something on the front (cons are nearby) though, you actually spend less energy per the metal you saved by repairing than if you lost the unit but reclaimed the same amount to build a new unit - assuming you can reclaim still, since that unit's death could mean your loss of the field, the con reclaiming, etc, and the replacement will take some time to arrive.
+1 / -0