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New building "Stronghold"

11 posts, 556 views
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12 months ago
I suggest adding a new building that will greatly affect the game - the "stronghold".
This building will play the role of a platform on which any units can be placed for defense, that is, they will be able to attack and use any of their abilities from the inside, but will lose the ability to move while they are inside. By itself, it cannot attack and just has a lot of health and protection. It also has the ability to "let in/release a unit" so that you can let in units nearby, but on a different level, so this building can be used in the same way as an elevator. It will also prevent enemies from changing the landscape for a while.
Health - 8000/4000
It always takes only a third of the damage.
The size with two variations and the one that is larger than that of Cerberus (Will allow you to install any units inside)
Price - 1000/500 metal/Energy
+1 / -1
12 months ago
Whats your opinion on an Underwater version of the Desolator? in other words an underwater defense fortress.
+1 / -0

12 months ago
These co-op lobs are getting out of hand.
+1 / -0

12 months ago

+14 / -0
12 months ago
not the starcraft scv bunker micro !!!
sounds op because it could remove weaknesses of many slow, low hp, expensive units
+2 / -0
DErankGeoruku Why give it permanent armour instead of just increasing the health? Also it sounds like a way to turn a Lance into a discount Lucifer, and Lance doesn't really need a buff. @skigear is right in that any units balanced around being slow and weak would get much stronger with such a building. Things like the aforementioned Lance as well as any other artillery unit. It's also basically a straight up buff to Emissary, Tremor, and Fencer, all of which already had to stop to fire in the first place, so all this building would do would just give them a straight up health buff.

USrankFOURTY_TON the fundamental concept would be cancerous, so it would need to be useless in order for there to be any enjoyment in sea. So it sounds like a horrible idea.
The problem is that there's a grand total of 11 units (Dagger, Claymore, Raven, Duck, Scallop, Archer, Hunter, Seawolf, Siren, Ultimatum, Detriment) that can reliably attack underwater targets, so in order for such a turret to be killable at least one of those would have to outrange it, and that unit can't be Detriment. So you're looking at a turret with less range than Stardust, which would make the turret borderline useless at actually defending.
+1 / -0
i can make a mode for you if you want? i am taking a few days off because i have things to do but i can maybe make it so that units can morph into stationary versions of themselves for a small rate of fire bonus? range and health are very op stats and like others i worry it would make vanilla statics redundant

imho if a morph has a strong con and a small bonus ie. loosing movement for a bit of reload speed then it could maybe be balanced

as for the train factory hmm.. would a unit that continually created stationary train-cars behind it as it goes that vanish after a short time.. leaving a kind of snake behind itself.. if i made the front unit look like a train and the back units look like train-cars and gave them guns.. would it be kind of a train? i can even make the floor under it be rails as it travels.. this wouldn't take long and i can even do it with unit tweaks if you dont mind a recolored rover con as the train =P
+2 / -0
12 months ago
Mach56 , Alternatively, you can add the ability to "Open/close hatches" So that the unit can attack from the inside while the ability is activated, but will receive a third of the damage. But when the hatches are closed, the ability to attack and interact will be disabled. But the unit will be safe and the building will receive only a quarter of the damage. Also, while the hatches are closed, the unit will also be unavailable for repair from the outside.
+1 / -1

12 months ago
Plus, make it so that splash damage (especially NAPALM) is effective against the building, since it can bypass the defensive buff and damage the unit inside.
Tada, a unique mechanic that forces the enemy to have a more varied composition. Since the building only adds health, damage will be a problem, and I'd rather not spend too much metal on 100 fortresses just to protect my 10 lances inside.
+0 / -0
DErankGeoruku That still doesn't solve the fundamental problem of being a health buff to artillery, and requires the introduction of yet another armour class. Also what happens to whatever unit is inside when the building is destroyed, or when the unit inside is destroyed but the bulding isn't?

AUrankSmokeDragon Just search the forum for train factory, there's been a few threads on that topic already.
+1 / -0
12 months ago
i know about the train forum posts it was mentioned here so i made a reply here.. but i think maybe your just trying to help me like i was trying to help others so thanks =)
+0 / -0