sigh. I knew that there's no progress without shame. But -7 dislikes is excessive. Good thing that the dislikes don't mean a thing, and I got what I wanted:

Aquanim gave me the feedback I wanted, with due respect and lack of disrespect. These kinds of responses are the reason I have to ignore any sort of rating.
Anyway, I asked this question because I wanted to run a lobby where "spec cheat" is allowed. As Aquanium stated, by "spec cheat," I don't necessarily mean "spec troll," just something that gives an unfair advantage to make the game more fun. As Aquanium stated, new players can benefit from spec cheat, even if the feedback comes from an enemy, to learn the game better. But furthermore, I don't like fair battles, since they don't push innovation. Sure, it can be fun to play a mirror match over and over again, but to me, it might be interesting to see what happens in scenarios of "last stand," which only happen in strong vs newb players, which is an inherintly unfair match.
Maybe people misunderstood my intentions as to promote spec cheat in all lobbies. I am not <REDACTED> or <REDACTED> player, I think that [CLARIFICATION]: "no spec cheating" is a fair rule for competitive games.
With that cleared up,


Aquanim, thanks for the feedback. Another day proving that higher rank =/= better player.