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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.8.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1993345
Started: 51 days ago
Duration: 59 minutes
Players: 11
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 50.9%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 49.1%


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51 days ago
Would this game benefit from metal makers?
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50 days ago
You mean this game specifically or zk as a whole?
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50 days ago
There is a way to cobble together metal makers from units and buildings in baseline Zero-K! But it costs about 2500 metal per metal per second and requires a large territory that you control but can't use for anything else.
+0 / -0

50 days ago
This game specifically. The game stalled for a while as each side didn't know how to approach the other. If their incomes had increased during this time (maybe passively maybe via MM?) then the eventual end might have been sooner and a bit more climactic.
+0 / -0
50 days ago
Big Bertha would have occupied that role this game, if the other team hadn't scouted and destroyed them all.
+0 / -0
If their incomes had increased during this time (maybe passively maybe via MM?) then the eventual end might have been sooner and a bit more climactic.

With a VERY VERY big maybe, if you ask me. More income could also just result in more dead locusts - around t40 minutes or so, someone had already fed 84k in locusts (killed 20k with it)... I really don't think non-growing income was the problem, more that neither side knew what to do with the metal they had.
East had a good opening when their sea-player broke through. At 33min, east has enough planes to probe if there is some aa north-west, then go in, bomb the factories and kill all those bombers. 2 minutes later, they do actually scout, but for some reason a few pickets and a razor scare them off..
Anyway, I don't want to go on about anyone playing bad. But I hope those were enough examples to solidify my argument.

I don't think changing the zk-economy this much, especially with something that was intentionally taken out of the game already and avoided since then would be a good idea. If you really want to have a more TA/BA like endgame, you could try to make overdrive less diminishing. Or superweapons cheaper. Or nerf defensive things like shields. I think there are enough screws to adjust in the game as it is.
+0 / -0

49 days ago
Side comment:

If you call this end non-climactic, idk. Supereapon, multiple detris fighting each other, 3 palas trying to melee a detri next to the wrecks of 2 other already destroyed paladins... That escalated really fast.
On top of that, if you look at the metal-produced graph, at least east DOES ramp up their income, although i did not check how much of that was reclaim. But the around 10 (?) singus were certainly not without effect.
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