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Testing some balance tweaks

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With the goal of collecting some more information to inform the next patch, I am hoping to get some games with the following tweaks this coming weekend:


-- wildly op plz nerf

shieldfelon = {
speed = 39, -- from 45
weaponDefs = {
customParams = {
shield_drain = 90, -- from 75

bomberriot = {
metalCost = 500, -- from 460
customParams = {
reammoseconds = 15, -- from 13; now equal to TB

amphsupport = {
metalCost = 250, -- from 230

-- these units are ass

hoveraa = {
weaponDefs = {
reloadtime = 4, -- from 5.2

gunshipraid = {
speed = 250, -- from 212

shipriot = {
metalCost = 220, -- from 240
weaponDefs = {
damage = {
default = 28, -- from 23; pellet matches Scallop

shipscout = {
metalCost = 50, --from 65

The corresponding tweakunits encoded string (with whitespace and comments taken out):

I have equipped Palladium with this change for now. It could be played elsewhere also.
+3 / -0
So in plain english, do I get these right?


  • Felon speed down to 39, from 45.
  • Felon attack cost (self shield drain) up to 90, from 75 (so it costs 90 shield hp per shot instead of 75, without increasing damage).
  • Phoenix cost up to 500, from 460.
  • Phoenix rearm time up to 15, from 13.
  • Bulkhead cost up to 250, from 230.


  • Flail reload time down to 4s, from 5.2.
  • Locust speed up to 250, from 212.
  • Corsair cost down to 220, from 240.
  • Corsair weapon damage up to 28 per bullet, from 23.
  • Cutter cost down to 50, from 65.

Or in even shorter:

Felons move slower and cost more shield to use their weapon.
Phoenix costs more metal and rearm slower at the plane factory/landing pad/reef.
Bulkhead costs more.

Flail shoots more frequently.
Locust flies around faster.
Corsair costs less and does more damage.
Cutter costs less.
+2 / -0

4 months ago
I think that is the idea, yes.
+0 / -0

4 months ago
Hovercraft doesn't seem to have anything that can go toe to toe with Corsair post buff.
2 Corsair beat a Mace even if they go in one at a time - they previously had to fight together.
1 Corsair barely beats Claymore.
Halberds can't even touch the Corsair.
Scalpels get run down easily, unless they're already close to shore.
Daggers don't stand a chance against the shotguns.
2 Bolas barely can't take a Corsair.
Lance can win by staying far enough away from the water that Corsairs can't get to them.
+0 / -0

4 months ago
Maybe Duck and Seawolf just need to be worse, then.
+0 / -0

4 months ago
Chomo, Talas and I talked through the issue in Discord and all agreed on this alternative Corsair buff:
shipriot = {
speed = 94 --slightly faster than Duck
+0 / -0

3 months ago
I believe these adjustments are moving in a positive direction. Both Felon and Phoenix pose a significant threat when deployed early, and they are challenging to counter due to their versatility.

Concerning Felon, I propose that reducing their speed could serve as an effective means of balancing their capabilities. However, increasing the shield cost for each shot is not advisable, as they currently inflict more damage per shot than the shield they consume, which favors shot first in Felon vs Felons. This dynamic is beneficial for the game. Perhaps reducing their damage per second while introducing splash damage or chain lightning could be good.

Additionally, I found that the fire-at-shields setting did not function as intended when tested with Ronins.

As for Phoenix, the primary issue lies in their difficulty to counter effectively. The proposed adjustments do not sufficiently address this challenge.
+2 / -0