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About Resign

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4 months ago
Restrictions need to be imposed on resign, which is annoying and has reached a point where it cannot be played normally
+0 / -3

4 months ago
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Players with higher rank rankings should have more voting rights, with one vote equal to two votes, and modifications should be made. Only players with higher rank rankings can initiate a resign vote, while those with lower rank rankings cannot vote. Players who frequently resign should be recorded and punished accordingly
+1 / -10
I see blues and purples fighting till the last solar regulary.
-> I can give you one of mine next time we meet ingame if you want ;)

Jokes aside theres a point of no return in most games and im sure most players (includeing high ranks) cant call that.
Even lobpots can be decided by a single action by a single player.
+0 / -0
Players with higher rank rankings should have more voting rights, with one vote equal to two votes, and modifications should be made. Only players with higher rank rankings can initiate a resign vote, while those with lower rank rankings cannot vote. Players who frequently resign should be recorded and punished accordingly

I think this is extremely harmful.

The first and most noticable effect is that new players will feel like the rug is pulled from under their feet when the game suddently ends before they could execute their plan. Even if it is ill conceived and late, there is value in witnessing your strategy fail. How else can you learn?

It also makes it so that over half of the population no longer has a voice. Why stay at all in a community that only hears those that have been here longer and that doesn't give you a chance to catch up?

I'm sure I can find more reasons, but as soon as a change obviously leads to disenfranchisement of newcomers, I think that change is not to be implemented.

I (and I presume we) want the community to grow. This heavily pushes in the opposite direction.
+6 / -0

4 months ago
In my experience if there's a problem with resigns, it's low rank players not recognizing that a game is hopelessly lost and refusing to vote resign, dragging out unwinnable games for several minutes pointlessly. The proposed ideas are very obviously very bad.
+3 / -0
4 months ago
I think resign is part of team games. You don't like your team resign you always have 1v1.

In a team game you should care about the state of mind of your team mates. Communicate, encourage them, actually help them.

Any kind of "restrictions" would be horrible. People would just exit game, leave the computer or just play badly.

Still probably there could be improvements: sometimes teams resigns too fast (and you have no chance of saying anything), sometimes they insist too much (like resign votes one after another for minutes).

+1 / -0
4 months ago
Resign votings should not be visible by enemy team. initializing a resign vote gives (maybe faked) information to the enemy.
this could potentially be abused.
+0 / -0
4 months ago
A practical issue is that now you can't have 2 resign votes, so someone could theoretically block the other team from resigning.

Other than that, I never felt we are at the level of that type of mind games where a resign vote will make enemy team behave differently. Yes, it gives a boost of confidence, but the thing is I think demoralizing your own team is the worse (as they can directly resign).

Do you have an example of different behavior in case you see a resign vote from the enemy? I generally ignore them as I saw enough votes started for no reason...
+1 / -0