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1v2ers, Whats your Strategies that you are ok with revealing?

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51 days ago
Ill start, always get a small map, then mace/domi rush, while upgrading your strike coms aswell, you will win most of the time if you are cautious enough and the ppl you are 2v1ing are not as experienced, i won't mention the counters to it so i don't ruin the fun xD
+1 / -0
The counter is skirmishers and/or raiders. Skirms (if fast enough) easily outpace mace and a strike comm, while dangerous, can't withstand a withering torrent from skirms.

Raiders counter due to weight of numbers both domis and maces in different ways. Domis are hard countered by numbers thanks to cooldown on capture and a ~400M build cost. Maces because for the 1 mace, you can get 3 scorchers, 5 bandits, 7 glaives, etc that can effectively dance around it and into your base, destroying initial metal/energy (energy early game might be more useful) production, causing a crippled economy early game.

My personal strat is the classic 5 scorcher rush to wipe comm or factory, preferably comm and as many mexes as I can get away with.

Edit: Another fun one might be the comm abduction.
+0 / -0

50 days ago
I am very confused by these two posts.

Is this referring to strategies for when you are outnumbered in your lane, as in 1v2 (you vs 2 enemies)?
In which case, the goal would likely be to stall or tie up enemy metal so that other lanes can win.

Or is this referring to the situation when you outnumber the enemy, as in 2v1 (you and a teammate vs 1 enemy)?
In that case, hopefully the goal is to win the lane before other lanes fail (or support those other lanes).
+2 / -0

49 days ago
In large team games, my strategy is generally to be annoying. Placeholders, terraform, try to absorb the damage. A little bit of entrenchment can go a long way.
+2 / -0
46 days ago
without more context, this question can't be answered...

How many players on each team? which map? big, hilly, small. sea?
Who are your opponements?

Generally there are a few strategies that are generally good for holding back 2 players.
1. Porc
2. Everything that isnt easily dying. (Tanks, Crab on a spire, Terraform, Arty, Shieldball (not always), jacks, juggle)
+0 / -0

45 days ago
is it a fine time for me to reveal terrifying psychological weapons of total disarray, or should I hold those tales off for a few more years?
+1 / -0
In a 1v2 (or more) you need to not only take efficient engagements, but also take them in places where you will get the reclaim, or at minimum deny it to the opposition.
Placeholders, terraform, try to absorb the damage. A little bit of entrenchment can go a long way.

For instance, these are (some of the) good techniques for getting fights where you will get reclaim.
+1 / -0
Retreat before you lose everything, so that you still have an army ready to fight if your allies arrive, giving you the opportunity to either force them out and reoccupy your position (without having to tie a friendly down) or even punish overextensions
+1 / -0
45 days ago
Yes, do it! USrankCliver5
for other people, i was initially intending the question to be for a case of 1v2 matches, but then i remembered that you can have a 1v2 situation in teams from the comments, which is a harder, and a more frustrating situation, so im now i would like to know both xD
+1 / -0
I think the most important parts are pork, and artillery/silo to kill off pork-counters. The moment you get into an engagement and lose units the power-difference usually gets almost multiplied.
There is another option tho and that is to let your enemies in. It often makes them overexpand and for some reason, your teammates normally don't care for your factory, but they sure do for theirs. That might come over as a dickhead-move, but if you view your team as a single entity, it often seems like one of the best solutions when these 2 factors are true:
1. the base has to be able to take some damage and stop the invaders
2. teammates are in a position where they can cut off the enemy army. And are capable of doing it, which means they have to show attention and not be under strong pressure themself.

Lastly, when I get into a 1v2, I usually just try to figure out the reason why I am in this situation in the first place. It makes a big difference if your team is trying to outnumber another front or if in a 12v12 5 people play sim city. In the latter case, the best solution is just to die as fast as possible so the game is over faster.
+1 / -0
Cool. And so, the description.

Most people won't care to read into the full details of the psychological arsenal. So I will divide my descriptions into different depths of observation. Feel free to use the first level observations, or dedicate your patience to know the full depth of the amoral rabbit hole.

Level 0 - Make the opponents panic. If they panic, they perish.
Reward for reading this far:
Most people seemed to underestimate the power of psychological warfare, focusing merely on the effectiveness of the destructive weaponry rather than on the intent behind it. I tried to warn them before, but I don't care anymore: All that matters now is that these war generals will fall themselves to their ignorance.

Now how am I going to make the opponents panic? What does it mean to "remind the opponent of what they did?" Of the future they can never have?

Level 1. - The harvest of panic

Level 2 - Repurposing corroded weapons
(aka creating (triggering) panic on the battlefield)

That reminds me. An informational war is coming.

Level 3 - Turning the broken opponent into an ally

Level 4. - Mastery


This is a manifestation of a delusion that many have yet to acknowledge.

Final request

Express the psychological weapons yourself, if you wish. Remember that another war is coming, an informational war. In it, the worst weapons of informational infighting will be revealed, and they will be used as weapons on the battlefield rather than tokens for victory or loss; informational weapons with their own durability, hit points, time cost, resource cost, so on and so forth.
+2 / -1

40 days ago

I think you are quite a promising writer. I really do. Depending on your age you might consider to write actual "literature", e.G. tell a real coherent story.
I have some (hopefuly constructive) critique tho, and that is that I do not get what part of your writing is comedy and which is not... If it is meant as comedy at all. To me, from the outside, it all blurs into some incohesive blabber. If that is your goal all along, then there is no problem, you succeeded in what you wanted to do. But if your intention is to tell me something you feel is important or to get me to laugh, then at least consider this advice:
Use you first sentence(s) to to point at how people should read what follows.The very first sentence(s!) determine what expectations readers have of the text and the framework/context they place it in.
Yes, playing with expectations is a basic technique in storytelling as well, but as an author you need to make sure that people actually get it.

I do not say you HAVE to do this. In the end it is your decision. I just tell you some of the knowledge that people base on the experience of at least a millenium of storytelling. Consider it, then say yes or no, I do not care, but the more knowledge you have, the better decisions you can make. (Okay, more like 99% of the time, but thats still virtually the same)

Have a good and creative time!
+4 / -0
29 days ago
Think of where your gonna spend the majority of your metal
+1 / -0