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change room auto split to voted split/ voluntary split

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people waited for a 32 player game, waited very long auto split forced players into new room. not everyone wanted to split , make auto room split to voted room split.

or make it voluntary split , those who want new room can go when they click yes and move to new room
+6 / -0
43 days ago
Exactly, split is the worst thing in the whole game. Without voting, by force, why was this done?
+1 / -0

43 days ago
I've patched split to be unavailable for the first 40 seconds after the game ends. This should help with the issue where split could occur before people filter out after a long game, which results in rooms that are too small to survive. I also tweaked things so the two rooms are more evenly sized.

As for split in general, something like it is needed to turn 52 players wanting to play a 16v16 into two 13v13s. This problem does not seem to solve itself, and quite a few have been tried. I haven't heard a better idea that is likely to be implementable, and that hasn't already not worked.
+3 / -0
intention of auto split is good to give people play game, but after all this long , i dont think its suitable for zerok , how many have complaint about this auto split.

make it voluntary split and you will know how many people actually wanted this feature
+0 / -0
Voluntary has it's own issues. For example, even if everyone would be happy with having slightly smaller teams, any one individual person can't possibly know that. So if there's an option to move to a new room, nobody would take it because there's the risk that nobody else would come to join. And of course, in real life not everyone would be happy with a smaller team, so also there's a set of people would never press the button no matter what.
+0 / -0