I tested this with Ronin on one side and Aspis, Felon, Thug as the shield target.
Static positions with only enemy shield in range:
Felon: Ronin fires at shield (bad targetting at ground)
Aspis: Ronin doesn't shoot
Thug: Ronin fires at shield (bad targetting at ground)
Automatic attack move:
Felon: Ronin ignores shield as target and runs to death into Felon
Aspis: Ronin ignores shield as target and runs until Aspis is in range
Thug: Ronin ignores shield as target and runs until Thug is in range
So there are multiple issues here:
1. Ronin shoots at ground, but should shoot at source of shield
2. Automatic firing at big shields doesn't work
3. Auto attack move ignores firing at shields