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Improve Vandal

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12 years ago
self explanatory title.
Try using Vandal (35dps for 100m) to defend your forces from gunships... weep blood.

Without question, the least effective anti-air unit in ZK, with no redeeming features whatsoever.

maybe give it more alpha. maybe give it more range. maybe make it cheaper. possibly even give it that much needed damage boost.
best idea: now impulse affects air... give it impulse :D
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12 years ago
Give it a shield! :D

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12 years ago
jethro is better in dps/cost and on top of that its cloaked....

Giving vandal a small shield would be nice and it would fit the shieldbots.
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I'm against shield, it makes sense for the lighter/faster bots not to have one.
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well, linking your AA-bots' shields so you can survive brawler and Krow laser fire sounds nice actually.
What about making it more different from the Yethro with small(er) range high damage and shields. And maybe add some splash too. They'd go toe to toe with rapiers.

Or to suggest neon-crazyness. :P Let the AA work like the felon where they shoot their shields as AA.
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12 years ago
just a small shield with a few hundred hp would do
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12 years ago
Or to suggest neon-crazyness. :P Let the AA work like the felon where they shoot their shields as AA.

Ugh, but then you can just use felon to snipe air. It's fine at that role.

just a small shield

That's a tad boring and tired.

best idea: now impulse affects air... give it impulse :D

Now that sounds pretty fun :D keep the stuff out not just by damaging them, but by actually pushing them out!
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12 years ago
vandal is aa only and would have more range ofcourse.
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Vandal is shieldbot's cheap AA, primary used to kill bombers. It's got more range and insane burst compared to Jethro. It does a very good job. If you want zomg-AA, get a Felon or try an Outlaw.
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Outlaw is great vs gunship balls, Felon is great vs larger gunships, and shields can protect your whole unit ball so that you're only really in danger if he manages to take your shields down.

I don't think Vandal needs to be any better vs rapier balls.

Now, I REALLY like the idea of a shield on the vandal, it gives it some more utility than being 'just another AA bot', lets you link them to help vs BD AoE and adds to the overall strength of a shieldball.

But we already have too many shields ATM, it's capping out the particle count if nothing else. The link mechanic is really strong, and that big blue ball is -scary-. It's hard knowing that you aren't doing -any- damage to it unless you manage to punch through it's shields (At which point it dies pretty fast).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Thats why i think a really small shield with maybe 200-300 hp would do.

And if you really want to screw those shieldbots over make a pitbull or some fire units. If you like com morphing putting concusion shell on your com will make it the perfect shieldbot killer.
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12 years ago
Working within the themes of the Shieldbot lab: give it Slow damage in addition to its normal damage, so it's the AA counterpart to the Outlaw.
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12 years ago
impulse impulse impulse :)
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12 years ago
impulse AND slow!!!
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How do you use Outlaw against gunships? They can easily outmanoever it... is the Outlaw's range really that much? Will it stay that much (I'm waiting for the day somebody decides that Outlaw range is OP)?
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12 years ago
Yah, I often wonder why outlaw's got that much range. It's not the range that makes it op, but the fact that you dont know how far its damage wave expanded already.

It's epic at killing swarms of anything. Eg to defend your comm from gnats or to kill rapier/banshee swarms that pass over to get your eco or static/mobile long ranged AA.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Outlaw in a shield ball is basically invulnerable. You wait until he attacks your shieldball.

Outlaw has that much range because otherwise Pyros etc could kite it easy. IMO it's range IS too much, its AoE propogation should be instant (to remove that whole 'did it hit me?' thing) and it's range reduced, perhaps with less range falloff. That way it's more like entering an aura, than guessing when a wave will hit you.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
No real need to give it a special ability probably, unless you want to tip its missiles with a little bit of slow or EMP damage. That'll fit well with it's already low damage and yet decent AS and give people a reason to actually build them, because right now, the Vandal is pretty much worthless. You need so many of them just to kill a single bomber, they never make cost. And all that money you spent on Vandals takes away from what you have to put into Shieldbots. I always just go Amphib lab, that way I can get Anglers as well as Clams for rez. Give me a reason to actually build a few vandals, because I haven't got one right now -- for all the metal I spend making enough to where they can actually KILL something rather than tickle it, I could have built another factory and some real AA, or at least a static emplacement (or two, or three, etc.)

Only real reason I can see you'd want to build them is to take out the odd Banshee (Vandals have impressive speed and durability so they outlast) and to protect yourself from Blastwings or Gnats. In this they excel. You build other things if you have to kill the big air units.
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12 years ago
cut its cost, all to often we balance a unit when a cost change could possibly be best.
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12 years ago
What about giving them AoE damage? Slight buff without breaking anything, and nerfs rapier deathballs a tiny bit.
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