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The units that you think need to be more interesting

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Here is what I think:

1.Mason: Other people have mentioned this, it is the only construction unit that don't have any special ability.

2.Dart: I don't see much reason to use it in any situation if you can build fleas, maybe it should have a speciality that is different to the flea's, and it should stay useful in late games.

3.Vandal: It is the cheapest mobile anti-air, but I feel that it is not cheap enough to have enough uniqueness.

4.Bantha: Its manual attack feels a bit overlap with the scorpion's, maybe change its damage type to slow damage?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
mason... would a booster ability be possible? something like nitro to give it extra spedd for a short time, perhaps in the form of impulse, so it can climb to places it cannot normally go or to escape from danger or even to ram itself against a "soft" target, it would be a unique and risky ability.. but i`m not quite sure it fits... perhaps something like this is more suited to the dart...

I agree in regard to the vandal, but making it cheaper would make it really spammy, how about giving it some emp damage (or even emp-only damage), there is no AA unit with emp at the moment right?

Bantha...well i did like the old attack, but i never got the chance to use the new one so i can`t really say...other than that it should be able to hit a Krow without needig it to stay still
+0 / -0
12 years ago
All units must be interesting.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Something like this might be cool for a booster ability.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Outlaw is already a fun unit.
But perheps it should move faster when not active, or I see no reason to not make it active by default.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
give the mason a capture ablity, it macthes the dominatrix's ability. besides BA does it why no us?
+0 / -0
Dart is OK, it is meant to be a combat scout that can tangle with other scouts and raid effectively but not stand up to real raiders. It's speed can keep up with Fleas where all other units fall behind.

I do agree that the Mason could use a special ability of some sort, though. Nitro might be nice but it's a pretty damn heavy truck, that sort of boost is usually reserved for buggies (Scorchers). Full-blown capture that doesn't break when the unit dies would be a decent addition, though they'd have to add a whole new button and systems for that because Capture damage has already been introduced. Why not make it amphibious? It looks to me like the truck is water-tight, though it does run on wheels so it'd need legs like amphib bots for that.

+0 / -0
The only scout that worth to use the dart to tangle with is the flea, and although the flea isn't as fast as the dart, it has much better climbing capability.
And the slasher is a better unit for defending against fast light units.

I think maybe we should change the dart's weapon to continuous laser, then it might be able to operate like a semi-riot.
Or make its LOS stay 30s after it dead, then it would be a excellent scout, and would be helpful for long range bombardment.

As for the Mason, how about give it a much bigger build range? It would make sense because of the vehs' very limited climbing capacity.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Dart is fine. Flea is OP as a scout.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Dart stinks imo, worse than flea/glaive/bandit
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Cudgel. Cudgel needs love just as much now as before.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Dart is fine!

It is dirt cheap, super fast, has epic sightrange and good alpha.

Try spamming darts on comet catcher vs glaives. You can pick a glaive off before they can´t even get enough shots off to kill a dart.
Especially in combination with the rest of the vehicle lab the unit is absolutely fine.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Mason doesn't need a special ability. Ability creep on cons has gotten really bad.

The Dart is the FASTEST land unit in the game. It is also the vehicle factories main raider, can take out LLT's, etc. The Scorcher is actually a heavy specialized raider and the Dart is a superb unit. The Alpha on the Dart is one of the things that makes it good (The Scrubber was trying to replicate this but is an inferior unit).

AA is in general not very unique. I think shieldfac has too much shield creep to put on there that, so...

Banthas EMP stacks with its hand guns. It's a way to get extra EMP on a target in order to permastun it. Slow would make no sense. Yes though, that does overlap with the Scorpion, which makes a lot more sense as a mech-assassin than the Bantha does.
+0 / -0
How about replacing Scorpion's emp with slow instead of Bantha's? As I see it Bantha is an assault unit. From my experience emp is more efficient against statics than slow and slow is more efficient against mobiles. Thus Scorpion - being a unit-hunter - would benefit from slow.
+0 / -0
Some other ideas:

Warrior:Give it the "cloaked when idle" ability, this would be useful for ambushing enemy raiders, and it fits the factory's theme.

Leveler:I haven't seen anyone use it to smooth terrains, maybe it should have a area smooth effect when it dead instead, that would be more easy to use.

As for the mobile anti-airs:

Devestator(the light veh AA):Give it a 120°maximum fire angle, but it should have the longest range.

Vandal: Simply make it more spammy, I don't see any reason why a anti-air unit shouldn't be spammy.

Archangel: Give it some very limited anti-land capability.

Copperhead: Give it some buring effect, flames in the sky would be dangerous for gunships.

Tarantula: Make it into the fastest mobile AA, this would fits a all terrain unit well.

Flail:Give it a damage effect that can decrease enemy air unit's flying altitude, so they are more vulnerable to scalpel, mace etc.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Cudgel is FINE! let me see a thug clime a mountain like a cudgel!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Flea needs to be less interesting.

It's the second-fastest (?) land unit and it's the cheapest armed unit in the game, plus it's AT. This should be enough but for some reason they also have insane damn LOS and they cloak on idle. If you park it on a cliff or something, a 20-metal investment (read: nothing) will probably survive the entire game and give you perfect intelligence the whole time.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I used Leveler to level terrain, qwerty3w!

And Vandal IS INSANELY spammy. Seriously! Your comment makes me feel like you never played ZK before, but I know you did!

I like how Tarantula is slow. Anything else would make it silly to balance. How would you counter super fast all terrain air units? Seriously.. in fact all spiders are pretty slow compared to other ground units and they're supposed to be.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Spiders should be much slower!
(maybe except flea)

* Mason should repair while moving.
* Vandal could have a higher weight. I really dislike the fact, that peoples make only 1 or 2 AA units because air units have so much weight - spamy AA is a noob-trap.
* Bantha - why do you care about this rarely seen unit if other units still need something? Devs always change Striders - say nothing about them to get the other units changed more often.

About Dart: Dart should throw a camera on dead in it's last movement direction - lol I'm not serious here.
+0 / -0
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