For http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/330858688/dysis/I found this kickstart game, is a RTS/FPS hybrid and with a voxel terrain, i always wanted to see how a game like this could workout, for any one interested too, give a look a it. Trailer: Edit:---------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick gameplay video - this just covers some of the early units (Prototype).
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Meh, pretty much looks like milking Minecraft´s player base for money.
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I didn't know minecraft had an RTS game integrated into it. It looks pretty interesting, I'm curious how he's going to handle pathing in 3d. How big of an army can you really get? How will he make the RTS/FPS more substantial than Spring's gimmicky default implementation?
+0 / -0
That might have sounded a bit negative, but seriously it looks and feels like minecraft with RTS elements slapped in.
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Isint voxel advantage that you can put unlimited geometry? and this is... minecraft clone? lul. When I hear Voxel I want to see something amazing not minecraft.
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Exactly my thoughts. He probably just implemented voxels bad so that he can't have that much on te screen so made them really big.
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I didn't see a spot in the whole video where he actually used the voxel engine as anything but landscape - no tunnels, no bridges, nothing. Plus, there's no reason that a voxel-terrain game needs to have 1-square-per-face in their voxels. Newer games are realizing this and actually spending polies on smoothing or adding some details. I mean, the game could be fun... but it doesn't look like its voxel feature is very well-though-out.
+0 / -0
Could be good, but looks really bad atm imo.
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Pause the video cause it very fast, less that 1 seg, but you can see a "base unit" in a cave/tunnel, so i am sure that it easy to make them in game. But i am not sure if the AI will be good at tunneling to enemy base (i hope it is) or if it will be more of a FPS human player thing. Totally not normal map for a RTS, in the video in kickstarter page/link when him talk you see float islands map too and a black bridge too, time is 1:46s. http://tumblr.dysis.net/post/25895548620/more-foliage-shotshttp://tumblr.dysis.net/post/24405254138/new-textures-new-terrain-particle-effects-dynamicIn the 2 links above you can see more not normal terrain, i am curious how a RTS can work in a terrain like that examples, maybe in that map if will focus in "jumper/jet-pack", "spiders/all terrain" and air units... I do not care if the voxels are simple cubes, like i do not care about the simples and cartoon look of Planetary Annihilation, but that a matter of tastes and every have their own... anyway its still in pre-alpha so it can still get/look better... (like the GFX of tanks shoots etc..) What i really care about is how gameplay will be.
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Good eye, @[DOOP]fortaleza The pathfinding algorithm used by RTS games isn't married to 2D. There are many optimizations being applied to make pathfinding more efficient, but ultimately A* could be applied to any topology. The real challenge is, as in Spring, pathfinding on mutable terrain.
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For guys that play SpringRTS games you guys are too picky about graphics, ours games do not look beautiful too (want something more dated that TA models?), and we have lots of people that help with our models, that guy is a indie game dev that ALONE is making a game from scratch, code, sound, models, and not everyone is an artist... I agree that things could look better, but "shockingly ugly" is a exaggeration, you know lots of people that i try to introduce to Zero-K say that Zero-K is "shockingly ugly" too (one of the many reasons our players base is small), and its hard to get them pass the first impression and give the gameplay a try, most simples see the graphics and never look back. Its disappointing to see that our players react the same way to another games without ever giving it a chance. Look at this map (yes you can go to the bottom), and give innovative gameplay a chance:
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I wish we had 1/100 if money this gets to at least pay for the server.. dunno how long I can sustain it with a mortage im getting soon.
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Zero-K Kickstarter(or indiegogo or something) page? I am sure we can get money to run the server for a long time from it. But need to plan it from begin, a Epic video like this old one (showing Epic base, Epic Atks with hundreds of units, good maps and engine features, etc, every thing in that video was epic for me): Caution with the music copyright, talk with the artist for permission and give him 5% from what collected or use "free" music. Some article or interview with the devs, etc... As i said before need to plan a good publicity to crowd-funding to be successful, and that a lot of work.
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That video was made back when our pathing worked.
+0 / -0
Are you sure? You should also try and fix our pathing if you think it is broken.
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Quick gameplay video - this just covers some of the early units and gameplay: Loved that with Tanks shots you can make caves easy. Naval robots and underwater battles stretch goal at 30.000, hope it make it, so we have them from begin. :) P.S.: i near broken them forum trying to add a Embed YouTube video, if a simples Embed link can break the forum there must be a severe bug with it. Testing it more.
+0 / -0
Hey this is great and all but... give us money.
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For those of you who have been around Spring this game sounds a bit like "Imma nouncin' mah mod". I have been around Spring for long enough to be highly skeptical any random person's ability to make non-degenerate balance for an RTS. The UI and unit AI will have to be quite good to take advantage of the 3d terrain. Drawing and giving orders in 3D is really hard. If there are many tanks or constructors with significant terraforming powers then a lot of your time would be spent micromanaging them. A real competitive game which uses the features of 3D terrain sounds like it needs the power of lua widgets for players to play. To clarify I define a competitive game as a game which does not break or degenerate when played many time by teams of people who are all trying to win. Of course the playing while trying to win must be fun. As in a game which is fun to play as a contest between players. There are games which can look like competitive RTSs with many units and mechanics that you expect to be there. But then if you play a few dozen games it becomes apparent that there is a simple set of viable strategies. So anyway I wouldn't go in to this expecting a competitive game. I would like to be surprised because RTS in 3d is cool and difficult to make controllable. The above sounds degrading but I am interested in Dysis regardless. I don't know of any 3D RTS with terrain so anything is an interesting step. Depending on moddablilty it may be possible to make an interesting mini-mod type game which can mainly be played with terrain. Also if anyone asks about Castle Story just imagine this post **
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