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13 years ago
Hi! I think we have some problems in games with newbye players. They maybe know basics of this game, but due to low limit for unlocks they have unlocked some VERY expensive things like ADV. fusions, nuclears, starlight, etc...
This have ruined too many games(also they dont listen advices from teammates). Suggest to make some level limit for this unlocks, and also rise XP need for this stuff.
This will prevent noobs from using this stuff in non-correctly way. Before build this, they need to see how this stuff works, how use it properly and in which situations.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah i agree expensive stuff like this should be locked for longer
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Also, we maybe need to change descriptions of units a bit.
For nano, it says: "build at 12 m/s".
We can make it: "build at 12 m/s, only if there is enough metal", or something so, or lock it too until some level.
Heh... but this dont solve generic problem - noobs have no ideas for what this game for, they absolutely sure that they can win, sitting on their bases and building porc, porc, porc, tons of porc. In this time team is dieing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What's about a manual page?

If your metal increases - build a nano
If you have a metal income of X% of a buildings costs and enough build power ...

pls write a good manual :)
( not how it works, but in what situations it works efficient )
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah, the pricing-structure on the unlocks seems backwards - minor comm upgrades are painfully expensive while superunits that players should almost never be using are very affordable.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I like the Pitbull, but I think Gaus should have a greater range than laser !

Eles it isn't very effective to other units except shield bots - and they can beat a single Pitbull ( 400 metal ) with a Rakeeter ( only 350 metal ) and any other unit.

Pitbull should be a long range, low damage unit witch is in the unlucks.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Pxtl, the reason is ingame choice and delaying the time until players unlock everything.

Unlocking large units does give you a bit of ingame choice in certain situations. But extra modules means no extra choice once the game has started, once you have your commander as long as it has a full loadout your choices are equal with everyone else, even a comm with some expensive modules is reasonably affordable. Unlocking extra modules only gives you more flexibility outside of a single game which is why they can be more expensive.

Sort version; a few people wanted to make buying every single unlock as expensive as possible and I put up heavy resistance for expensive units. But a bit of a level raise may be ok to address a new player problem.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You should be able to sell unlucks and get IPs back till some levels above the highest level where you can buy something ( level 10? ).

At level 13 it get a reset and you have to make a new account if you want to test the structures - or go into bot games if you don't want XPs till you have tested anything.


Another option would be that each player get the first 750 XP for free.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It seems to be about 3 games per-upgrade for my comm, and upgrades are small. Considering that the most terrifying players online seem to be sporting about a dozen comm-upgrades, that's kind of unacceptable for *one comm* to take that long, particularly since there will be missteps along the way. I've been playing ZK on and off since it launched and I still don't have a single commander upgraded to the level I'd be satisfied with.

If you're going to make it this expensive, you need to provide better documentation or a testing environment for comm-upgrades, because seriously I am having some nasty buyer's remorse.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
com unlocks mostly are for fun, first unlock factories, units, and com unlocks is like some candy for longer playing players, and at very last unlock starlight and so on and yes well configures com is good thing to have(remember that coms are very very very expensive ~4K metal and are particulary easily killed so for 4k m you probably can have some better thing like dante :) ), but much more often it is more needed to have certain unit than some aditional com module unlock.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If you find yourself seriously disadvantaged by not having the right comm unlocks, then they are balanced incorrectly and KR needs a kick in the rear for doing that.

Comm upgrades are meant to be candy, fun, something to make your hero unit more powerful as the game progresses, and to preserve his threat and usefulness without him being too powerful early on. This is important in the light of comm ends (which we do want, eventually), which with the current weak comms, would make them too vulnerable later on. You should never feel as if you -need- a comm upgrade path, there should always be another unit that does the same thing.

I agree that there are certain situations where this is not really the case and that KR hasnt been balancing them properly. Just the fact that the level 3 morph can suck -90 metal and thus comes with completely free buildpower if you're ever excessing is a bit much for me.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I would support a upgrade speed like the com's buildpower.

Disable build ability while upgrading :D
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think arty godcom rush as a strategy is fairly powerful, counterable with proper units but powerful, especially on porcy maps.

Having the ubercom option there does change a lot really, and does give an advantage to people who have it, but really so do any unlocks.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'm real curious as to why you're planning on making the game com ends. The thing that's really great about ZK is the fact that comm is "just another unit", albeit a powerful one.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> The thing that's really great about ZK is the fact that comm is "just another unit", albeit a powerful one

You missed that time.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Mainly to open up new strategies and to speed up endgame
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What's about a OpCom game option?

* Increase the range by 10% for each 10% of the biggest range as base range.
* * Riot remains the same, arti is a little bit more arty.
* Increase damage by 15%
* Increase com speed by 15%
* Decrease com model morph costs by 33% ( to the old values )
* ...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Last com like in BA? Or your com is dead = you dead? I imagine skuttles will rise :)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Last com like BA
in fact we have this option implemented its just not enabled atm.
+0 / -0