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13 years ago
zk needs it.

(scale units like 2times down or 4 times.
Sideeffects may include:
Planes in the air rather than hovering 1meter above ground and getting killed by jacks //<--- HUGE NOTE
Rediculus radar would start making sense
Maps have more space
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Unit sizes aren't changing.
  • It would be far too much work to rebalance everything. Projectile speed and range, hitsphere size, unit speeds, turnrate... there are a lot of variables and many are non-linear.
  • Units are about as small as they can go, Flea has a 1x1 footprint. Spring likes to work on the scale we have.
If you want 'smaller units' play on larger maps. There are plenty around but they are not popular.

Planes already fly high enough to not be hit by most ground. Gunships are suppose to fly that low so they interact with ground units.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
butt butt butt
For realism's sake!!!!!
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Realism pah. Your realistic future robot wars involve shooting massive fusion bombs at each other. Rediculus radar? Why is the cutoff so sharp? Even more importantly why are laser cutoffs so sharp?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You are completely welcome to make a mutator though.
+0 / -0