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Rage post: air need fixes

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Seriosly guys?
- Bombers land to rearm/repair can stuck in the factory/plant for up to 5 seconds, and after it they got destoyed and reapear near factory
- Athena/krow/any other gunshit can land for repair at factory/plant and stuck forever, u won't be able to let ur krow fly away until u will selfd factory/plant.
- u order bomber to shot at stuff via radar, than suddently u lose it, while bomber is flying to it, result: bomber fly over stuff and do not fire at it, u lose it.
Imagine it was a licho.

- wreaks are blocking factory build queue, which is pretty silly
- sometimes units do not fly out of gunships lab, and still hidden in it, this is completly blocks build queue, now imagine frustration of noobs, first time seen this game.

WHAT THE FUCK? And I pretty sure, someone can continue list of zk's silliness.

We have more and more shiny shit, silly balance changes, but cannot fix things that exists for ages and annoy all zk player base.
I'll keep silent about newbs who seen this game first time and face out with those awful bugs, what are they suppose to do with it?
How our player base will grow if we are do not care about quality of stuff we produce?

+8 / -4
+1 on Radar Loss and Fail to Shoot.
+1 on Manual Disembark on airpad.

We should have a discussion on that.
+1 / -0
Most of those are known engine issues.

Some of those are fixed in current dev version of engine.

How to help: test the engine and find bugs, so that eventually engine 95 comes out, in a ZK-compatible fashion.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
How our player base will grow if we are do not care about quality of stuff we produce?

So post instructions to reproduce, or at least replays. Otherwise you're just cursing the darkness.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well I think taht we should be able to fly off the air repair pad, even if plane isnt 100% repaired. Few days ago I accidenatly pressed rearm button at krow, while it was 30%, and didnt notice it was going to some1s airfield. It blocked whole rearming stuff for like 3 minutes, before it was fully repaired...
+2 / -0
@KingRaptor, all of those issues are well known and do not need any replays, u can just start a game and easily reproduce them.
But okay, I'll post links when will face this again to be more constructive.
Game must be intuitive to learn, not some amazing broke-your-head-to-fly-out-of-repair-pad.
We have enough of complexities beyond that.

100% agree with @Hower, he landed krow by mistake I suppose, and it was idle for a few mins, because we didnt have enough BP near factory to repair it.
+0 / -0
-1 for tone. File a bug, don't rant insultingly. These are volunteers, remember?

Now, as for the issues - this is coming from the Spring engine itself. The ZK team works hard but they're limited by what the C++ developers who build the Spring engine do, and those guys are doing an even-more-thankless volunteer job than the ZK devs. The rearm/refuel system is heavily hard-coded into the engine, as is the bomber behavior.

The old approach was to have the factories automatically eject the units to make sure they were clear of the lab. I've seen units get stuck even in the land labs once in a rare occasion and need to get manually ordered out. They may have to bring back the automatic eject, but iirc plane behavior is finicky and it might not work for those.

From a gameplay side, I think the air pad's redundancy with repair-zones may need to end - cowardice/repair-zones are the way to define "return here to get repaired", separate from the air-pad rearm functionality.

The game may need some lua hacks to work around this issue - wrecks within the factory footprint could be instantly auto-reclaimed for "free". Airpads could be replaced with a simple "refuelling field" that refuels the planes as soon as they enter its range - a hack, would lose the nice land/takeoff animation, but would fix the problem (although you'd have a new problem with planes flying off before they reach 100% health).

The bomber behavior where they lose their target lock and then do a flyover instead of a bombing-run? I don't think there's much that can be done for that one. Don't lose your target lock.
+0 / -0
Okay, let's just take the most serious one that isn't already a known issue:

Athena/krow/any other gunshit can land for repair at factory/plant and stuck forever, u won't be able to let ur krow fly away until u will selfd factory/plant

Test with landing damaged Banshee, Trident or Rapier on plane fac's pad: gunship gets jitter problem; replaced after 5 seconds
With Banshee, Trident or Rapier on Air Repair Pad: gunship gets repaired; leaves when it's done
With Brawler, Black Dawn, on either plane fac or repair pad: same as Banshee on repair pad

None of these scenarios are "stuck forever." This is exactly why bug rage is useless for everyone involved.

I could prevent gunships from landing on pads, but considering they only ever go there when ordered to anyway...

Well I think taht we should be able to fly off the air repair pad, even if plane isnt 100% repaired.

Not possible in current engine, as far as I know.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
These are known issues and I suggest you fix them sfireman. I fully support you in doing so. You may have to submit an engine patch. I suggest you get started!
+4 / -0

11 years ago
How our player base will grow if we are do not care about quality of stuff we produce?

Ironically, the most known contribution of the "we" who posted that text is repeated attempts to drive away newbies...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Also unable to reproduce units getting jammed in gunship plant.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
How is the 0.95 about these bugs? I still hope ZK will switch to new engine ASAP, 91 is blocking and bugging Linux players.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Lua it. Movectrl the whole reloading system and then we're able to do anything. Did you prefer it when bombers would get stuck on the factory forever and require destruction?

You forgot the bug where bombers lose their attack ground command if you queue any orders after it.

I have no idea what you were thinking when you made this post. What are you trying to achieve? Each of these is either a well known bug or a poorly written bug report. We're not going to suddenly fix things because you yell about them. You just sound like a spoilt child.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
r11549 should fix (most instances of) wrecks blocking factories.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think that making all facs to be strider-like fac would solve all problems, including destroying 99% krow, sumo, golly, etc. by simply killing fac ;o.

I mean, just make all facs place units on ground, like strider fac do, instead of creating them (units) inside.

If possible ofc.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Some people should reaaally get some education.....
+1 / -0
dont yell at @[troll]sfireman. the points are known (to some), some are fixed in coming versions, some are unfixable without engine etc, some are undocumented.

the thing is there is no documentation what issue is there and what is its status. @[troll]sfireman may catch a rude tone (we all know it, and it is not ok) but the replies tone have some hate either (which is also not ok).

better information to the community is key.

and i totally agree with scaring noobs away with silly stuff is a bad thing (althoug, seriously @[troll]sfireman , you saying this has some irony :D ). set priority focus on that kind of stuff plz.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
thats how I read sfiremans posts.
+3 / -0
LOL [pikts]wolas
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I agree on the inability to take off...mentioned it a while ago;

+0 / -0
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