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Title: FFA: All welcome!
Host: CZrankNeon1
Game version: Zero-K v1.1.10.5
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 204209
Started: 11 years ago
Duration: 76 minutes
Players: 9
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 2.2%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 2.2%

Team 3
Chance of victory: 3.8%

Team 4
Chance of victory: 27%

Team 5
Chance of victory: 2%

Team 6
Chance of victory: 3.6%

Team 7
Chance of victory: 4.9%

Team 8
Chance of victory: 48.8%

Team 9
Chance of victory: 5.4%


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Page of 2 (24 records)
Lost my chance to win when i did not Tatical nuke his singu, trying to emp anti to nuke was fail :( EDIT: WOW LOL did see replay my emp plan woulnd have worked, but i did build quake missile and not the emp one lol).

Maybe a fat green line at bottom of icon for quake, red for nuke, blue for emp, orange for fire.

Hmm could have try perc spam too...

Too bad neither NLrankvirex Disco or my Det did finish, maybe i should not have wasted metal in that krow and nuke...

P.S.: DDM is a very good vs Banshee spam.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That was a Nice Game.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I once attempted to annihilate my enemy with a single missile salvo, 32 missiles fired in sync, covering their side of the map in deluge of flames.

I didn't notice that what i made were Quakes.

His side of map was flattened pretty well, but... yeah, they're easy to mix up.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
why not generally give single use units distinctive icon colours based on damage type to make them more distinc while zoomed out?
+0 / -0

-> no change required

On the other hand napalm and seismic missiles are probably a little too similar (despite the color-coding):

Of course, tacnuke is unmistakable due to the epic-sized wings.

On a related note, the different missiles could also get different radar icons. I might do some mockups after watering my cactus.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Quake could use even more green imho.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I feel like the quake should actually have glowing green panels.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The background of every missile is green, like a did say before, nuke should have a red background, emp blue background, fire orange background...

No need for all be green, build on land only make no sense to it cause it can only be build inside missile silo and only "amp/underwater" gun is torpedo...
+1 / -0

11 years ago
We could use the explosion of each missile for its background.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Unit backgrounds represent the terrain they move over. We can rethink what the background should mean, maybe for different roles (riot, assault, etc) but ONLY changing it here? I don't think so... The real problem with that proposal is that the unit roles are themselves not colour-coded, so it's totally inconsistent with how roles are portrayed in the rest of the game (as icons).

Quake probably needs to be more distinct. All the others are very distinct, so yeah.
+2 / -0
quake needs some serious rework anyway. give it impulse on impact to throw units around. hello! thats what i expect from a unit named quake. or rename it to flattener or something similar boring.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Quake already does impulse. But it could do more... if cost also went up.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
"represent the terrain they move over."

But it does NOT MOVE, it's a missile, of all the cases in game this one the most exceptional/unique, if there a place where background could be different it's there.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think missiles move in the sky. The only usefulness of their background is if you someone get a missile silo underwater the background will tell you why it refuses to build missiles.
+1 / -0
"if you someone get a missile silo underwater"
How that possible?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Kill, terraform underwater, then rez. This way you can get all sorts of UW things, like UW solars, UW Starlight, etc.
+4 / -0
11 years ago
Oh ok, but this seem a rare/extreme case. I would not expect a rezzed Land Fac work underwater too.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
rezzed Land Fac work underwater

not very useful if units cannot act in any way while underwater. dunno, can silo shoot when underwater?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'm pretty sure UW solars do actually produce energy.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I've actually considered making Solars buildable submerged, since they are the 'safe' energy. But this would make very little sense. They should probably float though, frankly.
+0 / -0
Page of 2 (24 records)