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New Races

10 posts, 1967 views
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13 years ago
What about a non-corporial race who have no weapons, but can pretend to be trees and rocks, and maybe even the ground... Yeah "Ground Units" and have tele-controll (read funny waggly tank -- Domiatrix) powers, and slow powers. Mirage reflecto powers (that could actually be quite good if the reflection had to be set up using real geometries).

Then You would have people literally fighting themselves. Trying to work out which units to use as scouts that they have already thought to defend against, and hiding from great big lines of tanks that are just multiple reflections of one of their scouts.

Obviously their mind control would have to extend to the lobby, so nobody could spot them, right?
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13 years ago
Some kind of infiltration unit sounds nice.

The issue with this kind of unit is we don't want to add any tasks that can be easily automated with a Widget (UI addon thingy).
+1 / -0
13 years ago
I think we should just add Elves, Orks, Humans, Necros, Blood and make it like Warhammer 40k =D

I think a unit who can create radar blips to catch projectiles and confuse the AA would be really nice.
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13 years ago
We? Does it include you? Go ahead and make a new race ;-)
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13 years ago
.spring/games or .spring/mods or .spring/pool
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10 years ago
Now lets add an alien race
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10 years ago
with wizards, and racecars!
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10 years ago
Biological lab would be cool.
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10 years ago
Biological lab to build chickens!!!!!
+0 / -0
Some kind of infiltration unit sounds nice.

Many claim it sounds horrible!
I think we should just add Elves, Orks, Humans

Elves? We don't need no hippie tree-huggers. On the other hand, we totally have some Orcish stuff such as Bro'Lor and Sak'Toth. We also had humans, but now they're gone (except Ada Augusta, Empress of Man, Grand Tribune, Magister of Justinian, Pontifex Maximus, et cætera, and the Bio-Vizier's Dynasty sperm bank).
I think a unit who can create radar blips to catch projectiles and confuse the AA would be really nice.

We had radar scramblers in the past. I think the role of making radar blips is currently filled by cheap units, eg. Dirtbags.
Biological lab

We already had a Kinetic Bio-Organic Technology Lab. Four of them, even. A biological fac for the playable Robots faction would go against the fluff and for PvE there are chicken already. They used to be available as a playable faction (the Stilettos Thunderbirds) but that was removed.
Edit: oops half the posts aren't as recent as the other
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