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Counter: Hammers

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13 years ago
Now I want to tell you how to counter this OP-Units.
This topic is about Hammers.

What's OP?
OP = OverPowered, but at Hammers it means that Bandits and Glaives - there strong thing is it's speed - can't reach the hammers as fast, as they need to reach them.

Then the Hammers walked behind a secure point with riot units or static defense.

--- How can you counter this? ---

Because Hammers are so fast at walking backward, use long range stuff by your own.
To protect your own stuff to get killed, use a single Aegis/Aspis shield.

If you don't have enough units and don't want to spend metal to another lab and an expensive thing like FireWalker,
then make an area cloaker ( Eraser ) from a sneaky pete.

If you have a area cloaker you can let anything you want get close to the hammers.

If your things get killed - bombs are very efficient - even if they get killed fast.

Cloaked Roaches from the shield lab can really made 4 times it's cost as long as your eraser is alive.
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
Nuke!!! D:

Sorry, IonStorm, I couldn't resist. :(
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13 years ago
Hammers are somehow still 'fast' (for artillery). Should they be drastically slower?
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13 years ago
once they get a firewalker hammers are nothing. Firestorms can kill a entire hammer spam too.
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13 years ago
How about Pillager, it has a bit of AOE and more range.

Firestorm (napalm bomber) works well too.

If they have insufficient support you can just push them back with mobile units.
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13 years ago
I think best counter to hammers are firewalkers. But i dont think that hammers need nerf ! omg
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13 years ago
Hammers pwn pillagers 100-0 because pillagers cant maneuver.
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13 years ago
> Hammers pwn pillagers 100-0 because pillagers cant maneuver.
Sure, if you get a pillager and pitch it vs cost in Hammer. They can spread out, move in then dance around.

In real situations you can have units or defence keeping the Hammers back. Then Pillager can use it's 300 extra range and 96 AOE to kill at least one hammer per shot. It's common for Hammers to not be spread out.
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13 years ago
you can send dirtboxes behind them and get them closer to your defense or riots this way.
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13 years ago
Pillagers pwn hammers simply because of the aoe and 1 hit kill.
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13 years ago
Ionstorm doesnt know what he is talking about. Do not use range against hammers unless its an incredibly crowded map with defense lines right up against eachother. Use assaults like ravagers. If he tries to retreat past his static defense, you can just kill the static defense too. The key is taking out the static defense, so he has nothing to retreat behind.

Cloakbot: Zeus. You can tank his arty and clean up his defenses, the emp will obliterate any defending coms. Use Scythe if he is in the open, since you can close range before he even realises hehas to retreat.

Shieldbot: Dirtbags will keep him distracted almost indefinitely. Plant roaches in the no-mans land to prevent him ever moving out. If you want to push back against his static defenses, thug+rogue is perfect. Thugs can easily tank and regenerate against hammer fire and protect the rogues while they take out the defenses.

Spiders: Tank with cudgel, take out static d with recluse (Or just spam pure cudgel).

Jumpers: Pyro if light defense, Jack if heavy.

Hovers: Halberd assault hover. Can tank almost infinite hammer shots while closed, meaning it can easily close any range.

Vehicle: Ravagers. That simple.
Gunship: Blackdown, the AoE will gib all his hammers. Blastwings can also work if he is beyond his AA.

Planes: Firestorms. Again, gibs the whole pack. Use EMP bombers to take out his AA before a run (and probably para half the hammers), if he has enough AA to snipe your napalms.

Tank: Reapers, duh.

Assaults is the key. Of course, in really tight situations were you can afford to use ranged options, anything with AoE (Firewalker, pillager) will work as long as he doesnt have shields (except tremor which always works).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Saktoth the problem is its not just one player doing it its whole teams. You cant really attack if its 2vs1 or 3vs1. But they can hammer you to death. Coordinated assaults are much harder then coordinated defense.
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13 years ago
Also with assaults sometimes you just end up feeding them metal.
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13 years ago
Uh Sak you can't argue with Jack as a counter to anything. It dies so quick to even the weakest Jack-counter. Just gotta add a single Warrior or Venom or Slowbeam to your Hammer army. The rest should work fine though.
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13 years ago
That isnt the problem i've seen, Jasper. You're going to lose a 3v1 no mtter what he uses. Sorry. You just gotta hold on long enough with shields, faradays and pitbulls (or giving up land) to hope your allies can pull it through.

Jakc is capable of clearing up the defenses so the pyros can move in. It may not be able to catch the hammers, but that doesnt matter.
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13 years ago
firewalker, crabe, some snipers over time, cloaked rockos.

Cloaked rockos and high range units have the advantage that you don't get into defensess.

The only disadvantage is that you can't beat early defender+Hammer spam with this tactics.

--- DON'T THINK ABOUT unguarded Hammers every time! ---

If he has 1 Zeus and 5 Hammers, your ravengers get raped
He reclaims
unless you have greater metal than all hammers+Zeus+Com+MTs.

If I want a counter, I want a counter < 700 metal at all ( mostly your starting ressources / effective storage before you start with excessing ) and able to kill it with 0.6 times the cost - if he has 300 metal guarding it and you don't want to lose your own equal com.
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13 years ago
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11 years ago
Well i suggest starlight. Also shield spam counters them hard, they are useless against 3-4 stacked shields.
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