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Balance Problems YO

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Out of interest, where do people perceive balance problems to be at the moment?

For me:


- Shadow is only useful very early game and feels horrible. Underpowered and mostly useless, never gets used by good players.
- Phoenix is overpriced for its current damag eoutput and never gets used by good players.
- Stiletto is much worse than before and costs the same, almost never gets used now.


- Blastwing unit is awful, only useful for cheese
- Brawler is pointless and almost never used
- Banshee is too effective against other flyers
- Rapier unit almost pointless now we have banshit spam & trident, almost never used


- fac isn't remotely competetive on land maps. competetive =/= of equal power to other landfacs, competetive = worth using in certain situations when playing optimally eg. suprising an opponent with an unusual fac choice/build/rush. too bad to be worth it.




- Outlaw is toothless, 50% more DPS would be a nice addition as very few good players make use of these now.
- Vandal is still the most appalling, useless AA unit ever.
- dirtbag is OWLED and with the addition of anti-heavy racketeer, redudant.
- Otherwise PURFECT

Light Vehicles

- Wolverine is a sucky gimmick unit and much too fragile
- Otherwise PURFECT

Heavy Vehicles

- Tremor is still terrible at everything except draining shields
- Panther still occupies a dubious role in the fac
- Reaper is probably slightly too good
- Otherwise PURFECT


- Puppy overpriced
- Pyro friendly fire
- Moderator overpriced
- firewalker too weighty
- Sumo too heavy/role very confused
- fac unable to square up to many other facs due to lack of riot


- Hermit slow/overpriced
- fac unable to square up to many other facs due to lack of heavy raider/damage dealer
+4 / -1

10 years ago
and shits?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Commanders. There's too much meta involved, especially with the slot limit.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
- Shadow is only useful very early game and feels horrible. Underpowered and mostly useless, never gets used by good players.
- Phoenix is overpriced for its current damag eoutput and never gets used by good players.
- Stiletto is much worse than before and costs the same, almost never gets used now.

I mostly disagree with all those. Low-weight shadow, well-handled, is a tool of massive devastation, and its low weight allows it do do a lot of interesting things. Phoenix still mass-murders its real targets.

The real issue with low use rates of all those is simply that
Licho is massively generalist, good vs everything, AoE and Anti heavy, and much better than shadow/phoenix at everything. gets spammed every teamgame.

Licho is just THAT much better than any other plane. It does everything, it does it better, and it lives to tell the tale.

- Vandal is still the most appalling, useless AA unit ever.

Just consider wandels not as individuals. A 5-pack of wandels is a formidable threat to aircraft.

I tangentially agree with several of the other points, but cba to formulate cohesive input on them atm. Expect later.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
ofc I dont consider vandals as indidivuals, but I do consider them in terms of cost effectiveness and surviveability compared to other AA. Both are extremely low. Check the modstats - it is noteably less cost effective than even jethro, which is also a very useful scout.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Modstats is mostly garbage though with no way to tell what is it really sampling. Vandals feel to have more dps/cost than jethros, but this needs research and maybe empirical testing.
+0 / -0
I would disagree, vandal feel like they have a very similar cost:damage output to jethro (and both are worse than the heavier aa units). Except that the jethro is also extremely survivable and has other uses due to cloak, whilst the vandal is the lowest weight and one of the slowest AA units with no defence mechanism. Vandals die frequently to land units, jethros do not.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Hmm, would you rather give wandels a little wandel shield, or make them harder hitters?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
I agree with what USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng sayis....(people please try and change to simple nicknames...its less harder to write down, "[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng")

But brawlers... so weak,they need something new, a special ability or something.
Give brawlers a fast fire ability that increas the attack speed with 50-70% and a recharge rate of this action with 1 minute or so.

Blastwings do great but they need tons of micro.
1 blastwing can easily kill a cluster of glaves.Lalz i even saw a blastwing at full speed taking 50% hp from a ravager( i did that), so yes blastwings are great but usless when enemy has aa.Just use blastwings when enemy attacks your ground.

Banisher imo needs a bit more range, cause it dies to fast now.

I must also mention that vamps need to attack ground a bit, cause they move slow and they need a special ability that i already mentioned in other threads (give the d gun ability and some weaponds that make it attack like ac 10 thunderbold does with less dmg of course).This idea if its implemented will make air player more effective to small attacking units. a 300 metal cost vamp needs to do something in ground at least.

Napalm bomber, true its to costy for the job it does and how fast it dies

Stilleto:( feeling so sad when i remember the old days.Just fix it or something its just usless now for its cost.

Banshees are ok, they die fast to aa or plane aa but can raid a lot if you know how to handle them.Watch how me and sfireman micro banshees+ vamps on the map and how we deep strike enemy.10 Banshee with constant repair and attack makes cost with kills and with the aa enemy is investing.

Rapier, true...now they are usless, try give them torpedo now so gunships can do something in watter?

Outlaw nerf was nice, but it was to hars , you must admit that.Give at least 25% more dps to it again.

Regarding the vandals...yes they need something but i dont know what.

Wolverine, i didnt saw it so effective only in huge stacks like 10 -20 of them.If you have few of them they are not that good.

Tremor is ok imo now due to the low cost buff that it got.

Panther, yes i agree, weird unit with weird purpose...and costs a bit.

I dont know about the jumper factory, but i think units there have some problems
and i agree with the slow dmg that a moderator needs now,so 2 of them will act a bit like a riot.

Spiders are ok imo...

I also must mention the ATHENA...athena declock range is to BIGGG, make it smaller :(.You cant even proper scout with it, and its expensive+ demands micro

Amph factory is ok as it is, just make the transport unit less costy and remove more from its declock range.

I must also mention that curent Licho is bugged, and give it a d gun that throws flares so aa wont kill it that easily and give more cost to the unit.

Regarding commanders, just take 50-70% of the morphing cost and 50-70% of the modules cost(in case we do this give more cost to the energy cell and more energy producing from it)
If we stilla re to commanders, there are some things that need nerf and need buff to commander modules and weaponds but we will discuss this further if people want or if admins wants.
+0 / -0
I agree with most of that apart from LVs being well balanced. The slasher and capcar are insanely powerful and next to unstoppable if used together. Yes, I know, just use scythes but it costs a huge amount more than the attack to counter it properly. As far as I am concerned the capcar entirely ruins every game it is used in.
+2 / -0
As far as I am concerned the capcar entirely ruins every game it is used in.

Just get abusing it then :)

I got into top 10 by spamming capcar, once. It is interesting.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
capcar is one of those units that has a high skill ceiling to use well, but once used well is hideously effective. nabs lose them to attrition too much for the cascading power of capture to be effective
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Capcar is effective in the middgame(where porc is absent) and eary if you have a riot with them and people try to expand a bit and then decisive battle start.Capcar dies easy to air and gunships...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
yes, capcar is a 1v1 unit and dosn't scale up very well

its also the only 'interesting' unit in the factory at present, rest are totally vanilla.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I'm goin' offtopic, ain't nooone to stop me:
Scorcha's pointblank melter is a fair step from vanilla, so is Wolverine, which you described as gimmicky yourself. Dominatrix just overshadows those because it's really really weird.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
wolverine dosn't count because it is useless from a competetive standpoint
+1 / -0

10 years ago
2-3 wolverines can be very annoying. lately i have nt played with this unit, but i remember success on maps which tend to be narrow and porky, like the bridge on folsom dam. that was, however, before the trolls had discovered dirtbags and i discovered skuttle. will try to use it again a bit more...
+0 / -0
so ~750 metal of wolverine can be annoying?

would you say they would be more or less 'annoying' than a pillager - or a sniper - for around the same price?
+0 / -0
Surprisingly enough, against shielded targets, Wolverines produce more dps. It's like the poor man's Tremor.

Which of course raises your concern about the Tremor :)
+1 / -0

10 years ago
I use Shadow, I have seen it used well for it's intended role. It is supposed to be able to snipe static structures while only taking AA fire. It was tweaked such that it is basically impossible to dodge while diving and quite easy to dodge while not diving. This makes it able to attack mobile units but at the risk of taking extra fire.

I like the idea of the role, it may be underpowered still but I haven't seen evidence of this.

I don't like Phoenix as a unit. It's existence as a powerful unit discourages skirmisher play which is already rare enough. It is probably rarely seen because the things it counters are rarely built.

I think Stiletto is working well. It doesn't completely obliterate penetrative strikes. Nothing has changed in it's ability to disable defenses and damage shields. It had quite a change so I think people are still adapting, a buff at this point sound like a bad idea.

Licho is probably too generalist, at least for large games. It should be a survivability bomber with a much worse attack compared to the other bombers. It is already worse 'for cost' but better overall. In survivability this tends to count for more.

Blastwings accidentally lacked their gib damage for a while. They may even be too powerful.

I don't really know what is going on with Brawlers.

Banshee and Rapier is a bit strange, I have seen Rapier used against heavy fighter spam in conjuction with Tridents. Banshee should not be effective against air except for Rapiers and perhaps Tridents because they fly low enough to be it. It is fairly easy to re-test Banshee weapon tolerance and tighten it such that it is worse against fighters.

Someday, as I attempt to fix sea, I hope to look at Amph and fix it.

So you say Tick is fine now? Interesting.

Hammer seems to have niche use when compared to Snipers. Snipers have about the same DPS/Cost as Hammer which is just wrong. I am not sure what to do with Hammer or Sniper in this situation.

Jethros are ridiculously good scouts. I may increase their decloak radius.

I think Outlaw still has plenty of utility. Perhaps Bandit is too good against raiders if people never need to make Outlaw.

Vandals have a lot more range than Jethros.

Light Vehicles
Slasher + Dominator seems to be a problem. Spring 95.0 is a massive improvement to vehicle handling so these factories will probably become too powerful. We can probably compensate by giving them worse acceleration and turn circles.

The entire vehicle lineup seems very solid. Ravagers are effective spam, Impalers deal with heavy defense if you need them.

Heavy Vehicles
I would like to bring back light skirmishers somehow.; Rocko, Rogue, Recluse. These units should be good against Ravager and Reaper but the tanks are just too fast and have too much range. There is a bit of a lack of 'normal' units which beat Reaper.

Jumpies and Spiders
There are a few ideas for what to do with them. I don't think it is so simple.
+4 / -0
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