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Counter: Rockos

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13 years ago
Once I have played a game where Rockos dominated the map.

It was only a small map 3v3 and I had the snield lab.
I wonder why my ally don't make only fleas and kill that stuff, but they hit my bombs, killed my own skirmishers and emp-arty didn't really stun any of them.

Thugs died too easy to them and outlaws can't get close enough.
If Bandits can run around the targeted spots and avoid some of the hits, they are too slow/light.

Not even Aspis+Bombs was enough to kill more than the bombs costs...

Question: How to counter Rockos with the shield lab?
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13 years ago
Aspis + HLT?
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13 years ago
Then you must use your Rogues better. They have +100 range and combinated with thugs/as shielding/ or bandits.
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13 years ago

Don't charge straight it at them. If the roach sits still it is cloaked. Set a roach down far enough back that he can't see, then push forward with your other units and retreat to behind the roach. Let him get confident enough to chase you down, and let his rocko walk right over your roach. A good roach hit can kill 8-12 rocko by itself.

Basically, don't forget that map space is a resource and you don't have to think of the battlefield as two lines of opposing units.

If you are in a tight spot an hlt is really good defence against skirmisher spam. You can increase its life by setting a closed solar or razor kiss in front of it.
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13 years ago
In fact just surround a HLT with terraform or even dirtbags and let the good times roll (until they switch to hammer spam anyway).
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13 years ago
Sneaky pete + roach = boom. Works pretty much vs anything except spreaded out units. Good way to stop the offensive of the enemy when you lost the front. Fleas are ofc best counter to this.
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13 years ago
Thugs are not a good choice vs rockos, their shields are large which means they take in every single rocket fired at them. The Rogue is a better choice, it can outrange them, and if retreating, the rockos shots will terminate before they even get close. Guard against other units with a few ak's or say, one outlaw.

Roaches are also great.
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13 years ago
dirt bag + Bandit
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13 years ago
While rogue kiting and roach mines requires retreating and losing ground, if you want to hold or even gain ground (though usually not into static-d, though its possible) use Dirtbags with roaches or rogues.

The Dirtbag will cause rockos to autoskirm them (if he is using fight orders), meaning they will rapidly retreat. Since rockos are direct fire, dirtbags will seriously screw up their ability to be used effectively. Dirtbags massively increase the effectiveness of roaches, blindly suicide the dirtbags, then micro your roaches one by one to keep them behind obstacles and dodging rockets. Rogues also easily shoot over dirtbags and their mounds, while rockos do not, meaning you dont have to use the retreating tactic to beat the rockos and dont have to give up territory.

All of this makes the dirtbag a way better tanking choice than the thug vs rockos, as long as you have a way to deal with him when he switches to glaives. The thug is good at blocking accurate shots intended for rogues or outlaws, but is poor vs inaccurate weapons beccause it soaks it all up which will gradually drain all of your thugs of their charge (like tremor vs shield).
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13 years ago
Oh, while dirtbag + roach is really risky to use around static defense (though still possible), dirtbag + rogue is pretty amazing. Dirtbags provide excellent spotting, and soak up all defender fire (rogues 1?2? shot defenders) and rogues can just outrange llts. He needs hlt's to stop this. It's also great vs hammers because retreating behind his defenses is what makes them strong, and rogues can just snipe the defenses.

Dont make the mistake of using roach + rogue + dirtbag though, relying on the roaches to stop him from using raiders. You're more likely to blow up your own rogues unless you have gosu micro.
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13 years ago
Sak, in this and the Hammer thread you don't seem to know what defence is.

Defence always has a HLT, they're built very early on. Idk exactly what causes this, HLT cost did go 450 -> 420 since 19/1/2011. Or commpush + crowding could be supporting this.
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13 years ago
People are failing much earlier to much fewer hammers in very early compush + hammer attacks, using llt/defender creep. That, to me, is more of a problem than the porcy HLT vs HLT wars. Anyway, it only takes one Racketeer to deal with a HLT, thats half cost.
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13 years ago
racketeer cost 350 metal not near half the cost.
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13 years ago
and not all factory have racketeer, but in a mess, ticks could deal with units treat to HLT because they are low enough to let enemy units block own HLT laser.

HLT is built to against most Unit Type. Its cheap and effective, with supreme range and power. and easily assisted by LLT/MLT etc.
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13 years ago
"and not all factory have racketeer"
"Question: How to counter Rockos with the shield lab?"
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13 years ago
I've been spamming Rocko's every game recently, to huge success.. few players seem to know how to deal with it and they can easily over-run a HLT + 1-2 llts in groups of 10+ by just moving in an out of range firing missile salvos.

dirtbox + anything is a real headache to deal with because rockos have fairly low DPS

rogue kinda blows VS rockos because of its arcing shot and huge reload time, but thugs w/ felons can massacre rockos if you can skirmish back to defences to recharge.
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13 years ago
Rogue can infinitely skirm rocko given the space.

HLT usefulness vs rocko can be massively boosted with a closed solar in front to absorb damage.
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13 years ago
Shields are poor! But cloaked roaches are so evil, which make them great! Best counter vs bubbles ironically are bubbles themselves(cloaked roaches, or ticks) or some razor kiss to suck up felons damage. Never had problems vs rocko's too, maybe there wasnt any player who abused them :) anyway they cant hit something fast moving things like flea if it is not moving in straight line, so I dont understand how they killed fast moving bombs, unless you blindly moved forward or maybe some defenders eliminated bombs?
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13 years ago
Rockos look unable to hit anything but when you have dozens they are decent.
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13 years ago
I saw Aronath defeat Billyboy's rocko spam with a mix of thugs and missile tower crawl on a narrow lane recently: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/51639

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