Even after it's recent round of nerfs the licho still seems overpowered. It has incredible damage, health, speed, AoE and accuracy. It can obliterate shield balls, commanders and most other things. When rushed it can kill almost everything a team has because it is too early in the game for them to field the ridiculously heavy AA needed to deal with it, especially after they lose a commander on the first bombing run. Beyond the statistics of whether it made cost in killing its target it forces the enemy team to make incredibly heavy AA - usually a screamer - to combat it. By the time that screamer is finished the Licho will have been on several bombing runs and likely killed several of a team's commanders, so it has returned several times it's cost in damage. That is generally what I think about it, but what about how it actually works? This is a generalist bomber. It can kill heavies, swarms and penetrate to kill high value targets such as singus. What is the Licho intended to do? Is it supposed to be a deep striking bomber, a swarm-killing bomber or an anti heavy asset for air players? I think all of those are mutually exclusive since any combination of them would be overpowered. If it is an anti-heavy unit then that AoE does not belong there, and maybe that health needs looking at. If it is a riot/swarm-killer that huge damage is not necessary, and its health is probably overkill. If it is a penetrative bomber then that health will certainly be necessary and it will need the damage to kill high-value targets like singus Two things I have not yet brought up are the speed and cost. I think its speed should be reduced regardless of everything else. The cost would have to go in line with everything else if changes were made, but other than that perhaps it's cost should be increased? I have probably restated several things in here that were already in that other thread but I would like this one to stay on topic and not just be The Generic Licho Thread. That means no neonstorming, no raging at anything and no offtopic. Please keep this thread on topic, using admin superpowers if necessary.
+0 / -0
I suspect that the Licho is one of those units that will oscillate between OP and Owled, but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
+3 / -0
putting the in depth point from the original balance adjustment thread which spawned the silly one here; (points of "oh it takes too long to rearm and repair/should take longer go here) The rearm/repair I'm fine with, the health I (would be) fine with if it had that defined roll over its gender confusion after all it is expensive. (in reference to the huge aa below, the point was made that when AA becomes too heavy air players have to resort to using the OP Beatstick known as "licho" and my adjustments would toally invalidate that, which is false, as I talk about) The huge AA thing is a point, but planes is a combined arms factory, not a factory made to roll on its own, the same reason you don't go air in a small map 1v1 you'll get ruined. in a case of AA saturation you're meant to get assistance from allied land or just to circumvent the AA and inflict harm elsewhere on the battlefield to keep your pressure on, not to rely on the OP plane to just bail you out. (atomic bomber with no fancy nuke GFX makes me sadness eternal) you didn't mention how much sexier it would be with mushroom cloud gfx /sadness To take it a step further, with those clear alternate roles you could still use it to move in to AA with its health and do damage as necessary which could assist your team mates in any number of ways, defined role doesn't mean impotence at what its currently used for, it means specialty. If it became a damage dealer it would excel at taking out emplaced AA, no? whilst conversely suffering at the hands of the dreaded Mobile AA which its small AOE couldn't harm extensively enough unless they clustered (granted expensive stuff like the tarantula will still be shut down) whereas alternately if it had wider aoe and less damage Emplacements would make you more wary of using it as you likely wouldn't kill the nastier ones in one run, whilst you'd be able to take out hundreds of metals worth of mobile aa even spread out, they have low health in general. and that is the long and short of my opinion.
+0 / -0
Licho cost 2 000. Screamer cost 2 400. Also, fighters can kill Licho prety fast.
+2 / -0
An idea to make it less OP: Step 1.) Make the bomb untracking. Force the licho to be directly above the target to turn the Licho into a percision bomber armed with an AoE nuclear payload. Step 2.) Reduce projectile speed (Muzzle Velocity?) from 400 to maybe 100? This will allow fast units to run out of the AoE and reduce the overall effectiveness of the bomb to moving targets. Now its just an Anti-Heavy. Step 3.) ??? Step 4.) Profit! -- My thoughts on the subject. -- Heavies are slow so it will still be effective against them, however at the same time making it less effective against raiders and other fast units. It'd also make the licho more vulnerable to interception by AA as it approaches its target and give more time to respond to one.
+0 / -0
At some time, 1-2 Licho killed a lot of Rapiers. Is it still OP vs some gunships? (BD, Krow, Rapier-Ball)
+0 / -0
Licho is not good against gunships anymore because it tends to hit allied things with stray shots.
+0 / -0
In general I have seen that the Licho is a strong statement of how the plane fac operates. It works best skirting light to moderate AA (which it can sustain) and bombing targets of opportunity. It is not particularly good at deep striking as most targets worth a 2000m deep strike don't die to just one bomb. Really it works best to chip away at armies instead of deep-striking targets of opportunity. The main issue with the Licho is that it still excels at killing balls of pretty much any type of unit out there. Right now it has the damage to destroy most assault units, riot units, skirmisher units, and even AA units and the AOE to take large chunks out of any force. In order to fix this the Licho would mostly have to be refit into a more distinct role (and possibly another unit made or rerolled to fill any new gaps in the factory). It could possibly be a swarm killer, but the phoenix already does that (and the stiletto sort of fits that role too). It could also be an assault or heavy killer, but the shadow already does that. Basically in order to have a distinct role the Licho would have to become a deep-strike aircraft that a planes player could use when AA locks them down. Since this isn't a neonstorm thread I won't spread any ideas on how to best do this, but it has a role issue that needs to be more defined and not redundant in respect to the rest of the factory.
+2 / -0
quote: Step 1.) Make the bomb untracking |
i was told the bomb IS untracking.
+0 / -0
quote: Basically in order to have a distinct role the Licho would have to become a deep-strike aircraft that a planes player could use when AA locks them down. Since this isn't a neonstorm thread I won't spread any ideas on how to best do this |
Please go on. I think most people agree that the Licho is still overpowered so now ideas are needed.
+0 / -0
quote: That means no neonstorming, no raging at anything and no offtopic. |
Is it acceptable to discuss the hypothetical assaulty/tanky replacement/supplement antistatic/penetration bomber concept here?
+1 / -0
quote: Tearcaster the Penetration Bomber has come!
A huge bullet twisted into the shape of a jet zeppelin. It has six stubby iron wings. It has a thick hull. It has three huge spinning turbines. It has a visible bay underneath its belly. It moves slower than Shadow but faster than Krow by blazing its jets. Its flight is majestic. Beware its superbomb! Now you know why you fear the skies. |
Pretty much an "assault bomber". High flight altitude, a single, slow-falling, high-damage, tossed, low-aoe bomb dropped from high above, such that can't hit mobiles, but won't miss statics. As a dedicated anti-static penetrator, it can release the Shadow from trying to be generalist, so that the lowest-weight bomber can finally specialize on killing mobiles. Slow speed but tons of health, so that it can stand AA fire for prolonged periods, but also means non-fighter mobiles can actually act in response and chase it after it's done the deed. Large turning arc, mostly for aesthetics of being majestic. Primary role of attacking entrenched porc, secondary role of absorbing damage for other planes. I consider it to cost maybe about 800 so that it can both be useful on suicide runs against fusions, and still a considerable investment worth reuse. This is definitely not Licho, but current Licho has the only role of indiscriminate pwning (which is why the likes of   Forever and  Failer will fight to last dna strand any attempts to nerf it) I'll post pictures of what i've got so far this evening. The concept is so epic that i cannot avoid actually implementing it. If it's not vetted by the balance committee, i guess it can still be used as a special unit for missions.
+3 / -1
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
1st of all @TheSpoonge , Lichos accuarany sucks as u could see yesterday. i missed ONLY YOUR uunits 7 times in 2 matches. Also, If one player can afford 2k licho, why enemy eam cant afford 1,5k screamer? Makes no sence to me.
In addition, after it's nerf, to kill ONE fully charged shield u need THREE lichos. Thats 6k metal to kill single 500metal shield.
Thirdly, simple way to kill licho - 5 vamps. Own full HP Licho in like 3-4 seconds.
Best balance to licho is air player in ur own team.
So stop whining that Licho is OP. It is not.
Compare it to Golly, Sumo, Grizzly or anythign else that costs 2k metal. All of these units can be rushed. All of these can easly kill everything in early game, if rushed by a team. All of these can kill coms. But only Licho has to get back for rearm. So, either nerf all 2k units, or stop crying.
+2 / -8
quote: why enemy eam cant afford 1,5k screamer |
Screamer is 2.4k.
+3 / -0
Is it? Nvm u still cn make 2 chainsaws (1,8k) or 5 vamps (1,5k). Or make ur own Licho, and licho enemys Licho. Or make a Cobra. Single Cobra pwns Licho, if enemy is dumb enough to try to kill it (with Licho). http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/214155Watch this battle, and see how many times I failed to hit anything becasue of failing accurancy. So, 1st of all, fix the bugs involved in Licho, AFTER then think about nerfing it. Cuz ye, it may be OP, but only if it managed to hit enemy unit. quote: Pretty much an "assault bomber". High flight altitude, a single, slow-falling, high-damage, tossed, low-aoe bomb dropped from high above, such that can't hit mobiles, but won't miss statics. |
I dont want to bother you, but bombs are designed to have as much AoE as possible (at least real-world ones). So I think that even Shadow sould get a bit of AoE so i can kill clusterfuck of 5 glaveis with one bomb. But Licho, which drops atomic bomb... I cant imagine atomic bomb w/o AoE.
+2 / -3
quote: I dont want to bother you, but bombs are designed to have as much AoE as possible (at least real-world ones). So I think that even Shadow sould get a bit of AoE so i can kill clusterfuck of 5 glaveis with one bomb. But Licho, which drops atomic bomb... I cant imagine atomic bomb w/o AoE. |
1) Learn to read. The unit i'm describing is explicitly not licho. The post actually says so. 2) Realism is not an argument. If you came here to discuss realism, not balance, then you're in the wrong thread. 3) Your post contains phrases - "moar minuses" "stop crying" - that are unconstructive and indicate that you are in fact raging. This is against the premise of this thread. I'll have to kick you if you continue.
+3 / -0