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topic of next release

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11 years ago
I'm glad that the newest release focused on making one more factory 1v1 viable.

Now, its just a request, but can the next release focus on making Spiders and Jumpers more 1v1 viable too?

These facs really need some attention, and a wider choice of 1v1 facs equals more interesting 1v1 meta.

Jumpers need a better puppy, a less friendly-firing pyro (and I feel like it has less DPS than it used to), either removal or changed moderator and a sumo with a defined role.

Spiders need a better hermit, perhaps a more resilient recluse, and (dare to dream) another unit in the lineup. Dat spiderlight. A gimmick for the con unit could be sweet too!

Peace x
+6 / -0

11 years ago
spiders vs shieldball, what you gonna do? -.-
+1 / -0
Agree. Spiders and jumpies can work in 1v1, but they still are somewhat handicap factories. I feel like They most suffer from lack of a strong raider phase, which is essential in 1v1. Both of those factories have some very powerful units in their lineup(crabe, sumo, skuttle for example), but they don't really make the factories a lot better in 1v1 due to the importance of the raider game.

Also, amphibs. Buoy/archer/grizzly/situationally duck can be really good, but the lack of an AOE riot and affordable assault make it difficult to play.

Lastly, what about goliath? When compared to other units of it's cost range, it's quite easily the most useless one. Don't take me wrong - I think tanks are awesome in this stable both strength and fun wise. It's just a little ironic that the flagship of the heavy factory is possibly the least useful heavy non-strider unit in the game.

More specifically, it suffers from two problems imo:
1) Role overlaps too much with reaper, it doesn't bring much different to the table
2) It's slowbeam is just simply too weak to be of any meaningful effect vs other heavies. It's basically just an accuracy enhancer against light/medium targets.

I feel like role overlap could be reduced if it got higher alpha on either main gun or the slowbeam. Wouldn't make it better vs swarms, but would add to the anti-heavy capabilities. Right now a goliath gets crushed by sumo 1v1. This just doesn't make sense, considering the sumo with it's AOE smash and accurate(!) higher RoF weapon is A LOT more generalist. Sumo also has more health than goliath and doesn't get stuck so easily. Oh, and it's cheaper too.
+1 / -0
Tangentially: I've been thinking of doing (experimentally, sonic gun style, to linger until needed) some stuff to Sumo (and Zeus, and possibly Buoy).

Problem for both units:
1) Supposedly assault
2) Kills raiders hilariously.
3) Can't stop doing it because weapon instahit, weird, and lol.

In case of zeus it's aggravated by the fact that currently it has nerf against raiders by introducing a huge TargetMoveError, causing it to shoot at 45-degree angles from target if said target moves fast enough.

Proposed solution:
1) Weapon is rebranded into an "Ion Cannon". That is, something that shoots a LaserCannon projectile; imagine a slow-moving powerful StarWars laser bolt, with some additional prettying-up effects like sparks in air and discharges around hit area.

This allows both units to be properly assaulty. Probably not much difference to Zeus, aside from weapon behaving more physical. Buoy could tag along because its weapon is also a "disrupter" like on Sumo, but would require extra science to make it arcing.

2) Unify damage type. That is, either Sumo deals EMP instead of Slow, or Zeus slows instead of stun.

Known objections:
1) "Lasercannon lightning" could look "silly". That remains to be seen.
2) Rebranding Zeus to use this ion bolt would leave Panther to be the only LightningCannon unit left in mainline operation, leaving only commanders and Bantha to buddy with.


Come to think, maybe Goli could get one too, if anything (aesthetically) pretty comes out.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
If spiders had a good raider game, so the game is even at the stage where the shieldball appears, spiders should be able to kill shieldballs.
Before felon: Venom emp is great vs thugs
If no racketeer: crabe (drains felon with armour, has AOE to blow thugs into pieces.
If you can sneak around the outlaws: infiltrators to stun felon or aspis
If you have a recluseball you can drain the shield from a distance. Recluses outrange felon.
I think the problem for spiders vs shields is rather banditspam + some rogues to kill venoms.
+0 / -0

So wait, convert various "disruptor" and "lightning" weapons into using a prettied-up version of the Buoy's disruptor-cannon? Would make a nice distinction between non-damaging but accurate Slowbeam weapons and damaging-but-slow Disruptor weapons. Moving the Zeus over to this would mean a name-change, but it's an OTA name anyways. Would leave the Panther as the only true "Lightning" unit left in the game - every other "lightning" unit would have barely-or-no-damage "stun" wouldn't it?

So if you put it on the Goli, would it replace the main gun or the cupola?
+0 / -0
the only true "Lightning" unit left in the game - every other "lightning" unit would have barely-or-no-damage "stun" wouldn't it?

Unsure if Bantha and Comm are "barely or no damage" >.>
They are barely units, though, what i meant by Panther being the only "mainline" unit left.

prettied-up version of the Buoy's disruptor-cannon

Pretty much, except that buoy cannon is so ugly that i hope it won't be anything like it visually.

So if you put it on the Goli, would it replace the main gun or the cupola?

I'm leaning toward main gun, but it's a very raw idea that i just had (compared to the rest of the plan, which has been incubating in my head for months)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I was referring to the Gnat, Venom, and Faraday. I don't count comm-weapons because there's a lot of combinations you don't see regular units in those (disruptor-machine-guns, anyone?). And I don't think anybody would care if you fiddled with the Bantha's lightning, it's not like the Bantha is a core component of ZK gameplay.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Oi, the new thread button exists for a reason! If it isn't spiders or jumpers for next release, then it dosn't belong here
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Fine, because you asked for it:

You asked about a special power for Spiders?

Give the Weaver back its capture-beam from Complete Annihilation. This was too weak to use in-combat, but it didn't collide with terrain so you could capture cliff-side turrets with it by standing on cliff-faces. And of course the synergy with Venom is super-obvious. Also, no-fire-while-moving. It was dirty, dirty fun. Though it doesn't really help the 1v1 game except that it gives you a way to acquire some proper raiders.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I think that would be interesting, so long as it was only slow enough for eg. capturing a mex over 15 seconds
+0 / -0

11 years ago

+2 / -1
11 years ago
Moderator becomes miniature starlight, except its weapon is a disruptor and doesn't fire continuously. Tiny mirror floating a bit above it, weapon arcs up and at them! Now jumpies have a skirmisher that does damage and stacks with itself because of how it fires.
+0 / -0
i would actualy say that messing with the zues makes me uncomfortable... the zeus as is works well, and has no major problems/issues (other then graphical/consistency when it misses vs panther(that does not miss))
+1 / -0
Jump: I think the biggest problem with jump is that they don’t have a skirmisher. Pyro can be used in the raiding role and puppies can to. But they have no skirmisher until firewalker. Puppies are kind of vulnerable by themselves.

Spiders: Spiders do not have a raider other than flea. Flea is really a scout.
+0 / -0
So, are we going to get the labs that gotham needs buffed so we can use them 1v1 soon?
+0 / -0
Spiders: Spiders do not have a raider other than flea. Flea is really a scout.

Enter the Damage Venom.

1) Kills LLT.
2) Kills raiders.
3) Dodges rockets.
4) Two will murder your comm.

While i like the idea of making Hermit cheaper (and higher rof at same or marginally better DPS), i don't think it's necessary with the damage-venom around.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
but thats horseshit anarchid - you NEVER play spiders that I see. Whenever a nabby ally goes spider you KNOW he will lose the flank and all his shit will die to one phoenix or other AoE. One unit getting buffed into validity - and I think venoms are valid now, but by no means OP - does NOT compensate for other units in the fac being weak/bad/overpriced.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Moderator should become a mid-range version of the OTA morty, then jumpers have two viable units for early - mid.

I'm surprised people consider the pyro underpowered..

Also, why is the dirtbag in shieldbot fac when it jumps?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Because the lab needs even more stuff that requires higher micro investment from the opponent than from the shield player.
+1 / -0
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