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Only stable versions of ZK!

13 posts, 1524 views
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13 years ago
Hello! I think this is wrong to autohost unstable versions of zk, like v0.8.11.1
We need to make available only stable version like v0.8.11.
And change to next version automatically only when next stable version will be available.
Who will support?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I'm tired of downloading by 140mb+ 2-3 times pre weak and have randomly bugs in game, like today when i was unable to use shift key to make orders.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
p.s. Sorry for bad english and my mistakes :)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Any version with a v0.X.Y.Z is stable. Testing versions are denoted by revision number, i.e. r3918.

As for updates, you should really really really be using rapid. Rapid means instead of re-downloading the entire .sdz of 98% redundant content, you just download the changes.

What operating system are you running?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I prefer quickpatches like now .1 and .2 than alfa beta rc and so on. Because look at XTA, SpringTanks, they play latest beta anyway so whats the point in decreasing already small community. Of course some testing before releasing is always nice :
+0 / -0

13 years ago
actually luckywaldo i've been curious how to get rapid to work? im on windows
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Idk how it works on windows. There is always ZKLobby, but I think there should be a rapid-gui also packaged with spring.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What? Nooo!! I want test versions back! Years ago we only ever played test versions. It was so great fun. Stupid bugs were fixed in less than two days and we got to play a new game every single day!!! PLEESE
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah, bring Test Version back so people can devs for slow bug fixing
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Test versions never went anywhere. Host with 'zk:test'; also Oxygen autohost always hosts test version. (Also you can download from svn)

And iirc we played test version because lots of PW1 things needed fixing in the mod itself, not to mention we found more inter-faction imbalances in that month or two of PW than in like the entire two previous years.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We initially just played test version. There was no concept of stable, each version was expected to work and mostly did.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
can we link the download-game to a rapid command?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I created a batch file that runs rapid then launches springlobby

@REM The Following line needs to be set to the directory path of "springlobby.exe"; without the trailing "\".
@SET SPRINGDIR=C:\SpringRTS\spring-

@REM the lobby to use
@SET Lobby=%SPRINGDIR%\springlobby.exe
::@SET Lobby=%SPRINGDIR%\TASClient.exe

@REM The following is a list of the game mods for Spring using the rapid updater
@REM ba:latest zk:stable zk:test ba:version:7.20 evo:stable evo:test sa:latest nota:latest gundam:latest ct:stable ct:test this:test thecursed:latest xta:latest s44:latest ea:latest

@REM Comment the following line after first run
::START "pinning Zero-K stable, test" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" pin zk:test zk:stable

@REM The following line updates pinned items
START "Upgrading Pinned items" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" upgrade
::START "performing clean-up" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" uninstall-unpinned

@REM the following two lines will update pinned items and remove files that are no longer needed (The two lines above should be commented out)
::START "Upgrading Pinned items" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" clean-upgrade
::START "performing clean-up" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" collect-pool

@START "Starting Lobby" "%Lobby%"


+0 / -0