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Dwarf Fortress 0.40.01 released

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Changelog & Download: http://bay12games.com/dwarves/
Game description
Other exciting news:
DFhack's Text Will be Text plugin allows different icons for regular text and game items, even if they were previously using the same symbol. Also multi Z level view, or just use Stonesense inside DF.

Anyway, I'm posting because I've thought about starting another succession game. DF is probably extremely crashy until the next patch so it'll be some time before this starts.

People interested:
Skasi, EErankAdminAnarchid, GBrankTheSponge, FRrankBlackdutchie, RUrankYogzototh, AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, AUrankAdminSaktoth, GBrankKyubey, CArankAdminShadowfury333, @aka100aliases aka Saktoth hates me, @Rafal[ZK]

People interested in the past:
USrankjseah, DErankAdminmojjj ("maybe next season")
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I would wait until stonesense is patched up and guaranteed to work on linuxes.

Other than that, i want an evil desert with aquifer.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I would play in a succession game. We could try building a huge statue of a glaive or something.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Will be in france for four weeks starting this weekend, will post again if I have internet access. If so, i'll give it a go. (and leave unmarked levers everywhere, huehahahaha)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I am going to wait for at least a month, maybe more, before all the most critical bugs are fixes. The game is pretty much guaranteed to be a mess right now.

And at that point, i would probably be interested. We will first need to decide on the rules and starting set up though.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Its been a long wait but those that enjoyed 0.40.00 are sure to LOVE 0.40.01. Hang on 0 point what?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
RUrankYogzototh more like a year. It will take forever for all the utilities and major bugs to be updated. DF2012 is the best its ever been now, because of all the third party stuff that now is tested and working for it.
Vanilla df without lots of df-hacks is a real pain to play.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
They don't usually take that long to update, USrankFealthas. With Toady giving everyone a prediction it's likely that utility devs were preparing for the release - I know that DF wiki people were.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I'm interested but would want to wait until the utilities work again. As far as I see it a base game release is the first stage of the release. The second release occurs slowly over the following weeks as mod makers update the things which make DF playable.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Skasi , they dont usually have to deal with a massive update. I mean look at the stone-sense thing. It got integrated into DF after ~2 years (a few months ago). All the fancy stuff that df-hack does could entirely stop working because toady said that lots of code was replaced.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Supposedly df2014 was larger and they handled it in weeks.
+0 / -0
Stonesense IN DF? OMG this is what I've always wanted.

Anyway, I can play DF vanilla if I have a reason to like succession forts, I'm hardcore like that (Google is right to call it 'Unplayable' though).

Serious question though: What is actually new in 0.40.1?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I'd be fine with vanilla everything as long as I can use Dwarf Therapist. Handling a fort with 100 dwarves is nearly impossible without DT.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Serious question though: What is actually new in 0.40.1?

Shoooo I linked the changelog in the first post! The biggest things for fortress mode are probably (un)retiring of fortresses, multitile trees, climbing/jumping/sprinting and (even) more complex combat.

For more check this unofficial collection of changes, read through DF stories elsewhere or just give it a try. I've read a lot about birds crashing into trees and exploding.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Handling a fort with 100 dwarves is nearly impossible without DT.

I submit my entry for Most Hardcore with a 250-pop fort with lots of niceties and on average 2 idlers, one of whom is a melancholiac vampire (won't work, won't die, causes no trouble).
+1 / -0
Just found these two treasures:
This is sad.
I have heard of plans to assassinate the King..
+0 / -0
10 years ago
i read this from @googlefrog
I'm interested but would want to wait until the utilities work again. As far as I see it a base game release is the first stage of the release. The second release occurs slowly over the following weeks as mod makers update the things which make DF playable.

and though:
you know this sounds like ZK and the spring engine :P
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I would at least want Therapist. Others mods and utilities just make things more interesting or a bit more usable.

GBrankKyubey it is sort of similar although from what I hear Spring is much better for modding. The distinction thing is that DF has gameplay and Spring does not. The modders for DF are mostly making relatively small gameplay changes or fixing the UI with memory hacks.
+0 / -0
Dwarf The Rapist

Yeah, i agree. Job management becomes nearly impossible without it once your pop hits 20-30.

The only two utilities i use for DF are this one and the legend browser, which is not importand for the actual fort gameplay.
+0 / -0
:P belive it or not, i used to play DF without Dwarf TheRapist when i was a wee noob, i just didn't know it existed :P

once i learned it made my insane lava powered razor toilets much more efficient

if you have sucsession game, im in (albeit there is a slim chance of lava spewing penii covering the map when you get the game back from me)
+0 / -0
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