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Big/cinematic plays of 2014

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Hey guys,
Recently I've been making and editing videos in my spare time in order to try and improve my skill with them, and so I came up with an idea for a montage/collection of the biggest games of Zero-k in 2014
If you could post your favourite/most impressive plays or games you've seen this year (they don't have to be your own) it would be much appreciated

Edit: also, is there any way to access previous games listed on the Hall of Fame for medals?
+0 / -0
1) find replays
i would start with the games from the tournaments. search the forum->news or the forum itself ("tournament replays") and you will find some of the most instense tactical games. if you are looking for big graphics, you might want to look further, as tournaments are sometimes to short for such glances.

2) "access previous games listed on the Hall of Fame for medals"
Only for the top value for each medal for the current month, the battle link is shown. i dont know but i believe this is the only thing to find there.

3) recording ingame (windows OS, recommend to use windowed mode for the game)
the engine comes with a recorder, which records at a fixed framerate. the engine slows the simulation down, if your cpu cannot bring the framerate. use ctrl+shift+f10 to start the recorder, a window will popup, lets you choose of your system-found videocodecs like x264 and encoder settings, output location etc. also you can record the inagme camera position over time (maybe someone who has knowledge how to do so may help me out here) and replay the camera movement when you show the replay a second time. onfortunately, the game engine knows only one way, so no rewinding or jumping to a time position while showing the replay. fast/slower speed goes with "+/-" keys.

making videos is a reoccuring forum question, you might search for it and find even more, as i can think of right now.

glad you are in this! hf and knock yourself out.

+0 / -0

10 years ago
Hall of Fame medals are done through quantity, not quality, so they're usually from large chicken/CAI lagfests. Battle lists exist for some of the tourneys, you might take a look at those because (semi-)finals always featured high-skill players in a competitive setup. For Hall of Fame games from previous months you'd need help from someone with DB access because that's not available by default, they might also provide you with lists of high-skill battles in general (which might be otherwise hard to find).
+0 / -0
10 years ago
http://zero-k.info/Forum?categoryID=8 has all the battles where people commented. Maybe you find comments that sound interessting. example: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/316501 ("tick use successfully saved the day." [did not actually watch]) But largest part of comments on battles is useless for this, too much "lol.", "opgunshits", "team sux" etc.

BUT realistically I consider actively looking through past replays a lost cause.
That works if you want random battle footage, for "highlights" it is like trying to find needle in haystack.
In tourneys players usually try harder and it might generally be a better skill level, but even that does not nessecarily result in something "highlight worthy." The interessting 10 seconds are still hidden in hours of mediocrity.

Of course best if other players post suggestions (with excact details of coordinates,timestamp,description) but they also face the mentioned problems.
So imo better approach is to take notes: Whenever you see interessting stuff during spectate/play/in forum/replay, write it down.
Combing through hours of past replays should be last resort...
(or punishment for trolls, find one scene like in mojjj's gif to get un-muted)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
anyway, tagging replays and find them by search criteria sounds more than useful to me. a tag would be e.g. "tournament" etc...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Its clear that vindicator nap will be on the list:D
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The epic comnap game were kyubey nams a com and throws it into another com was epic, shadofury even casted it so you should be able to find it!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
It would be better to !cheat and !hostsay /godmode to produce your own staged battles, which will appear many times more impressive than regular fights.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
He wants actual events, not staged. That's like telling people to watch Rambo when they want a Vietnam war documentary.
+1 / -0
Then the purpose of the production needs to clarified:
"what do the people ask for" or is it "what do the people like to see"



Selective reporting = Propaganda

"Play ZK! WUBS!" versus "Play ZK, look at this epic battle cinematography of actual* gameplay!"

the classic dichotomy between makeup or no makeup. One setup is accurate, the other is less accurate but enough so to enhance the attractive qualities.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Topic says "plays of 2014" so I assume he wants a recap of cool stuff that actually happened in 2014 (like Pimpest Plays).
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Just played the most EPIC 1v1 I ever played: Multiplayer B319767 2 on Comet Catcher Redux
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Alright guys thanks for all the advice so far :D
I'm not even sure what to do now, initially it was just gonna be people's most memorable games of 2014 but I might expand that to any that stick in peoples' memory
Heck, if you've played a game recently in which you've been amazed at the skill levels/micro then sure, post it here
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I am thinking of some nice games I played and some games came to my mind:
Multiplayer B312105 2 on Hide_and_Seek_v03 : this game has a nice scythe strike in it, although it didn't win me the game
Multiplayer B297888 10 on Throne v1 : most epic FFA I personally played
Multiplayer B265526 2 on Into Battle_v3 : GBrankKyubey shows how a felon+convict rush can be really effective
The finals of the first one day 1v1 tournament were also quite epic, especially godde's tactic in the last game.

I am sure there are a lot more games which are epic in many ways. Ask players like ROrankForever, GBrankKyubey or Firepluk for games with special tactics, DErankAdminmojjj for nice skuttle kills. Maybe @shadowfury333 could say which game he casted is the most memorable for him.
+0 / -0
I remember a couple of games I played in.

In terms of flashy plays:

Multiplayer B273687 7 on FinnsRevengeRV4 : mostly the end of this game, sniping the singufarm with cloaked penetrators and salvaging an economically lost game.
Multiplayer B272661 4 on Valles_Marineris_v2 : IIRC this was the most well thought out warrior drop AUrankAdminGoogleFrog and I played in a tournment, baiting away the opposing fighters first with some sacrifical bombers.

In terms of close, hardfought games, Multiplayer B287683 4 on TartarusV7 and Multiplayer B303754 4 on Into Battle_v3
(both tournament games) involved significant comebacks.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
My cast videos on YouTube are all CC-BY, so feel free to use them (with attribution, of course), for any montage project.
+0 / -0
Multiplayer B311524 2 on Calayo2 maby this one is not really cinematic this game is a shower of cold "wat?". Propably the best game I have personally played last year.
+0 / -0
Ok here are my personal best from what i remember, excluding the games with the licho rush where they were op.


Lolz bertha one shot killed 2 commanders, 1 aegis, 1 skuttle and 1 missile silo with 2 tactical nukes:D

All of that at 18 minutes and 20 seconds

A game where me and GBrankKyubey do the vindicator nap

Succesful blastwing rush 1.20-1.30

Perfect com nap against pro players. Me and @Kmar on same team (2 vs 2)

Killed 3 commanders with 3 planes and also recorded my gameplay on youtube

Perfect Krow rush and also recorded my gameplay on youtube

Another krow rush game but game is 20 minutes long

Tactical nuke usage: killing 3 commanders at the same time, a moho+commander+bertha

Double jumper autorepair com rush worked with Firepluk as teammate:D (pro battle 2 vs 2)

Countering Krow rush with gnats 7.46 starting.

Another com nap game from 0-2.45

Forgot to mention that even if i found these games, the replays and the file replay cant be used by spring.exe dont understand why
+5 / -0

10 years ago
Multiplayer B284408 4 on Iced Coffee v4.3
First minute
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Oh wow, this list is looking amazing.
I may have to invest in a small external hard drive.
Love you all, full homo
+3 / -0
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