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1vs1 tournament

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13 years ago

I think it would be fun to have a 1vs1 tournament. So we'll have one! Sign up here! I'm not sure if we'll have a Round-Robin where everyone plays everyone, or just Single-Elimination. Also, not sure if it'll be best of 3, best of 5, best of 7 or whatever.

So, if you sign up vote for what you want: Single-Elimination / Round-Robin / Else, and Best of 3/ Best of 5/ Best of 7 / Else
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13 years ago
Tournament sounds fun. Count me in, I'm ready to fail!
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13 years ago
Single elimination best of 3 sounds fine to me.
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13 years ago
I'm in, and agree with antero.
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13 years ago
pff no point, everybody knows i would win,

sign me up, best of 3 single elimination,

dont know how u would draw up the matchups

Random like soccer

or High VS Low Elo culiminating at hight VS High (like Tennnis
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think random matchups would make the most fun tournament overall.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yes I think random would be best. We need more players too, only 4 players is a bit few. Tell all your friends!
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I suppose I could be in, do you want to set up some kind of elo brackets?
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13 years ago
No just random I think.
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13 years ago
I can play too!
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13 years ago
count me in, although looking at teh players not sure how long i'd last
best of three sounds good
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So far we have:

I say we should at least be able to get 16, that would result in 4 rounds. Sounds fair, altough getting 16/32 would be even nicer.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I will play too
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Do you think we'd get a few from the Spring forum?
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13 years ago
maybe,try it?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Added a thread on the Spring forum: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=27489 in hopes of gaining more people (:
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Scheduling times might be difficult for me as I have no idea whether I will be free on any particular day.
eg. I never see KR, Crutch or Darkstar.

If this is happening somewhere late march/early-mid april, then I will be free. If this is the case, then count me in.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I can't guarantee availability on particular days either but go ahead and sign me up.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I was thinking about having each player plan their own matches so you can just pick a time to play when both are available.
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13 years ago
What about maps? Can we make a pool of 5 and let both players eliminate one? then randomise if there are more then 3 left? or losers pick(map)?

wich maps?
what about:

red comet
alien desert
into battle
comet catcher

this pool may be a bit too comety though, sugestions?
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Page of 8 (149 records)