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Dota needed

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Recently I saw people demanding commanders battle only. I only want to know how to :
1.Setoptions max units=1
2.Setoptions block all factories and units (except commanders)
3.Setoptions respawn commander area ( a zone where biggest elo player will chose to make the respawn base for the commanders)
4.Setoptions commander wrecks=0 (no wrecks in general)
+2 / -0
Or you may play much better MOBA instead?
AirMech and the recent SERVO comes to mind if you want ZK like commander system.

0. "Dota" is a stupid name since it refers to "Defense of the Ancients". I do not see any "ancients" in ZK do you?
1. This option is global as far as I know.
2. Doable by current modoptions ofcourse.
3. Requires some lua magic in shape of widget/gadget afaik.
4. There is no option like that so it would require some fiddling as well.
5. This is a proposition and has nothing to do with development of the game itself.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
It's called "AoS", scrubs!
+4 / -0

9 years ago
dont like AirMech, nothing compares to Zero-k commanders. The long range sniper :D, the d gun commander, the double stun gun commander :D, and many more.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Is it possible to find old version of zk dota? I think it would be easy to just fix a few lines to make it works w/ current zk and the engine.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I miss zkdota, it was lots of fun
+1 / -0
go to the units source folder and using bash
get this lol:
another spoiler lol:
so just pass that string to !setoptions disabeledunits=...
note: start queue ignores disabledunits so u can plop fac for reclaim
+0 / -0

"0. "Dota" is a stupid name since it refers to "Defense of the Ancients". I do not see any "ancients" in ZK do you?
1. This option is global as far as I know.
2. Doable by current modoptions ofcourse.
3. Requires some lua magic in shape of widget/gadget afaik.
4. There is no option like that so it would require some fiddling as well.
5. This is a proposition and has nothing to do with development of the game itself. "

0. I come up with that name because in Dota you just use 1 unit to kill other players. So this is the same in Zero-k commanders battle only.
1.Not working, already tested it in game and doesn't take effect.
2.What modoptions?
3.I want it to be a factory for itself, where commanders of all players are respawn.
4.In this mode after some time wrecks will bring a lot of lag to the game.
5. Isn't giving fun for the players a development for the game ?

And RUrankbanana_Ai
Old zk dota is buggy, to many of them.

I suggest the next when zero-k dota is activated (setoptions zeromode=dota):

These settings will be automatic when the mode is online:
1.!setoptions blockall( factories, units, defence buildings and terraform)
2.!setoptions enablerespawnfactory
3.!setoptions wrecks=0
4.!setoptions noelo=1
5.!setoptions groundeformation=0 (terrain won't change because of explosions and stuff)

These 5 are mandatory for the mode to work. If we have this we can play ZkDota on all maps. The next that I will type will make zero-k dota more dota-like.

6.!setoptions zkdefences=1 .Biggest elo player will chose the spots where 3 strong defence buildings will be placed to protect main commander respawn factory.They will need no energy to work.
7.!setoptions creepspawn=1 .Will make creeps appear (optional biggest elo player can select the waypoint of the attacks if this will be wanted from players)
8.!setoptions true line of sight and accuracy (line of sight will be the same as the range of commander) ( heavy machine gun with long range has WEIRD ACURACY almost to 0)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
last time i made dota they reversed the secret sprung hax
0/10 would not do again
+2 / -0
I advise you to check this link.

0. I come up with that name because in Dota you just use 1 unit to kill other players. So this is the same in Zero-k commanders battle only.

So you do in God of War or Diablo.

1.Not working, already tested it in game and doesn't take effect.

By saying global I meant the overall unit limit (may be wrong there never tested it).

2.What modoptions?

I have mistaken springiee with SPADS. SPADS, the other Spring host bot, has the power to ban certain units as game option.

3.I want it to be a factory for itself, where commanders of all players are respawn.

Then you require a unit + lua script to be made.

4.In this mode after some time wrecks will bring a lot of lag to the game.

Highly unlikely since you would only have around 60 or so wrecks in the field. Not to mention most of them would get reduced to scrap thus significantly reducing the poly count.

5. Isn't giving fun for the players a development for the game ?

Hello brave developers!

This forum section is about developing new things and getting help when doing that.

For suggestions please use general forum section.

Excerpt from the sticky post called "Development forum rules". Besides "fun" is relative.

All in all if you want another gamemode that is really highly differs from the original game, guess what... do it yourself! No like seriously. Ivica did that in the past. His mods got officially included into the main game and were kept as long as they were not terminally broken.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
PLrankOrfelius :"Highly unlikely since you would only have around 60 or so wrecks in the field. Not to mention most of them would get reduced to scrap thus significantly reducing the poly count."

You never plaid dota, I know what happens when 1 hour of dota gaming reaches.
+0 / -0
So you do in God of War or Diablo.

Everybody know that DOTA is about kicking creeps and other heros w/ your hero.

ROrankForever, I found some old DOTA source. I hope I will not be lazy and will fix it.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Everybody know that DOTA is about kicking creeps and other heros w/ your hero.

Wow, just like in almost every other RPG.
+3 / -0
"0. "Dota" is a stupid name since it refers to "Defense of the Ancients". I do not see any "ancients" in ZK do you?
http://zero-k.info/Clans/Detail/881 but seems they failed to defend themself.

All in all if you want another gamemode that is really highly differs from the original game, guess what... do it yourself! No like seriously. Ivica did that in the past. His mods got officially included into the main game and were kept as long as they were not terminally broken.
I doubt "another gamemode that is really highly differs from the original game" would nowadays be included because recently some stuff like that was removed. Compare: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/20021#141681
In past was maybe added and then eventually removed again, but now seems unlikely that it would included in the first place.

The DOTA hosts were removed because "gimmicky, unmaintained, undocumented, dead" ( https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/231 ) so kinda unlikely that they will return?
If something is only playable by fumbling with manual hosting then it is hardly worth it, because nobody will figure it out.
Also nobody wants to type all those textcommands.

Basically it is the same old problem with non-zeroK games on zK server/lobby/hosts:
Those mods might only work on certain maps (obviously map layout is very important to DOTA gameplay) or have other needs. Not even exotic stuff: Some games have more than 1 playable faction but in zK-lobby there is no more way to select them because of optimizing towards one game.
There is dozens of such things.
Not even the official zero-K hosts / lobby are 'fully finished' or imo even configured: clusterfuck, swastika maps and what other nonsense. My impressions in last years is there is little hope for proper support of non-zK stuff, because there is no dev-time and also an interesst to move away excactly from such stuff.
With move to "zero-K-only-infrastructure" it seems to more true. Or even more general: The trend towards "game-specifique" infrastructure (away from a "general" one) means that every new game needs to do its own "game-specifique" infrastructure, which defeats one attractive side that spring had for such smaller projects.
Imo currently the only feasible way to make such stuff in playable way are mod-maps, despite the obviously stupid approach, as explained in http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/20077#142490

If you want to play non-zK stuff like DOTA on zK-server then say to zK-peoplepersons that there is interest, otherwise more and more support needed for such stuff will be "streamlined" away.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Isn't it like Zk Dota?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I'm posting here to show my support for ZK DOTA.
+2 / -0
nothing compares to Zero-k commanders

yeah they're super dull compared to actual dota heroes
The long range sniper :D

the d gun commander

you misspelled "dagon commander"

the double stun gun commander :D

+2 / -0
9 years ago
Also there is http://www.notadota.com/
+1 / -0
I doubt "another gamemode that is really highly differs from the original game" would nowadays be included because recently some stuff like that was removed. Compare: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/20021#141681

My post from the quoted thread thread:
Broken optional gamemodes get removed by main devs if they cannot be easily fixed. Especially the ones that are very rarely ever used. Capture the Flag and King of the Hill were removed as well for this very reason if memory serves correctly.

The DOTA hosts were removed because "gimmicky, unmaintained, undocumented, dead" so kinda unlikely that they will return?

To my understanding Forever wants just solo ZK commanders with commander respawn pod which differs a lot from past ZK DOTA game.

Basically it is the same old problem with non-zeroK games on zK server/lobby/hosts

While I certainly agree that it indeed is a problem... The ZK DOTA was pretty much broken and axed for that reason. Development power for zk is low as it is already there was no need to relocate resources to a mod that is not even get to be played at all. At that it darn worked fine before and limiting factions did not have to do ANYTHING with axing the game itself.
Feel free to make a rage thread about that particular problem though. I will gladly complain about it there.

ROrankForever yet again: you want it to happen? Either pester somebody interested and capable of doing it (like Alcur that declared "support") or do it yourself. Posting stuff like "I WANT ZK IN SPACE SANDBOX" is... I just can't find a word for it. Help anyone?
+0 / -1

9 years ago
PLrankOrfelius what's your problem ? I never asked your help. Feel free to go and read other threads if you don't like what you see here :).
+0 / -0
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