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Suggestion: remove nuke launch warning && sound

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We already have powerful anti nukes(big range, intercept flying over missiles)

So I ask why does enemy get a free advantage of the nuke launch warning WITHOUT putting ANY efforts in this?

No scouting required, nothing...

He just gets a free warning and a lot of games are just less fun with it, i.e. people moving out their clusters from non protected areas
+8 / -0
I think what Firepluk means to say is that the other team resigns and the game ends before he gets to see the shiny ;)
+15 / -0
Suggestion: we could leave this warning but with extra condition - nuke must be scouted N minutes before the launch, kind of cool down

with cool down of 5 minutes:
I.e. someone has nuke and it was not scouted at all - no warning,
someone has nuke and it was scouted 3 min before the launch - warning,
someone has nuke and it was scouted 6 min before the launch - no warning(cooldown, need to re-scout with anything, i.e. get nuke into los for short amount of time)

What do you think? This would totally make nuke related behavior more interesting and would not benefit defending team at no extra price
+2 / -0

8 years ago
He just gets a free warning and a lot of games are just less fun with it, i.e. people moving out their clusters from non protected areas
Ideally, the reason would be because it's most consistently interactive to have a warning. The defending players always get to try to predict the impact and scramble to move their armies. Your units never randomly explode from an out-of-LOS nuke. It also nerfs nuke against mobile armies, which seems desirable.

I like the reasons above. However, in practise, the nuke warning exists because:
  • Weapon firing sounds are audible through LoS.
  • Nuke interaction had been balanced around the above fact.
  • Spring is a bit temperamental when deciding which sounds to play when many sounds are playing simultaneously.
  • I created the widget because the above limitation should not influence the mechanics of a high impact event like a nuke.
Weapon sounds could become inaudible with the investment of a lot of effort. I wouldn't do this because it would look weird when units fire from just outside LoS and not be heard. Technically, the nuke sound could be blocked, but that would be am inconsistency as well as removing the good points from my first paragraph. In short:

Desire for nuke warning - warning widget work > Desire for sealthly nuke - nuke launch sound reimplementation gadget work - inconsistency penalty.

Suggestion: we could leave this warning but with extra condition - nuke must be scouted N minutes before the launch, kind of cool down

with cool down of 5 minutes:
I.e. someone has nuke and it was not scouted at all - no warning,
someone has nuke and it was scouted 3 min before the launch - warning,
someone has nuke and it was scouted 6 min before the launch - no warning(cooldown, need to re-scout with anything, i.e. get nuke into los for short amount of time)

What do you think? This would totally make nuke related behavior more interesting and would not benefit defending team at no extra price
This is last on my list of things to do to nuke. It's an arbitrary change that adds lots of special rules. Why should seeing a unit 4 minutes ago give you a warning when it will fire? How will this time limit be discovered? What UI will display it? Nothing else works this way.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
yea, I agree this would add extra complexity and inconsistency
I just dislike the idea that nuke is "nerfed by default" without any extra efforts from the enemy(he gets warning for free)

Probably there is a better way...
+0 / -0
Suggestion is good, but firepluks sollution is overcomplicated.
Got a better idea.
Anti has two ranges, wider blue(?) and smaller red. I believe the red one is its missile's range, but blue one seems redundand (maybe it uses it to open the missile's slot?). We could use it as a kind of anti ballistic missile radar.
You have anti, enemy nuke enters the radars range, you get the warning.
You have anti, enemy fires nuke out of anti radar ramge, ninja nuke it is.
You have no anti, you get no warning at all, resign.

Kinda nerf to anti... Or maybe a buff since you get the warning when u have the anti... Well..
+2 / -0
PLrankFailer, I like the idea
It's transparent and requires enemy to put some minor effort to get a warning
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog what do you think?

P.S. it could even be an advanced radar... As soon as nuke enters advanced radar range enemy gets a warning
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I had once neonsturm idea.
Nuke bigger aoe (30%), bit larger dmag, make stun like shockely, have afterburn, makes big crater even in rocks, destry every terraform. Nuke nad silo costs much more (maybe 50% more).
Antis now is in three layer system. Nuke fly time is bit longer.
1. Standart protector - bit smaller range, cant intercept nuke above, can intercept only one nuke at time. 3000 metal.
2. Advanced protector with eearlt earning system - can intercept 2 nukes and nukes above, gives nuke warning after 5 sec nuke launch. Range same like standart protector. Morph for 1500 metal.
3. Protector with sattelite warning system - gives nuke launch warning immidiately after nuke launched. Displayb all players where nuke will fly. Range like current protector. 1000 metal for morph.

Warning works if there is at least one ugraded protector and for all players.

Funnel and reef gets antis but more smaller intercept range like old reef (less 30% 40%), cant intercept nuke above and can intercept only one at the time. Also no warning.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Nerfed by default?

I don't think that makes sense. Nerf implies a point of reference to which you unfavourably compare the nerfed unit. If it's nerfed by default, then its point of reference is itself, to which it is equal.

It's like saying statics are nerfed by default, since they can't move. Really, they trade their upside of increased power/cost, for the downside of no movement.

Besides, nukes are enormously impactful, and it would be a crying shame if people were confused as to why their base is now erased. Doesn't some small part of you enjoy shiney more because people have 10 or so seconds experiencing the shameful regret of not having worn protection before every last trace of them is scoured from existence?

Didn't nuke just get an indirect buff with no more mobile antinukes?
+2 / -0
In the spirit of my comment above: if the opposing team resigns while a nuke is in flight, delay the point at which the game stops playing until after the nuke goes off. (Or just make the time between game-victory and game-stops-simulating longer in all situations, that's probably much easier.)

Zero impact on gameplay, makes the endgame more satisfactory. Of course, somebody would have to go to the effort of implementation.

I don't have a strong opinion on the actual gameplay properties of nuke discussed above.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
A satisfying solution to this problem would be for games not to immediately end once you lose and everything blows up. I'm not quite sure what having your opponent's everything explode once they resign purpose is. I know alot of the time I would like to see what my opponent had after a game is over(were they rushing a strider, or have hidden expos, or have really good eco with a singu?). I see no good reason for this behavior; it doesn't add anything to the game. Ideally the way it would work is that every projectile currently in the air at the time of !resign hits, and then everything is frozen.
+4 / -0
8 years ago
Yes for Firepluk's idea, but I don't get why it must be so complicated.
If a unit/defense tower sees a nuke, flying or on the ground, ready to fire, it sends a warning. If the nuke is not spotted, no warning

If radar spots it, it will calculate where the missile will hit so you can move out of the way.

Makes sense, you don't see nuke coming, no warning. You see it coming, warning is given.
Radar can calculate where nuke is going to go.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Not to necro an old thread but I have to agree with the above...Firstly nuke warnings should be optional...secondly using units los or radar to discover said nuke is not a bad idea...bottom line is without advanced warning systems, no ones gonna know a nukes coming till you can actually see it. Always having a nuke warning removes all element of surprise with nukes. So since 3 yrs ago has any progress been made on this, or at least an in game option to turn off the warning. Also while zoomed out it would be nice to see an Icon for the nuke while in site. As is half the time you can't even see it when its coming in for impact. Just some thoughts on it anyway.
+0 / -0
having a nuke warning removes all element of surprise with nukes

half the time you can't even see it when its coming in for impact

Not being seen through fog of war is by design, to keep the surprise element. Do you want the surprise or not?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I'd like to just be able to remove the warning for nukes, period...as is, even with it being hidden within fog of war is moot. There is no surprise where its going, if targeted at a base. If not the warning gives me plenty of time to move all my units away from where they originally were so they don't get hit. Just look at which silos open up in a team game, u know its going to hit a specific base. There should be no warning without some type of early warning system, a unit/building that can see it and say ok. Time to move. Maybe only display it to players that have antinukes? because as is it always shows right?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
It should be optional...
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Also i think u misunderstood what i meant with adding an icon so u can see nukes...i'm talking about when zoomed out and the nuke gets within fog of war where u can see it better...but yah preferably disabling the warnings would be nice
+0 / -0
4 years ago
not within fog of war but when it actually can be seen...while zoomed out.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I stand by what I said three years ago. Here are some extra points.

There is no surprise where its going, if targeted at a base. If not the warning gives me plenty of time to move all my units away from where they originally were so they don't get hit.
I view this as an improvement to the nuke mechanic. The fact that players could have anticipated where the nuke would hit and moved their units away lessens the sting of getting nuked. The additional player interaction and mindgame feels advantageous.

Relatedly, hearing the sound is probably good pacing. It prepares the recipients of the nuke to their probable loss. If it is likely going to hit an antinuke then the recipients get the anticipation of thwarting their opponents. Randomly having a nuke projectile appear and be intercepted would give you no time to savour the victory. The anticipation is probably good all-round.
+7 / -0
4 years ago
I thought this was a new thread, damn them necros.

I like the nuke advance warning as it is for reasons described by Googlefrog.
+1 / -0
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