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Tick, Roach, Skuttle

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8 years ago
Tick, Roach, Skuttle. Can we buff these please? They used to be the most enjoyable units of their factories - often the very reason I would choose to use these factories in a clusterfuck. Now they are all really unreliable.

These units being strong added a lot of adrenaline bursts to a game, both in using these units and in the epic rage of being fucked by them.

Specifically the changes I think would make bombs great again:

> Remove or significantly improve edge effectiveness from Tick so the effect is the same all the way up to the edge of the radius again.

> Remove or significantly reduce the 'delay' between uncloaking a tick/roach and the tick/roach being able to move (there used to be no delay).

> Change the fx of tick explosion so it clearly demonstrates the radius of effect with a ground flash or something similar.

> Draw a permanent range circle around Tick, Roach and Skuttle that shows the units AoE as this is fairly unclear and takes a lot of practice to intuitively know.

> Reduce the decloak distance of the Skuttle.
+13 / -0
> Draw a permanent range circle around Tick, Roach and Skuttle that shows the units AoE as this is fairly unclear and takes a lot of practice to intuitively know.

Just a random thought: Give these units some sort of shiny glow similar to Pylons that is clearly visible on the ground and make this glow the same size as their AoE.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
I don't think Tick and Roach are weak. Skuttle could possibly be better but I've never been any good with them in the first place, so I don't really have much of an opinion.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
More often than not when I see skuttle used it goes off a milimeter from its target and then the target seems to barely care even though its clearly partially inside the small mushroom cloud. Scuttles are really risky for cost.
+4 / -0
Reduce the decloak distance of the Skuttle

120 Decloak, like fleas?


> Draw a permanent range circle around Tick, Roach and Skuttle that shows the units AoE as this is fairly unclear and takes a lot of practice to intuitively know

I think it needs a "weapon range" circle which denotes AOE, but is colored blue.

For fuck's sake XIVENDER STOP!
+1 / -0
8 years ago
We definitely need a stronk skittle to kill those lvl20 lobster coms xD
+6 / -0
8 years ago
Firepluk speaks truth, my friends
+0 / -0

8 years ago
only the weak demand reduction of skuttle decloak radius.
+6 / -0

8 years ago
These units could possibly do with a buff. It requires care though since they can behave fairly randomly. I may remove the unburrow time since it interacts poorly with cloaker+tick/roach.
+6 / -0
8 years ago
Do you remember the good old tick?
ElTorero remembers
+7 / -0

8 years ago
I dont think that they need a stat buff, but rather a usability buff.
Explosion radius indicator would be the best thing to add.
Removing damage falloff would also be a good change imo. That would allow players to know what to expect every time one of their ticks goes off.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
The abominable TickMan, HIDE!!!!
+4 / -0
8 years ago
The abominable conman DDDD:
+2 / -0
Play games with us Knorke!

Surely you'll enjoy the nice game the devs made
+1 / -0
You'll enjoy it, sea got made better :)
use these factories in a clusterfuck

What about 1v1?
Or teams?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
You need to see Hover meta.

Go play games, Hover meta is OP in 1v1.

+0 / -0
As for roaches and skuttle, not sure they really are in need of something but tick I agree 100%.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Skuttle is increbibly UP right now.

It's expensive
its HP are ridicolous (dies to a defender)
its decloack range is huge
its mainetance cost in E is enourmus. like, you need a fusion just to move 2 of them
its explosion decreases with distance with no explanation of values, so jou can't really know how much damage will it do.

and beside from their stats, here are sone things tham make difficult to use, they are correct, but do not justify the stats above:
they require careful micro for use, making you negletting al the
their main targets, comms, with their numeros level can survive a skuttle explosion
it's a bomb, so anyway you lose your metal. and someone also added a wreck to it that your enemy can reclaim.

And now the good:
it still jumps! (WHAT? NERF IT! :D)
+1 / -0
8 years ago

This is a counterweight to the large decloak radius
+1 / -1

8 years ago
I think roach is good enought. But tick i see rarely in team games. Mostly as niche unit who can perform well but not so. Skittle also isnt so bad except decloak. But if you look how DErankAdminmojjj use them then i would say that skuttle isn't totally useless.
+1 / -0
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