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Planetary annihilation

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12 years ago
I will just leave this here:
+0 / -0
12 years ago
not sure how to react....possible system error...

Does smashing planets = 42 ?
+0 / -0
Why do all the models look like 'Cremuss does BA:R'?

The balance on this will be awful. Can you imagine how the smashing-planets-into-eachother will work? They're going for awesome over realistic, but they're also going for awesome over competitive.

It will be cool, it will be fun, singleplayer might be good. But you'll play it for a week, think it's cool, and forget about it- or they'll have to strip out a huge amount of the mechanics for multiplayer (which is more likely).
+0 / -0
Looks pretty groundbreaking! (hoh hoh)

I hope it'll be great, but I'm not holding my breath after SupCom.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sweeping generalizations and speculation from someone who has never played the game, and has only seen a video preview, of a game in pre-alpha state and may not ever even be created? Call me shocked.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Hmm. Considering what kind of challenge it is to micro your units in a single smallish map, I wonder how it will go when you micro several different things happening in multiple planets or asteroids. If the units auto-micromanage themselves and the player would focus on the big decisions with occasional voluntary involvement with micro, that would be great.

I hope those guys the best of luck. Not many game companies try to bring something new and fresh into the old genres that were created so long ago and persisted more or less unchanged for ages.
+0 / -0
Well I love the concept and I suppose I'll hate the implementation. I think i saw estimate on spring's development costs - it was something around 7 digit number in dollars. And approx same number for ZK mod. Soooooo..... they want to do it in 900000 bucks... well good luck. I've just posted a link to ZK trailer on their facebook page. Lets see what happens next lol=)

PS: The most annoying part is that they do not even acknowledge our existence...
For the same reason wishing them luck is not good cuz they lie in your face - they claim that OTA was the last of a kind, which it was not!
+0 / -0
From someone who designs games like this. >_>

It's obvious from their video where there design priorities are: Awesomely smashing planets into eachother and robots exploding. That stuff is fine, brilliant, fun, but just saying: it won't be competitive. Perhaps they've learnt enough to make a competitive RTS from SupCom (Which was, I have heard fairly competitive after FA fixed some glaring issues) but I think they've probably given up on the idea and just want to make something cool. I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about their design priorities.

Edit: They don't really need to acknowledge our existence, THEY shipped the game on which OUR game is based.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah yeah. They are not called cavedog. And afaik Zero-k has no cavedog content left. Also, cavedog belongs to EA. And lying to people is generally uncool.

Also, Saktoth is right about one thing for sure - making a competitive game is supremely hard. as much as I'd love to see planetary battles in Spring i have a pretty good idea oh how hard it actually is to pull off, and how much harder it will be to balance. Blizzard spends YEARS balancing their games with unlimited budget, and then they patch them for next 5 years. Zk has been in balancing stage for a while now and still has issues.

The only thing I hate is that on facebook they already have the same number of likes as we do. And their game is not even made yet.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>on facebook they already have the same number of likes as we do. And their game is not even made yet

They are a commercial game studio with two successful commercial games. Anything they do is going to be bigger than ZK, including simply announcing their intention to make a new game. Don't take it personally.

I want them to make this game, I want to play it, and I want it to be good. Maybe they will, maybe I will, maybe it will. Maybe. I gave them money; we'll see what happens.

In the meantime I still want to see dropped units in ZK. Dropships, paratroopers, unit cannons, SOMETHING. Just for the awesome. :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Also: More details and an interview.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
/* I wonder how it will go when you micro several different things happening in multiple planets or asteroids */
I wonder too: one side you have small skirmish units like peewees that require constant attention and on the other side is this solarsystem-scale.

Who knows what maps/gamemode will become popular.
And the zerok trailer does look more like unit smashfest with big explosions than competive pr0g4moring too, so yeah.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well I have played only 1 successful RTS with spherical planets (populous), and I have to admit it was great. But the amount of micro required was INSANE. ZK-style gameplay would not live on circular planet. I'd love to see their product, i'd love it to be great, i just think that assuming spring is not there is not something to do if you make a TA clone. That was why I never respected supcom guys either - they positioned their gameplay as unique - which it was not! And now same shit again - like since OTA noone even tried. LOL.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If they can also manage to make it have a nice competive gameplay then it will be awesome i guess.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The thing i like more is spherical maps, no more noobs at you back doing nothing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
According to one interview (cba to find out where), the maps aren't truly spherical. Seeing as everything in the solar system is planar anyways I imagine you will be seeing one side of the plane, so you will have one side of the sphere as playable area.

Looks awesome anyways. I do have some small gripes; the models do really look like Mr. Bob's BA remake with worse textures, and the scale wasn't really impressive considering that was a point that was really marketed.

But they got my money, and the first kickstarter project to ever do so; I suppose that is what matters. :)

Partly also because they are supporting linux now. :D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Cavedog belongs to GT Interactive.
The Original TA was not focus on the competive side, it was meant to be a "cool game", yet it become one of the most longlived rts, and has awsome derivatives such like Zero-K.
+0 / -0
Legoish models make it a lot easier to get user generated contents, you can create a new unit without much effort on the model to make it consistent with other units in the game.

If the conceptual trailer is accurate, then the planets in this game would be at least as spherical as they are in the populous, maps in populous are rectangles with topological trick too.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think they meant maps will be topologically equivalent to spherical. Populous maps were technically wrapped rectangles as well. I think the scale and style is fine as I prefer interesting mechanics and unit recognisability over realism.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah, the unit recognizability is really good for gameplay.

You know what's really bad for gameplay? Minimum split sizes of 5v5 and heavily black-boxed economy. If you care about gameplay seriously then how do you support those. >:-(
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