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Playing On

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Klube had some thoughts about continuing to play past the point where you are losing. I'm starting a new thread because I'd like to discuss that separately from any talk about about redesigning PlanetWars.


I don't like people resigning just because they are likely not to win. This really bugs me because I'm not JUST playing to win, I'm also playing to play, and ending the game before I'm done is just bullshit. I want to see some scorched earth like play, where people are playing losing games just to bleed the enemy to death.

I sympathize with this view. Playing ZK is fun, so why not keep playing even if you're in a lost position? Why not do the very best you can with what you have left? Put up a good fight right down to the last 'bot! Make 'em work hard for the win and make 'em pay for every inch of ground!

... but then I thought more about it. I don't think that this sentiment, as good as it sounds, makes for a workable game design. The problem is this: once you're unable to win the game there is no other clearly articulable goal to pursue, and any such goal that you might set for yourself is inherently incompatible with the primary goal of the game.

Klube suggested that the losing player should try to maximize damage dealt and/or units killed, relative to damage taken or metal used or time spent. I could suggest some other goals: (a) hold out as long as possible; (b) minimize the number of units / amount of econ / size of territory that the enemy has when your last unit is killed; (c) make something big and dramatic that will go out with a bang (spam a deathball or nukes or dets etc). You could probably come up with more yourself. In fact, everyone probably has their own different idea about what to do when you've effectively lost the game but don't want to just up and quit.

But the game itself has only one goal: destroy all the enemy units. Any of the above strategies are perfectly valid ways to do that. Some will be more effective than others in various situations, but none of them are necessarily the "correct" goal to pursue. All of them are merely ways to accomplish the only true goal of destroying all the enemy units.

Case One: Suppose we settled on one of these alternate goals as the "correct" goal to pursue once you've lost. That would, however, also affect the way you play before you've lost, and in my opinion that would degrade normal play by emphasizing some set of tactics over others out of proportion to the degree which they accomplish the main goal of winning the game.

Case Two: Suppose instead we all agreed "Okay, exactly how you play once you've lost is up to you, but it's important that you keep playing. Don't give up! Keep fighting! It doesn't matter what you do but at least do something!" Sounds good, right? But the problem is that at that point you are no longer playing a game. Why not? Because you are pursuing a goal that your opponent does not know and that your opponent is not trying to thwart.

Once you've reached the point where you've clearly lost, you're no longer playing a game against your opponent. Instead, you're playing a game with your opponent, and the game is "Hey, let's blow up stuff!". You're playing with toy soldiers.

Which is fun.

But it's not the game that people who signed up for Zero-K want to play.


Consider chess. Expert players will recognize when they are in a losing position - down several pieces, for example - and resign long before the game would be over if they forced their opponent to actually checkmate their king. But suppose instead you said "Chess is fun! I know there's no way I can win because I'm down a queen and two rooks but let's keep playing anyway. I'll do the best I can with what I've got left!"

... What, exactly, would you try to do? You wouldn't be trying to win; you know that's impossible. Would you try to draw the game out as long as possible? Capture as many pieces as possible? Put the king in check as often as possible? Capture the queen?

None of these have anything to do with the goal of the game. At best they are side effects. And if you decided to do any of them, your opponent won't try to stop you - he'll only do whatever is necessary to put your king in checkmate, and if that means allowing you to capture almost all of his pieces, well, so be it. He still wins.


I think you can get style points for playing on past the point where the game is lost. I think it can be fun for both sides.

But I also think it can be frustrating and annoying for either side. Consider the chess game. If you were winning and the loser wanted to keep playing just so he could try to capture your queen... or if you were losing and the winner wanted to keep playing right down to the checkmate...

... whereas all you wanted to do was get the game over with so that you could play another game of chess...

... wouldn't you be annoyed, too?
+0 / -0
"(a) hold out as long as possible;"

how? hide the last flea?
For what purpose? make a 3 hour lagfest?
I suggest you play chickens more or vs 3 CAI.

("b) minimize the number of units / amount of econ / size of territory that the enemy has when your last unit is killed;"
works better when winnning ;)

"make something big and dramatic that will go out with a bang (spam a deathball or nukes or dets etc"
works also better when winning ;)

I know I play to win and voteresign when its over. But that does not mean that you cant do the other goals you wrote down
watch this Multiplayer B105194 16 on CliffHanger-v1. I had exactly 2 constructors, a ravager and a crasher left. I went to goals a and b. And had a lot of fun. But it is still only worth the fun if you still have a chance to win.
As in your example, almost all voteresigns are when its check, all you can really do is putting units in front of the king and let them die one by one. Or senseless walk your king left and right. You find that fun?

I repeat you should play chickens more. I find that fun too, holding out as long as possible. Winning chickens is pretty boring honestly. I used to find building big units just for funz entertaining too, but trust me you get over it when you played more games.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The reason why I keep playing chess after I am way down is that 1. they can make a mistake that will let you win (very unlikely) and 2. I can try to get a stalemate which is half a point more for me and half a point less for the opponent. Since there is no stalemate in ZK there is no point in playing much longer because they can produce more units (unlike chess) and you can't. You can't whittle them down to their last piece so that they can't beat you.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
hmm, perhaps I should try to be more specific. When I do things I have a bad habit or distracting myself or others from exactly what I'm trying to point out.

Lets see, people in ZeroK have a tendency to give up to easily. They've gotten abusive in their own vision of how the game is going, and therefore, they voteresign before a game is truly decided.

I was attempted to brainstorm by approaching the problem from a different direction, such as a different designed PW system, which might allow me to think up an idea that might not normally be seriously considered approaching it with the current understanding of PW.

I'm wondering, is it possible to provide some incentive to get people to be less abusive in voteresigning prematurely. I never meant, HIDE FLEAS EVERYWHERE AND STALL THEM 4 HOURS. No, I'm just throwing ideas out there in how to get people to focus more on playing, then on thinking every 5 minutes(AM I LOSING?!?!?!?!?! MAYBE BETTER VOTERESIGN) without ever considering the other players who have yet to give up, who might still have their entire army intact and their entire base working.

That other player probably wants to at least see what his stuff can do, considering he probably spent the past 5-20 minutes creating all of it while fighting.
+0 / -0
I've seen my share of people resigning early. I also see lots of people dragging out games unnecessarily and holding up the next game from starting. There is really no good reason to agonizingly draw out a game, that is already solidly decided, when other people are waiting.

The people who are less interested in winning/laddering and more interested in seeing robots shoot each other shouldn't be playing the ranked ladder games. They should be playing coop vs AI, chickens, missions, or unranked custom-opened games.

Playing ranked games without interest in ranking is kind of abuse of the serious players. They get used as the 'campaign mode', which is why they seem frustrated all the time.

+0 / -0
unranked custom-opened games.

No such thing. Custom games affect elo.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If I m doomed to lose straight from start I dont see any point to play its simply not entertaining for me. Well yes I can find some "goals" but since I m gonna lose anyway then most people such "goals" call trolling so...
+0 / -0
No such thing. Custom games affect elo.

I guess I am thinking of the manual hosting in Springlobby, I forget that zklobby just opens another autohost.

Although it really should be unranked anyway.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
good point LTrank[pikts]wolas
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can kick the autohost AFAIK. But still, I think that the main reason for early gg is that spring ECO is so exponential. The moment you fall behind by a fraction you are screwd. HOWEVER there is a potential solution:

Team calls a vote to resign:
  • If ALL PLAYERS say yes game ends
  • If most players say yes the endgame mode is activated. A special unit (similar to CC) is spawned randomly in the map, visible to all teams. All the players that voted yes become spectators.
+ If the losing team manages to get that structure - well kudos for them, they don't lose ELO and get the "Insurgence strike" award, where score is proportional to how quickly they could take out that structure.
+ For every second the losing team keeps active build power > 10 metal/second the final stand counter is incremented. Large values on that counter result in the "final stand" award.
+ If a single player stays behind and gets 5 minutes on that timer he gets the "You shall not pass" award
+ The ELO loss should be proportional to that counter - as in the resigned players actually lose more ELO then the ones that fight till the last bot.
+ If the metal used by a team in a minute is < 300 the "Resign already" timer is incremented. The winning team can vote to add 5 min to that timer, otherwise the game ends in 3 minutes.

If a team wins after the resign vote passed the remaining players get the "Defenders of the homeland" award.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You know that elo is designed to balance teams? Not to be an punishment or award for resigning / not resigning.
Besides the fact that it is funny that I think that your system will increase early voteresigns, cause the goals are actually easier to complete when still in healthy fighting condition.
people resign currently because there is no achievable goal anymore. With your design of some sore of endgame, there is actually no need for punishment anymore because there is still an new achievable goal.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Look, getting a win or a win-after-resign is not the same thing. Plus, every system is abuseable. I personally believe that ELO is just a BAD metric in general. But the point was to make post-resign games fun. I think my system acheives it just fine, as you said yourself the goals are very much reasonable + you get the award.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
how is it fun? People resign cause they want to end this game, not to wait another 5 mins. Make your system fun for everyone, so that not half the people have to resign and be spectator. And Elo is not a bad metric. Give an alternative for ELO.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Anything that does not jump so much every time you win against a pro or lose against a nub. If I lose to 1500-elo nub because i lagged out or was not paying attention i can lose 15-20 elo. He'd get that 20 elo. Although his skill did not change. This is my problem with elo. I already proposed a better metric and everyone said it is exploitable. BUT ELO IS EXPLOITABLE TOO.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sure it is exploiable, but that does not mean that the system is bad.
There was already some other thread proposing the seperation of team elo and 1v1 elo and possible pw elo. Just to make elo better at balancing teams. And get rid of 1v1 exploits.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I cant even relate to the Playing On mindset, not even a little.

The game is fun while it is a competition. It ceases to be fun once it becomes a process to be completed - like watching a Coup de grâce cutscene that can last 20 minutes.

My mindset is - if we immediately finish this game in which one side has indisputably won, we can then immediately begin a new game, in which both sides have an equal chance of winning. There is no reason to endure the long follow up to final victory, because achieving the position where the other side resigns IS the victory!

Where is the entertainment of watching your units shoot solars and closed razorkisses for ten minutes while the other team afk until the game technically completes?

The only - ONLY - people I can see arguing in favoor this are very new or very poor players, because these demographics are generally so poor at the game that the only time they are controlling a significant number of units that are destroying enemy units is when their allies have destroyed all resistance and they are just spamming units with an endgame economy and firing at defenceless structures. There is no entertainment here for anyone who has got over the basic mechanics of the game.
+0 / -0
I might add that the main demographics that complain about this sort of thing are players that do not grasp the bigger picture in a teamgame - that focus on their 'lane' to the exclusion of all else, and then become upset when their defeated team resigns while they are winning 'their game'.

If such players were to view the bigger picture, it would occour to them that their lane is shortly going to be crushed from all sides and they have a 0% chance of breaking out, destroying the enemy bases and winning without their team.
+0 / -0
TBH that can work both ways, people so focussed on their part of the battlefield that they only see their own losses will call for a resign vote without realising that the other team has been playing agressive whilst theirs has been playing e-farmer and they actually have the bigger economy, even with less mex.

Plus there's a big difference between absolutely certain to lose and having less than a 50:50 chance. Some people resign at the sign of the slightest advantage to the opponent, some people like to play untill even their slimmest chance of winning is gone.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Losing your first raider is a perfectly legit reason to resign.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
IMHO the resignation thing is kinda special case. In a competitive 1v1 it makes total sense. In 2v2 it probably does too. Primarily because if one of the players wishes to resign, he'd not play as good anymore and they'd lose anyway. In larger team games it is difficult to grasp the whole picture, and plenty of times the losing team can still pull off quite a fight before going down. Which can be fun of its own - and I think this kind of fun can be appreciated. Maybe as experimental setting on Teams host. For example, when I see that my team is clearly winning, I'd typically go for something trollish like a krow/sumo/bunch of goliaths, you name it. Not because I need one, but because it is funny. Airdropping a Sumo into the middle of enemy porc can not be a very effective tactic, but it sure as hell is fun for both teams. as in ZOMG THAT SUMO IS SO OP!!! kind of fun, but this is why we play ZK after all. The competitive part is sweet, but primary difference between ZK players and chess players is that ZK players like pew-pew lazzors more than boring board. So if there is an award for staying back and fighting - why not? After all, it can be fun. Test it out, if it does not work ditch it.

PS: Just yesterday watched a PW game where one of the teams almost resigned and 10 min later won the game. The only thing that stopped them from resign was unkilled cc. So they got their shit together and pushed for CC, while killing a significant portion of enemy advance force => turning the tide of the battle.
+0 / -0