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What needs to be done to talk about the actual climate of the game?

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3 years ago
zero-k has no in-game weather system.. imagine storms or even nighttime with headlights... you go to rush enemy base with scorchers but half of them get stuck in snow...

..start of list of things it could add..


..end of list of things it could add..
+8 / -0
3 years ago
Does wind count as weather?
+2 / -0

3 years ago
Yeah, climate! Suppose a thunderstorm with a chance of thunderbolts that randomly strike units?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
zero-k has no in-game weather system.. imagine storms or even nighttime with headlights... you go to rush enemy base with scorchers but half of them get stuck in snow...

Night widget is a thing. Under Graphics.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
There was one map with heavy rain and it results in a very low framerate at mine 1050ti/i8750 notebook. =(
+2 / -0

3 years ago
I was thinking of a lightning shooting superweapon at one point.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Anti-Dinosaur style meteor?
+0 / -0
3 years ago
maybe someone can make a gamemode where zenith meteors randomly fall down and they are the only source of metal, but they also destroy stuff?
+0 / -0
maybe someone can make a gamemode where zenith meteors randomly fall down and they are the only source of metal, but they also destroy stuff?

Sandcastles2 meteors with metal mult = 0.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
That map is unsupported :(
+0 / -0

3 years ago
It may require maintenance to work.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Aurelian seems to have snow.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
Downpour seems to have downpour.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
What about people who collected too much bad karma having a big black cloud above their com for a game or two, raining down on it and randomly stunning stuff with emp lightning bolts?
+2 / -0

3 years ago
What about people who collected too much bad karma having a big black cloud above their com for a game or two, raining down on it and randomly stunning stuff with emp lightning bolts?

Chicken Commander 2: Electric Boogaloo
+3 / -0

3 years ago
I was thinking a cheap Zenith could be fun.

With a cost-damaging effectiveness of blastwings and left metal on ground.

Tweak to 6000 cost, less damaging, control fewer meteorites - like 30.

+2 / -0

3 years ago
Need to create a simple mod, "with metro fall"

6000 Zenith metro wobbly 1500, max control 10 each, cost 50E, damage reduce to 1000.
+0 / -0

6000 Zenith metro wobbly 1500, max control 10 each, cost 50E, damage reduce to 1000

Consider creating a mutator or tweakunits config then. Mutator route works pretty easy with minimal coding knowledge.

First copy a sdz from Zero-K/games. Empty it of everything except modinfo.lua. Create a new folder inside of it called Units. Copy this file and change some lines:

Damage (in all the weapon defs), MetalCost, wobbly. That at least takes care of the unitdef part of this. You'll also need to tweak the unitscript (Line 17 to be exact) for the max control part. It should be rather straightforward. You want to save this in the sdz's "scripts" folder (just create a new one inside the base sdz).

Last part is changing the modinfo.lua. Just copy this and overwrite it. Upload it here and create a new mutator here. You can use this (changing the game line to whatever you name your mutator). And you're done! That was easy, wasn't it?
+2 / -0
EDIT: unknownrankShaman pointed out in Discord that my file was wrong in structure.

Please check if your .sdz contain a sub-folder; if you are new to modding like me, be patient to investigate the problem.

Now you may try this mod by typing

!game meteor

in a room

I did minor changes, however uploading bring up error information

Resource upload results
No valid map/game found in the uploaded file

I guess it is the modinfo.lua

return {
name='Zero-K May Meteor Fall',
description='Zero-K with earlier Meteor Controller',
depend = {

Not outcome so far. Thank you unknownrankShaman, very detailed step-by-step instructions but I still cannot get it run.
+3 / -0
Congratulations, you're a mod author now.

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+2 / -0
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