Allright I did some noobity noob testing. Commanders vs Jugglenaut, Titan duel, area terraformed to level.
Level 1 and 2 commander get pulled easily(still some randomness even on flat surface, sometimes good pull, sometimes very slow). On later levels it gets harder to pull. Yeah they get more mass with levels.
Inside 30% of max range juggle has the best pull power(because weapon is high, it can lift targets off ground??). Commander can stand still at max range and sometimes veeery slowly be pulled, takes minutes, and when inside that 30% range, they get speedy pull.
Outside of that 30% commanders can actually just walk away from juggle pull if they have move order to far away before juggle starts to pull, and they dont stop while being pulled. If they stop, they cant start moving again. Also if commander is moving towards juggle, they are more easily pulled. But again, outside that very close range, they can easily just stand still and not be affected by juggle on higher levels and mass.

In the picture, green lines are juggle max range and the about 30% range straight line. Guardian commander can walk away after the line, if already moving away. Level 46,(yeah cool, you can keep morphing even after all modules are installed) mass 4742.
Recon for some reason stops where it is and cant go further, but can walk up to that point while being pulled. Level 10, Mass 1111.
Engineer can also move away after the line, level 30 something, didnt check mass, maybe 3000? But in the picture, it is stuck where it is because too close to the juggle.
Inside the straight green line, they cant walk away.
Juggle weapon doesnt seem to tell what power it has? What mass it can pull?
Switching between pull and push as suggested, moving juggle around, moving commander around, it all is very random how and when the pull works.
Also tested with jack on level terrain, standing still, mass 422, sometimes instant good pull, sometimes no pull effect at all. Its all so chaotic. More like immobilize than pull/push.
But maybe juggle is doing its job as a riot? It pulls small stuff good and well. Like bandit has a mass 90, no problems. Then again juggle is supposed to work against crab on a spire? Crab has 480 mass. But there Ive seen many times crab unaffected, also walking away while pulled, but maybe thats the terrain screwing. But still, unreliable(because target has ground contact?).