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some proposals

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15 months ago
It seems that zk identifies himself more and more in the wellcome team room.
In my opinion this is harmful to the game, as it limits itself and cannot grow much, precisely for objective reasons.
It wouldn't make sense to enlarge the room even more to other players for obvious reasons of playability, lag etc.
As a result, players often have to wait up to two hours to play a game. Many say they relax playing this way.
I don't believe it. I think there's some hypocrisy about that.
I bring some solutions:
1) I propose in the interest of the game to divide all the players into one room and through matchmaking automatically divide them into two different rooms with balanced teams.
For example, if there are 40 players, two rooms of 20 players automatically and so on.
2) if you don't want to change, for fear of losing players, I propose that the wellcome team match be set to a maximum time of, for example, 45 minutes. At the end of which whoever managed to kill the most wins. (or with other parameters: territory owned etc.).
This would make the game more fun and less static.
Several times the matches almost seemed to be a draw even in the presence of starlights on the two sides.
+5 / -0
im going to make a guess that in a big room of 20v20 you can play any way you want and you wont die before you finish the starlight you made.. if the room has 10 players then you have to make units or your actions will be noticed as less standard play.. so.. splitting the room will not appeal to the safety in numbers / no pressure / freedom minded. who may make up half the numbers in said 40 player game.

but its just a guess
+1 / -0
15 months ago
Seems a bit drastic, i say zk would benefit from a "Quickplay" button with checkmark options to select/deselect some modes like 1v1/ ai / team. So a literal way to quickly get into a game without effort.
+4 / -0
15 months ago
DErankSkel there is already a matchmaker but it doesn't work for teams because people gravitate to the more common option of the big teams room. Therefore, the mechanic of the big teams room must be changed (or removed). Good suggestions for changing it like automatic splitting, MM rooms and the waiting room are discussed in this thread.

unknownrankmanero Your suggestion 1 goes in the right direction but must be refined further. See the suggestions in the link above. Your suggestion 2 is problematic because it worsens the game for the playing players without entirely solving the problem of the waiting players.
+3 / -0
15 months ago
Obv im aware of the mm system, its underused, "hidden" and a bad look. Big teams room is the more common option because it is also the easiest option, some sort of prominent positioned Quickplay button could remove that status.

And you could just press the button while in the lobby as well, ....add an option instead of removing one.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
I think that the choice should happen automatically and not by the player's choice. Letting matchmaking choose seems like the most sensible choice, dividing the players into multiple rooms, excluding afk players.
On the other hand, maintaining a cauldron room does not make this game progress in terms of growth of the active population. More rooms with fewer players will give more vitality and fun. It would be like having mini team tournaments every evening based on the set number.
I don't think it's good for the game, otherwise keeping a single room just to not disturb those who don't want to show themselves and remain hidden in the number. I saw how Bar divides the rooms.
A game that lasts as long as a movie is tiring for everyone
+1 / -0

15 months ago
I think that the choice should happen automatically and not by the player's choice.

I don't think being forced to play something is fun for everyone; in fact I think it's not what most people would want, including myself.
+2 / -0
15 months ago
Could I just tick a box that says "start game when 8-16 sensible players have also ticked the same box"?
+0 / -0
15 months ago
"sensible players"

a sensible player detector would be very useful.. i think rank is not accurate as in a teamgame many non sensible tactics like minute 1 detriment are rewarded with wins and rank.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
Sensible meaning in my fantasy dream mind an individual who shuns anything above 8v8 horror, or just a dude who'd rather go smaller than pot.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
This has been discussed to death. At this point you, as in everyone here, have a few options.
+2 / -0
there was a joke here but it was too stupid and didnt make any sense so i replaced it with an explanation of why its been replaced
+0 / -0
15 months ago
This has been discussed to death.
As we still discuss it we are all zombies or we did not discuss it to death.

Gain the technical skill to implement the fleshed out existing proposal that exists for splitting.
Is there anywhere the proposal described (github issue/wiki page/etc.)? Would help that each time starts the discussion again we just paste the "currently accepted ideal" so that any discussion is focused on that ideal rather than the current status.
+3 / -0

15 months ago

Read to the end.
+2 / -0

15 months ago
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog: Do you prefer that idea to this one? https://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/258365#258365
(assuming equal technical difficulty, though I'm pretty sure my proposal is noticeably more difficult)
+1 / -0