Should TB disarm and slow?
It feels underpowered at the moment. Short of having a bunch of raiders ready to leap in immediately as soon as the disarm happens, the targets are able to just run away and recover quickly. Also if there is at least one or possibly a handful of riots not far behind the targets, even raiders won't be able to do anything.
If there is significant AA, planes cannot even follow TB(s) to disarm shields with bombers because the TB(s) will never make it alive to begin with, unless you're throwing disproportionate metal at the target. In which case, just get likhos.
TBs are OK to discourage early raiding in team games, which is the niche of phoenix.
What role does TB fill, currently?
The one niche I can think of, which rarely happens, is if there is a lot of porc with no AA and the opponent quickly invests in a plane fac instead of a silo.