Is Stardust weak and pointless? Doesn't really seem like an option in 1v1 and even team games most of the time. Should it receive a minor buff?
+3 / -0
Yeah stardust has really bad accuracy, and its much better to just build riots instead of it.
+1 / -0
I like that its damage falls off over time, so... maybe boosting its early DPS could be good. Make it slowly wind up, speed up, slow down again, or something fun like that. Use a parabola to count the unit's weapon speed.
+0 / -0
Also, I should note that while a riot can move away, stardust can't. So, really, what's needed is a reason to advocate for something with no legs. Maybe... spray paint weapon attack, on top of increased damage over time? Make it able to target multiple units, quickly firing bursts at each one & quickly re-aiming? There's certainly more that people can think of.
+1 / -0
someone got raided and stardust didnt save them 💀
+1 / -0
quote: someone got raided and stardust didnt save them |
It's the opposite. I never use it because it's not good.
+0 / -0
it does have its use cases... not too frequently but sometimes a stardust can alongside a proc line can be very useful...
+0 / -0
It's not great. Does it need to be better? I don't know about that.
+1 / -0
It is great vs early chickens and used to be a great choice against assaults, if you disabled them with faraday. Now assaults are stronger at assaulting porc (still not competing with artillery though) which is certainly a good thing, but puts stardust in a bad position. Against low metal investments, 2 lotus do better and cheaper due more range (while keeping limited anti skirm), if someone brings enough raiders to warrant a stardust (and somehow can't run around it), they can afford to trade 2 for a skirm. Small exception for tanks since they have no skirm, but a group of blitzes won't care about a stardust either So stardust is limited to a situation where the enemy can't run around and can't bring a skirm or two If it could hide itself it would have some use in being a trap for raiders (while remaining an easy target for everything with more range as soon as they spotted it), but i am not sure if that is not too daring for a building
+0 / -0
To me surprise, Stardust is still better than most riots vs line-moving raiders:
Glaives - 7 kills Reaver, 7 kills Redback, 14 kills Ripper (good lord), 10 kills Stardust
Ducks - 6 kills Reaver, 5 kills Redback, 10 kills Ripper (chad), 9 kills Stardust
Bandits - 5 kills Reaver, 5 kills Redback, 15 kills Ripper (born to kill), 9 kills Stardust
Scorchers - 3 kills Reaver, 3 kills Redback, 4 kills Ripper (sadde), 4 kills Stardust
Daggers - 6 kills Reaver, 6 kills Redback, 8 kills Ripper (still okay), 11 kills Stardust
Kodachis - 3 kills Reaver, 3 kills Redback, 3 kills Ripper (record ruined), 3 kills Stardust (hah!)
Wow, Reaver is MUCH weaker than I remember it being and Ripper really rips raiders to shreds.
+4 / -0
Stardust might have that damage, but is still bad for cost. All riots have cost around 200 similar too stardust, however they are mobile and are much stronger if microed well. Stardust cannot move and ez outrange by skirms. Also Stardust has a heat mechanic where it fires slower and slower which could maybe be reduced?
+2 / -0
Remember when stardust didn't have buildup and was more accurate? People would sneak in cons and flash build stardust in enemy base. Those were dark days.
+2 / -0
quote: To me surprise, Stardust is still better than most riots vs line-moving raiders:
Glaives - 7 kills Reaver, 7 kills Redback, 14 kills Ripper (good lord), 10 kills Stardust Ducks - 6 kills Reaver, 5 kills Redback, 10 kills Ripper (chad), 9 kills Stardust Bandits - 5 kills Reaver, 5 kills Redback, 15 kills Ripper (born to kill), 9 kills Stardust Scorchers - 3 kills Reaver, 3 kills Redback, 4 kills Ripper (sadde), 4 kills Stardust Daggers - 6 kills Reaver, 6 kills Redback, 8 kills Ripper (still okay), 11 kills Stardust Kodachis - 3 kills Reaver, 3 kills Redback, 3 kills Ripper (record ruined), 3 kills Stardust (hah!)
Wow, Reaver is MUCH weaker than I remember it being and Ripper really rips raiders to shreds. |
This is not accurate at all. Especially for Ripper. Takes much less bandits, glaives, ducks, and daggers than the numbers you gave for it.
+2 / -0
Yeah, did you just move them in one by one? Stardust can have some range advantage due to height and it can be useful in specific bottlenecks, particularly behind a corner.
+0 / -0
Stardust has a much better anti-raider death explosion than any of the mobile riots short of Dante.
+1 / -0
  UnLuky @MSPR: Methodology: Raiders in a semi-circle (around 60 degrees for realism, it's hard to get more than that against live targets) given an attack order on an idle riot unit (facing at 90 degrees from the incoming raiders). Trying again, 12 glaives does sometimes kill the Ripper, but not normally. This is true whether using line abreast, double lines or a loose cluster. That said... Trying with actual micro (using a line move order to avoid the Glaives clustering up) drastically lowers the numbers needed to Redback levels. Whether that's what players will actually do depends on player skill, game phase and APM load of the player.
+4 / -0