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Halve the Magpie reload

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6 months ago
Honestly, the magpie isn't a bad plane. It can quickly arrive anywhere to kill a raiding raider, resists weak AA with hp and long attack range, can gang up on medium units and micro-tilt battles, but it has one HUGE flaw:

It clogs up airfields. Having 4 magpies is a logistical disaster, and I assume the relod costs a lot of energy too. Why not reduce the relod from 15s to 8s?
+5 / -0

6 months ago
I remember this idea floating around. Magpie with halved reload and a little less damage (300) might be a good area, it would take 2 to kill most any small unit though
+0 / -0
I have thought a bit more and I want to say this:

The purpose of magpies is, seemingly:
1) destroy raiders that get into friendly country
2) tilt small battles
3) gang up on vulnerable units like impalers/lances.

Magpies have a noticeable impact in early game, e.g. hitting a kodashi will halve its hp and send it running home, or they can tilt battles. However, magpies won't tilt all battles, i.e. vs swarmers they are a waste. Wouldn't it have been better to spend that metal on an extra kodachi of your own?

The answer then is, "well a plane can appear anywhere, anytime". A phoenix deals about as much damage of the magpie, with the bonus of killing swarmers. In fact, the range of targets for which to use a magpie against is limited. The argument then is, "a magpie can survive what a phoenix can't", and while true, the types of targets with AA escorting them are exactly those which magpie is useless against - i.e (shield)balls.

Very often, the temptation is to buy one more magpie. You just had a target you couldve killed with 1 more magpie. Blindly following this reasonable temptation - as it promises you the chance to kill impalers or lances, will lead to a rushed airfield. This is bad, as these resources could have been spent on 2 kodachis, and the builder someplace more urgent at this stage of the battle. Here is the weird situation where the unit best in the early game - magpie - gets as expensive as a phoenix. This is only the metal cost, though - remember that those 15s reloads cost a lot of energy - those 180 damage rockets are very cost ineffective. It would have been better to build 2 phoenixes and focus on econ instead of building that extra airfield to field more mags. Without an airfield you can have at most 2 magpies (each rotate in attack and reload), at which point you ask yourself "did I really go air just to micro 2 magpies?".

Debunking "surviveability" again: In the mid-late game, units get a lot more hp, and there are a lot more of them. Even a full magpie squadron (4 mags+1 airfield, 220*4 + 350 = 1230 cost) cannot deal enough chip-damage to justify their cost, the question then become "have the magpies killed enough to justify their cost?".

It seems then, that magpies were not made to kill raiders after all. We were all wrong. They exist for purpose 3). They are not for the early game, but for the early-mid game to punish unprotected lances (1000 metal, needs 3 magpies) and artilleries (700 metal, 2 mags), and exist exclusively for that role. But I want my magpies stronger! I demand MORE magpies!


TL;DR Scaling up magpies causes logistics issue and is micro intensive. To alleviate the logistics issue, you build airfields which could have been spent on building better units or eco. There is nothing that can help you against the energy-hungry reload.


What is the solution? Reducing reload is a good idea imo, it gives them more time for action and cheapens their energy usage, but airfields are still necessary unless the mags have a ludicriously low reload speed like 3 seconds.
+0 / -0
If you read the discussion on the development of Magpie, you'd know that the entire reason for its existence is to snipe lances without needing a likho. Dealing with raiders is simply not its role. Buffing the reload doesn't make it much better at killing lance, and is anti-quant to boot (the long reload is an obvious weakness).
+1 / -1

6 months ago
1 unit for 1 singular purpose is kinda dumb, ""as stated in the cold takes"" magpie has more uses then only that but they are few and situational, but it can still have a place doing that + a little bit more. A lot of games hang in the balance of if ur enemy can make a singe razor or not, but magpies dont even need AA because u just can just make normal units and go forward like they dont exist
+3 / -0
Where can I find those discussions?

Is it really dumb to have 1 unit for 1 purpose?

When I think about it, 3 magpies more than make up their cost if they snipe a lance
+0 / -0
At the time of magpie's introduction lance was spammed pretty hard in teams, so a dedicated counter unit was considered and implemented. While other fragile but expensive units are valid magpie targets too, the main reason for its existence in its current state was to deal with lance. Magpie was first implemented back in November of last year (check the zkdev discord channel for more details) as a "light Likho attrition bomber" (though it was called penguin at first), and from the outset was more or less an anti-lance bomber (or more broadly, anything that had a hp:cost ratio close to 1:1) that was meant to fit the space between raven and likho.
+0 / -0
This is just my personal experience, my views are not reflective of what others think:

I don’t understand Magpie as a unit as a whole, if its designated purpose is to kill raiders, then why not make a Phoenix?
Phoenix can kill masses of raiders nicely, which Magpie cannot without being massed. Magpies damage for example is not sufficent by itself to kill even a scorcher, you need atleast 2. A magpie cannot even efficently attack a Shieldball without taking many casualties, Phoenix can atleast severly damage a shieldball. I find its reload too obnoxious and too time consuming for the current capabilities of the unit.
+0 / -0
6 months ago
Did you read anything in the last few post before yours? TheFlyingFortress
+3 / -0
6 months ago
Certainly in teams I doubt it works very well against lances as they tend to sit with loads of other units around them, and usually in groups of multiple lances. At which point why not just make a licho or sacrifice a few phoenix to kill them. Having a special unit for countering only makes sense in very small games.
+4 / -0
I didn't finish the post, i will do soon.
+0 / -0
6 months ago
Im confused, I've never seen Magpie as a counter to lance... they do 180X2 dmg meaning you need 3 to kill a lance

You can kill a lance with two ravens and save 60 M
+2 / -0
6 months ago
Magpies don't have to get as close as Ravens do.
+2 / -0

6 months ago
It's much harder to kill Magpies before they get their shots off than to do the same for a Raven, and they're lighter losses if they do die.

The basic math for a Magpie is that, after accounting for airpad capacity and solar collectors to power it and having Magpies alternate access to pad slots, if each Magpie finds and kills a Glaive and returns during its pad-mate's reload, it's only slightly better RoI to build the Magpies than to build single solar collectors next to unlinked mexes. The extra solar panels are less risky, too, so raider-phase Magpies aren't very good.

The Magpies get better nominal value in the post-Fusion Reactor midgame where the reloads are cheaper and inflation slower. They can gang up on skirmishers, light riots or heavy raiders at the front to get better value per shot without lingering inside the range of the enemy's low-end AA - I theorize that a full pad-load of four is a good number that can kill something worthwhile out of most armies and get away afterwards. And the airpad berths may well be free if they're replacing other lost bombers, in which case they're a cheap way to convert that pad capacity into attrition.

They might also have a niche for reliably picking off important enemy units that get away on low health, but I'd need to try that before endorsing it.

Then they mostly get squeezed out of the endgame by Likhos, but not entirely because the Magpie strike is a smaller commitment even if you bring several.
+1 / -0
I'm not sure if I agree with "post fusion reactor" midgame, at that point the enemy does often does have enough AA to kill 2 magpies. I think it's more like early-mid game, just when raider phase ends and some people rush lance.

I have tried magpies vs lances and arties; and yes they are very good. A raven needs to get much closer and is also much slower, so those ALWAYS end up killed. I estimate a raven stays 3x as long within the range of AA as a magpie. This extra time also gives response time for enemy swifts to chase after them. Ravens should be buffed a bit imo
+1 / -0