Maybe we should add stuff to the noob helper widget. If it sees a level 3+ comm it would ping and say "try using (insert anti heavy unit from factory they have) on this commander". The commander guide could also be expanded to explain their use and how to play against troll coms.
+0 / -0
Once again, what about leaving unlocks as they are now, but making 5 different juniors (each with 1 lazor and 1 autorepair) to chose from?
+3 / -0
Better junior select might help: One with a torp or other UW weapon, some modules maybe? We're sort of dictating the meta this way but it might help.. Maybe having some basic stuff unlocked is an answer..
+1 / -0
Com unlocks (partially adopted from  Lyth) - unfair + customization (at least most people see it as advantage) + feeling of progress + makes noobs concentrate on actual game (compared to free coms/modules from the start, not to static prebuilt juniors) + deters smurfs The biggest advantage of coms comes with the first few xp spent on unlocks. Everything beyond gives only a small advantage. So giving some unlock points from the start would be a solution (unlock points=a*lvl²+b*lvl+c, where a=20, b=80, if c was 1600 (which is just about the number of points needed for the most important things), it would be also c=a*b :). This would still allow for full customization and about the same feeling of progress. Making (some) com chassis and some weapons unlocked by default is another possibility, but would have less customization. At least this is better than 5 different static junior coms (because still higher customization and no further complicating the system). What do people who don't like com unlocks prefer? The range goes from "everyone has all unlocks" to "only junior" (which I don't like because it doesn't only remove the above advantages (except concentration on game), but also the strategic map depending decision for com).  qwerty3w's proposal allows for interesting strategies, but doesn't seem to be suited for the current level of customization. In any case new players should be told that com morphing beyond lvl 1 is usually bad.
+0 / -0
I'd drop CommJR and just give new players some free modules and pre-configured comms with those modules. Start everybody out with 2 chassis, 3 weapons, and 1 of each of the range/speed/damage boosters. Comm Slot 1 replaces CommJR for "I didn't pick a comm" default. If a player has deleted their Slot 1 comm, they get the default comm loadout anyways. That way players get to play in the "comm configuration" screen from day 1. Then make the L2, L3, L4, and L5 morphs into unlocks. No morphing beyond L1 until you unlock them. This gives you a coherent place to explain the diminishing returns of higher-level morphs. You can describe the trade-off that the enhanced specialization of higher-level morphs means because they're also lower-cost-effectiveness when the player is buying the morph.
+0 / -0
I think that we shouldn't advertise with customizable coms, if people get to play zero-k, that already great, even if they think the coms are a bit unfair. They will soon learn that coms aren't as important as the units.
+1 / -0
  Brackman, unlocks do not add any customization whatsoever. Where'd you get that from? "Feeling of progress" is not only a pro, by some "need to progress" is seen as a contra. Same for "makes noobs concentrate on actual game" - some new players might spend all game looking at allied and enemy commanders to make up for what they are missing out on. I'd change your list to this: - unfair + deters smurfs I'm not sure about the last one though. Do comm unlocks really deter smurfs? They might, I don't know. There are other, perhaps better ways to do this.
+0 / -0
well im constantly smurfing, so i can tell you real smurfs use com junior cause they badass coms used to be epic, back before all the com weapons and dguns were nerfed to uslessness. Now they are really just a trolly timewaster :P
+0 / -0
[quote][U]nlocks do not add any customization whatsoever.[/quote]It depeds on what you compare it to. Unlocks don't add customization compared to "everyone has all unlocks", which is a really acceptable alternative imo, maybe with some prebuilt coms. But it does compared to some of those static junior com ideas, which i don't like that much. quote: "Feeling of progress" is not only a pro, by some "need to progress" is seen as a contra. |
So I'd add "- need for progress" to the list instead of removing both. I agree that concentration on game is not really a point. Unlocks reduce the possibilities for high level morphing, but also increase the attention to it. By smurf users, unlocks can also be seen as a disadvatage. I'm not sure if this is a legit view concerning the effect on the whole game though.
+0 / -0
People don't have time to research every game they come across in detail so when deciding whether to look into a game they use heuristics. This 'research time' can be as long as the first 15 seconds of the trailer. One of the heuristics for a multiplayer game is whether it has a playerbase because games which retain a playerbase and generally better than those that do not. A game with unlocks messes with this heuristic for a few reasons:
Lots of people may be playing because they are addicted to unlocking things instead of because the game is good.
The gameplay may consist of grinding to reach the powerful toys which enable you to blow up new players.
Unlocks often have a micro transaction component so the company may be 'evil' and care most about profit.
I have not yet mentioned anything specific to ZK unlocks. These are just reasons that I am wary of games with unlocks in general. I assume this is how other people have seen ZK. All the discussion of whether unlocks are fair and how to balance them is irrelevant to how ZK looks to an outsider. Now onto some paragraphs responding to various things in this thread with no particular link between them. quote: The biggest advantage of coms comes with the first few xp spent on unlocks. Everything beyond gives only a small advantage. So giving some unlock points from the start would be a solution (unlock points=a*lvl²+b*lvl+c, where a=20, b=80, if c was 1600 (which is just about the number of points needed for the most important things), it would be also c=a*b :). This would still allow for full customization and about the same feeling of progress. |
This will backfire. Players will make new accounts to try out different ways to spend their free 1600 xp. No system should actively encourage smurfing. Giving everyone all modules at the start would not detract from player customization. Many people already have the XP for any commander but not everyone is using the same commander. Unlocking everything at the start could even improve customization as new players would not need to first build a safe commander before trying out more wacky things. Does anyone disagree with this statement: "Consider two players of equal skill, A and B. If Player A's Commander options are a strict subset of Player B's then Player A has a disadvantage." Or perhaps consider Commanders as a handicap. Suppose Godde comes up to me and says: "Gee GoogleFrog you're pretty bad so in this 1v1 I will take a handicap. I can only pick Commander Junior while you can pick any Commander." Godde has taken a handicap which makes the game uneven with the purpose of making up for skill difference. Now what if you reverse the situation and do it for new players? Some experienced player gets to use all Commanders while the new player can only pick Commander Junior. The game is uneven in the same sense as before but the wrong player is handicapped!The only argument for unlocks which I feel is worth responding to is as follows: quote: People like incremental goals and rewards. Becoming better at ZK is a large goal with rewards that may take a while to yield rewards. People may lose interest in this goal or not even see it as a worthy goal when they first play. The unlocks system gives people short term goals and quick rewards so it serves to get them through the first X hours until they play for the sake of playing. |
This does not work for people who come with the intention of learning how to play. Maybe someone watched a 1v1 tourney, saw there was skill involved and wanted to learn how. To them the unlocking period is time spent not learning the real game because handicaps are not representative of real games.
+2 / -0
This thread thinks that leveled up coms are actually powerful... like coms actually decide a game. Yet every fac has some stupidly easy solution to coms. You never need a com to fight because it always sucks at it. It's nature provokes a anti-heavy responce when even a few assults will bash it back it space. Unlocks were ment to protect noobs from things they'll regret later. Like superweapons, singu's, attrition-focused tech. The current purpose of unlocks is to pimp the unit that should never leave the base.
+3 / -0
This thread is not about "comms op, nurf pls". It's about players having to spend 140 hours to unlock all of them. quote: The current purpose of unlocks is to pimp the unit that should never leave the base. | quote: that is opinion-based, there are very good players who frequently defeat enemies with high level commanders. |
quote: Yet every fac has some stupidly easy solution to coms. |
Nevertheless, please tell me the comm counters for amphs, gunships, shields, ships, tanks and vehs.
+1 / -0
quote: please tell me the comm counters for amphs, gunships, shields, ships, tanks and vehs. |
Buoy, brawler/banshee/BD, racketeer, crusader/?, reaper/panther and scorcher. Ships are dependent on whether the com is in the water or on land.
+0 / -0
Silly Saksi. Amphs - Grizzly or few buoys, GS - BD, Sbots - felon + aspis or cloaked roaches, Ships - anything, coms are harmless in water HV - Reaper? Golly? Tremor, if its cloaky com; depends on situation LV - Ravball; Leveler ball, scorcehrs ball, 3in1 ball, a bunch of dominis (if its not jumpy com)
+0 / -0
buoys ftw you cant escape disruptor gunz of ded!
+0 / -0
quote: buoys ftw you cant escape disruptor gunz of ded! |
+1 / -0
Bouys are outranged by almost any commander. BDs could work. OpFelon could work. Reaper and Golly get terraformed too easy, Panthers might work after commnerfs, Ravagers and Scorchers fail against aoe, buffed Levelers might work if they aren't outranged. Result: hardly efficient, let alone "stupidly easy".
+1 / -0
quote: This does not work for people who come with the intention of learning how to play. |
True indeed. However, there's different kinds of players, those who come for competitive gaming (as you said) and also those who are pretty casual and just want to see robots blowing up. I recall that unlocks kept me hooked/intrigued long enough so that I stuck around to learn the basics and explore the game. Building your first nuke/drp etc. is exciting, but if you can build them all in your very first game in the sandbox, it's not a particularly lasting experience. Granted, that doesn't apply to coms as much, but I still remember that I enjoyed unlocking modules. I learned quickly from 1v1, but I didn't come here to climb the ladder. Now the questions are: 1. Do we want to appeal to only one type of players? (I doubt we do) 2. If not, can unlocks be applied in a way that keeps "casual" players hooked but doesn't scare away competitive players? I really think that limiting (or granting) unlocks in certain rooms can help with this. It would however need to be made clear to "the competitives" that they don't need unlocks for the games they want to play. Thinking of it, maybe there should be multiple ways of unlocking stuff. Like, play 10 1v1 games against >1600 elo players unlocks something, but reaching a certain point in the campaign also does that. Or just play clueless teamgames and unlock via xp. I don't know, random ideas popping up. Still, it's of no use if people keep suggesting stuff that appeases only one of the sides. We must develop ideas with both kinds of players in mind.
+1 / -0
quote: Still, it's of no use if people keep suggesting stuff that appeases only one of the sides. We must develop ideas with both kinds of players in mind. |
Ha! "Welcome to the commander configuration screen! Do you wish to start with all modules unlocked, or would you like to unlock them over time?"
+1 / -0
I had that in mind, too, but dismissed it immediately. I mean, it doesn't really make sense, especially from a newbie perspective.
+0 / -0