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(remove out of date warning)
(correct drone stack limit)
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https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/master/unitpics/module_ablative_armor.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/master/unitpics/module_autorepair.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/master/unitpics/module_high_power_servos.png
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/master/unitpics/module_ablative_armor.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/master/unitpics/module_autorepair.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/master/unitpics/module_high_power_servos.png
These modules are able to stacked as many times as they allow, 8x for some and 10x for drones. Stacking them repeatedly will create a powerful commander, even though their bonuses as quite minor. (10% range/damage/speed for those modules) These are <font color="cyan">cyan</font>.
These modules are able to stacked up to 8 times. Stacking them repeatedly will create a powerful commander, even though their bonuses as quite minor. (10% range/damage/speed for those modules) These are <font color="cyan">cyan</font>.
This type of module is the one that should be used the most, and because of their versatility, it is useful if you intend on getting commanders which do many things, or a single buff commander that is fast, invisible and deals lots of damage. Some of these modules will subtract speed or HP, and should be used with caution as too much will leave the commander a sitting duck.
This type of module is the one that should be used the most, and because of their versatility, it is useful if you intend on getting commanders which do many things, or a single buff commander that is fast, invisible and deals lots of damage. Some of these modules will subtract speed or HP, and should be used with caution as too much will leave the commander a sitting duck.

Revision as of 12:04, 29 May 2018

Commander intro

Your commander can be configured with a variety of modules to suit your play-style.

After the update, modules are added only at the game and are all unlocked, and you do not need to level up to get any modules.

To keep the game balanced commander modules cost metal ingame and are not all applied at the start of the game. Commanders start at level 1 with a free peashooter and no modules but they can morph an unlimited number of times (but you'll eventually run out of modules after which it is pointless to morph). At Morph 1 (Level 2), commanders gain a single weapon. At morph 3 commanders gain a second weapon which can either be a second regular weapon or a special weapon. If a weapon slot is left empty the commander will be given a free peashooter in its place. Some weapons will replace any other weapons (e.g I get shock rifle, it will replace the first weapon I got)

Each morph level gives a commander more health, more modules or weapons. Morphs have a base cost and additional cost based on the value of the modules or weapons that it will gain when the morph is complete. You can pre-configure your commander buildouts only through level 6 but you can upgrade any number of times in-game.

Unlike regular units, your commander is not disabled while morphing.

Modules and weapons

Number of slots per level

Commanders start at level 1. The number of modules and weapons increases with levels.

Commander level 1 2 3 4 5 +
Base Ibeam.png cost -     25 100 600 200 +100
Base time - 2 6 30 8 ++
Total Weapon slots 0 1 1 2 2 +0
Total Module slots 0 1 3 5 8 +3

Equipping weapons and modules costs additional metal. Morph time is partly dependant on the metal cost.

Module types

Modules have cyan names in the unlock list, although their icon color depends on their nature. They fall into four categories.


module_ablative_armor.png module_autorepair.png module_high_power_servos.png

These modules are able to stacked up to 8 times. Stacking them repeatedly will create a powerful commander, even though their bonuses as quite minor. (10% range/damage/speed for those modules) These are cyan. This type of module is the one that should be used the most, and because of their versatility, it is useful if you intend on getting commanders which do many things, or a single buff commander that is fast, invisible and deals lots of damage. Some of these modules will subtract speed or HP, and should be used with caution as too much will leave the commander a sitting duck.


  • Advanced targeting system: +7.5% range for all weapons. -2.5% speed.
  • Damage booster: +10% damage for all weapons. -2.5% speed.
  • High density plating: +1600 HP,-10% speed. Requires Ablative armor plates.
  • Ablative armor plates: +600 HP
  • Companion drone: +Weak automatically reconstructed attack drone
  • Battle drone: +Upgraded autoconstructed drone with slowing laser, requires Companion drone first.
  • Carrepairer's nanolathe: +4 Buildpower.
  • High power servos: +8% speed.
  • Autorepair system: +10HP/sec -100 HP[/list]


module_fieldradar.png module_areashield.png module_jammer.png

Support modules are not stackable. They can provide large expensive bonuses such as a shield, cloaking, jamming or a cloaker. There are also cheap ones such as resurrect and inbuilt radar or an area shield/cloak. These are cyan as well.

Weapon Boosters

weaponmod_standoff_rocket.png weaponmod_autoflechette.png weaponmod_high_frequency_beam.png

These modules are expensive but give a large bonus to a few specific weapons but can only be applied once. They require a level 2 commander. They are a space effective way to spend a module slot but make sure you have the weapon that they affect. They are purple.

Name Description Cost Weapon Strike Guardian Recon Engineer
Disruptor ammo Add slow damage. Reduced direct damage. 300 Shotgun
Machine gun
Light/Heavy particle beam
Flux amplifier Improves stun duration and EMP damage. 300 Lightning rifle
Multi stunner
Napalm warhead Set targets on fire. Reduced direct damage. 350 Riot cannon
Rocket launcher

Weapon types

There are 2 types of weapon, special and normal. Both weapon types are affected by the stackable range and damage modules. Weapon names are in red.


commweapon_beamlaser.png commweapon_rocketlauncher.png commweapon_gaussrifle.png

These are auto-targetting normal weapons that behave the same was as any other unit. They can be affected by weapon boosters and weapon converters given that it is the right weapon. They are all affected by stackable modules. They are red.

Name Range Reload time Damage DPS Strike Guardian Recon Engineer Notes
Beam Laser 330 150 Constant beam
Flame thrower 270 0.17 11 66 Sets units on fire for 15s(15 DPS)
Pierces units
Does more damage against larger units
Heatray 300 0.1 45 450 Damage falls off linearly with range
Heavy particle beam 390 3.1 800 258 Replaces all other weapons
Mounted on second weapon slot
Light particle beam 310 0.33 55 165
Lightning Rifle 300 1.83 220+550 120+300 EMP duration: 1s
Machine Gun 285 0.17 30 180
Missile launcher 415 1 80 80 Homing
Pea Shooter 300 0.1 12 120 Default weapon
Riot cannon 275 2 220 110 AoE
Rocket launcher 430 3 360 120 Not homing
Shock Rifle 600 12 1512 125 Replaces all other weapons
Mounted on second weapon slot
Shotgun 290 2 32x12 (384) 192


commweapon_napalmgrenade.png commweapon_disruptorbomb.png commweapon_sunburst.png

Special weapons have a long reload time and must be manually aimed with the 'D' key. They are only affected by stackable modules. They are orange and can only be put on the level 4 weapon slot.

Name Range Reload time Damage DPS Strike Guardian Recon Engineer Special Notes
Cluster bomb 360 30 300x8 (2400) 80 Bomblets spread (like a shotgun)
Concussion shell 450 25 750 30 Has Impulse (Tosses some units)
Disintegrator 200 30 1400 46.67 Damage varies on unit size
Disruptor bomb 450 25 350+2100 14+84 Has large AOE (512)
Hellfire grenade 450 25 200 8 Sets an area on fire (45s,40dps+3s burning)
Multistunner 360 25 550/800 x 16 (8800/12800) 352/512 Affected by flux amplifier. Max EMP time: 8s [upgraded: 10s]
SLAM 700 30 1512 50.4 High vertical arc

Key: EMP Damage, Slow Damage

Commander Chassis

There are 4 types of commander chassis to choose for a battle.

You can configure custom commanders based on these chassis on your user page; you must be logged in to the Zero-K website and go to: https://zero-k.info/My/Commanders. These custom commanders may be selected at the beginning of the game in multiplayer matches. You will still need to upgrade them as usual, but the upgrade options are filled in to your preferences.

Common attributes

The commander you start the game with produces 4 metal and 6 energy per second, via a unique Vanguard economy module. Any resurrected commanders who have lost this module produce only 0.4 metal and 0.4 energy per second. They all provide a sight distance of 500 and a sonar of 500. All have a base regen of 5 hp/s. Chassis other than the Engineer Commander have 10 build power and 144 build range while the Engineer commander gains build power and range with levels and has base 220 build range.

Chassis list

Note that attributes on level 1 and level 2 are equal. Morphing to level 2 provides no bonus other than the weapon and module slot.

Strike Commander


  • All rounder
  • Decent health and speed (40.5)
  • Can use the most weapon types
  • Combat regen bonus
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
HP: 3200 HP: 3200 HP: 3800
Bonus regen: 7.5
HP: 4600
Bonus Regen: 15
HP: 5500
Bonus regen: 22,5
HP: 6400
Bonus regen: 30

Guardian Commander


  • Best HP
  • Medium speed (40)
  • Gains more HP from increased levels than other chassis do
  • Able to use most non-exotic weapons
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
HP: 3600 HP: 3600 HP: 4400 HP: 5500 HP: 6600 HP: 7600

Recon Commander


  • Lowest HP
  • Highest Speed (43.5)
  • Can Jump
  • Uses light weapons
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
HP: 2400 HP: 2400 HP: 2800 HP: 3200 HP: 3600 HP: 4000

Engineer Commander


  • Lowest speed (36)
  • Low HP
  • Gains buildpower and small amount of build range with levels
  • Increased build range (220 + 12/level, up to 280, compared to 144 for others)
  • Fewer direct damage weapons
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
HP: 2800
Buildpower: 10
HP: 2800
Buildpower: 12
HP: 3400
Buildpower: 14
HP: 3800
Buildpower: 16
HP: 4500
Buildpower: 18
HP: 5000
Buildpower: 20

Exact effects of attribute modifiers

Attribute modifiers are applied in this order:

  • Commander Chassis absolute statistics
  • Percentage modifiers both from modules and chassis
  • Absolute modifiers

Percentage modifiers from commanders and stackable modules are additive, not cumulative. Five +10% speed modules multiply a commander's speed by 1.5 instead of by 1.1^5 = 1.61.

Percentage modifiers from weapon boosters and converters are cumulative and applied before other percentage modifiers. Think of them as changing the intrinsic stats of the weapon, rather than adding a bonus.

Debug data: