Custom Modes

From Zero-K
Revision as of 18:13, 9 November 2020 by GoogleFrog (talk | contribs)
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Custom modes are mods, maps, or just a set of Adv Options that can be selected when hosting the game or in the battle room via 'Select Custom Mode' in Adv Options. Each custom mode is defined by a file in Zero-K/CustomModes. The game deploys a few of these files, but players can also create their own and share them around to act as presets.

Key Usage
name This is required to display the mode in the mode list. Bad things will happen if there is a clash.
description The tooltip for the mode in the 'Select Custom Mode' menu.
roomType Optional. Can be Custom, 1v1, Team, FFA, Chicken.
map Optional. Use this to set the map. The text must match exactly, as is written below the minimap in the battleroom.
game Optional. Set a mutator or game. It should match game name exactly, as is shown left of the map when the game is selected.
rapidTag Optional. Set a rapid tag. Modes that use base Zero-K should set this to "zk:stable".
hideFromHostMenu Optional boolean. This is used to hide a mode from the Game Type menu while hosting.
options Optional table of Adv Option values. All the keys can be found here.

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