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Early economy testing for smoother starts

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The test version of ZK currently has the following changes.
  • Starting resources 400/400 -> 200/200
  • Commander income 4/6 -> 8/8

This came from a few discussions about making the start of the game smoother. This change may be in the completely wrong direction, but it is interesting to try out on test hosts. Try it out by hosting a custom passworded room and doing '!game zk:test'. The password can be removed after the game is set.

The intention here is to make losing an early mex less devastating, for the simple reason that a single mex is now a smaller proportion of your income. It may make rushes more powerful, but I am doubtful since the increase in income approximately corresponds to 200 metal of economy. The difference between a rush in stable and test is that they are forced to invest 200 in economy, but that this economy is built instantly.
+8 / -0
6 years ago
Mex 75 > cheaper might work aswell?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Lowering mex payback speed by making their average income smaller (but mexes themselves more numerous) may also help.

But that's a mapping approach.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I think this will lead to even more commander sniping (in small team games). Firepluk is already now doing regular bomber rushes, with this they'll only get more powerful.
+4 / -0
Should the hp of commanders also be boosted? Otherwise Ravens become even more important in team games, with a couple of people cooperating on a Raven rush able to destroy an irreplaceably huge amount of eco in the first few minutes.

EDIT: Ninjad by CHrankAdminDeinFreund
+4 / -0

6 years ago
this might be an interesting oportunity to test giving the commanders the ability to "deploy" the vanguard economy pack at a relatively low cost, turning it into a shiny 5k hp unit with the +8/+8 income and the storage, which could be terraformed.

making it a building would allow easily making terraform walls around.

making it a mobile unit (with zero speed) would allow it to be thrown around and picked up by air transports and relocated (possibly into the enemy base).
+4 / -0

6 years ago
I had the pleasure of testing this mod with some players today, I played about 7 games(Note: these players are common players, but not top of the 1v1 ladder). My first game I gave homage to a certain member of the community by doing a MaceG rush. That mace rush strategy seems to be amplified, because generally it involves tracking forward and building a forward factory, and the bonus income from commander allows you to push out units faster than you could with less income. I also played into the economy, and that seems buffed too because this "economy structure equivalant" does not require territory, so building the 3 or 4 close mexes that you probably would grab anyway under the old system provides a greater economic boost than before, which can allow defenders to possibly pull out a riot super quick. So in a 1v1 sinario, someone should test out a mace rush and see how the defender responds, it may be feasible to get a HLT right by your fac before the mace+com arrive, and that would make mace rush esentially useless.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
I didnt like it. And not just because i played vs godde :p
+0 / -1
Wait NLrankWesley you never played +8 +8 com I was unaware that +8+8 existed since before this thread was born
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Lose com => resign now makes double sense!
+4 / -0

6 years ago
I think I like this move.

It will make games (hopefully) less swingy at start and it will make it more important for people to protect comms.

It's probably gonna suck for me because i always lose my comm, but, on the plus side, it will make commorph make more sense ;)
+1 / -0
A dedicated com napper in team games with elaborate tactics is now may be finally viable.

1) rush in with disarm planes
2) closely followed by gnats
3) cap stunned coms

1) emp com infested area with silo
2) nap any stunned coms

even if u wasted 2k metal to nap 1 com it makes price in less that 4 minutes(both E and M), much more viable than caretaker spam
+2 / -0

6 years ago
ZArankAstran: I think you mean more swingy, not less. Com death now essentially ends the game.
+1 / -1
Comm death is, and should, be punished - at least we will see less of the "push the comm to the middle, porc there" approach. Of course, it is still doable, but the risk factor is greater.

Overall, I like the changes. Had pleasure to test it both with Steel_Blue and Rhade, and with other people on different occasion - it allows a bit calmer star,t OR the multi-raider rusher need to commit to it more, bringing greater risk of counter-attack. I think it is good direction - personally, I would lower the starting resources even more (100?). It is this (starting storage) - not the income - that allow plopping out various nonsense in first minute and making start very swingy, especially in 1 vs 1.

+1 / -1
I don´t get the red line for the few last com-changes.... AUrankAdminGoogleFrog what goal do you actually have?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Mex 75 > cheaper might work aswell?

Supcom has this, and it makes expansion less of an interesting choice. I was rather glad coming here and seeing original mex price.

Also, halving the hp/income makes using com in combat even less viable, why not turn in into a pure constructor then?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Gl protecting com from ravens. Atleast morphing com for a cloak might become viable :p
+1 / -0
6 years ago
At this point zk meta seems so stale any changes are welcomed...
+3 / -1

6 years ago
a simple way to handle the commander sniping issue would be to detach part of the income from the commander (like it was in the past with the storage)
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Deatach ppart of it into the factory? vangaurd lite economy pack. Just the start factory. I would have no idea how hard it would be to modify a factory with a commorph +m/e thing like the comander.
+0 / -0
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