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it was the teamates fault

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9 months ago
i was thinking about a vote button at the end of games rating if each player felt the game was balanced... then it dawned on me that the loosing team will be like 95% always sure it was not balanced.. so the bias would make the data useless. oddly i imagine the winning team would be a higher percentage that are ok with saying it wasnt balanced.. i think humans fear failure more when they dont have success.
+3 / -1
9 months ago
End game vote to rat out the player the rest of the team thought was the biggest lob (for the side that got out damaged and the one that did not get out at all...). Might be interesting/funny to see. Would also give the entire team a voice to spotlight players they might find unfun/bad to play with disregarding the bias of the more vocal ones.
+1 / -5
witch hunts create an atmosphere of dread for new players and this does drive down retention ultimately harming the game long term. you need to recognize the large number of lower skill players are good for the game. they give new players someone they can defeat.

if a game has 80% good players then 20% of the games players will struggle immensely and they get progressively more bitter until they ultimately leave. i know it can be argued that bad players were never going to belong.. but i feel like every player is improving always and its just that the bar is now very high.
+8 / -0

9 months ago
but i feel like every player is improving always and its just that the bar is now very high.

You can't tell me I should accept someone that is level 100+ to play like a complete noob and not understand what he is doing.

I don't mind low level noobs, I mind high level noobs that know what they are doing, they know the game and willingly want to play bad even though 90% of cases it fails and they know it. Even worse when the toy they have been building gets destroyed and they resign instantly like children.

It's not a witch hunt it's a clown hunt. AUrankSmokeDragon
+10 / -1
9 months ago
well yes, but hold your horses
+1 / -0
9 months ago
You can't tell me I should accept someone that is level 100+ to play like a complete noob and not understand what he is doing.

Last time I checked, levels can't exactly go down. Maybe they had an extended leave of absence and got rusty in the meantime.
+2 / -0
People learn in different ways at different paces, but lob pot is a perfect place to play a lot and never learn anything.

The community is too small to segregate players by ranking, so every game contains the full spectrum.
If I wanted, I could create a new account and just do dumb strats the whole time. If that's all I did with that account, community wise, some people might complain but I would most likely be able to stay. Some cases were especially egregious because the players would make the game unfun for others, doing things that have either very questionable value or no value at all.

Looking at the current lob pot composition, I think my new account could get away with things like always rush to demistrider/strider every game (so long it isn't a det). I could always choose to spawn back row and just work on my megaproject, EVERY game, and because it's my MO and it can work sometimes, I can be bad faith and say it's legit.

That's how I see it. Bad faith. That's what I see when I watch players in the back row chain building singus while every front is falling. They don't even stop after 1. Even though it's getting more and more likely if not downright obvious the last singu started will never have the time to refund itself in OD, or even finish at all for that matter, they don't switch and just keep building it.

If you do this and you're level 1-30... sure. If you do this and you're 31-50... it's weird. If you do this and you're 100+, "insert curse words" yourself.
+5 / -0
+2 / -0

9 months ago
Sympathy should not be infinite and unidirectional.

I've failed nukes. I've also walked striders too far ahead uncovered, as well as many other things.

I don't think the question is if you've made a mistake. I think the question is about how many times have you made the same mistake and are you refusing to change even after people have repeatedly pointed it out to you.
+6 / -1
+1 / -0
9 months ago
+1 / -0

the real spoiler >
+1 / -0
9 months ago
+0 / -0
9 months ago
Before we get a warning, lets stop. A reminder of the word:

noun: spoiler; plural noun: spoilers

a description of an important plot development in a television show, film, or book which if previously known may reduce surprise or suspense for a first-time viewer or reader.
a news story published to divert attention from and reduce the impact of a similar item published elsewhere.
"the newspaper ran a spoiler"
a person or thing that spoils something.
"it is a sad thing that so many so-called book lovers are book spoilers"
(especially in a political context) a person who obstructs or prevents an opponent's success while having no chance of winning a contest themselves.
"he is perceived as a genuine factor in the presidential election, a certified political spoiler"
a flap on the wing of an aircraft that can be projected in order to create drag and so reduce speed.
a structure on a motor vehicle intended to improve roadholding when travelling at very high speeds.
an electronic device for preventing unauthorized copying of sound recordings by means of a disruptive signal inaudible on the original.
+0 / -0

* hover the mouse over this tiny star shape
* https://stablediffusionweb.com/WebUI#demo
* https://www.moddb.com/mods/twisted-insurrection/downloads

the book of tests:

* part 3
+0 / -0
the best example of annoying i can remember.. 'making 7 super weapons (2 rezzed)' and then vote exit draw.

+1 / -1
9 months ago
AUrankSmokeDragon One of your main issue seems to be that those whacky strats work, its high risk high reward.

Problem: The risk and reward aint distributed equally, front has to bear/face the risk while back gets the rewards once the big weapons are finished.

Next problem is even if your entire team decides to NOT do it, theyll be very unhappy once its the enemys time to reap its rewards and their big stuff comes online while your team has none to counter/level the playing field.

Cant think of a solution right off the bat, maybe you can come up with something.
+1 / -0

If everyone in the game makes normal units those "big enemy units" won't even be allowed to exist.
Striders, Trinity, Porc, Supers, Eco, are all only allowed to exist because there are passive players in the back of both teams.
When you say "OH BUT THEY WORK" 10/10 times if that metal was invested into normal units you would have won, and won FASTER.

- There wouldn't be a front to push towards if 10k was invested into regular units

A few other comments I get in team games:


+6 / -0
"not your personal robot sandbox" yes it is.. they dont get kicked so ... yes it is

and not only can they play in the sand all day long.. but you have to fight off bears to keep them safe.

greed is now so extreme that i have had players place there own geo in the terra pit i built.. so i make a pit and then they place frame in it O.o and you cant reclaim an allied frame thats being constructed
+2 / -0
9 months ago
Zero-K is nice, DEI runs rampant in Zero-K. All welcome, inclusion done right.

Imagine if certain amount of commander combat experience(from damage done or being near fighting or reclaiming wrecks... healing done for engi?) would unlock the building of a strider hub, then wunderwaffes after more exp... Go fight first, then play!
+1 / -0
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