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Archive of past ZK tournaments


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Page of 2 (25 records)
Archive of past tournaments. All hail the champions.


13.08.2012 - 1v1 Tournament - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

28.08.2012 - 1400-1600 tournement - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

28.08.2012 - 1500-1800 tournement - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

02.04.2013 - 2013 1v1 Tournament - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

11.01.2014 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament 11-01-2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

22.02.2014 - ZK 2v2 tournament 22.02.2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

15.03.2014 - ZK 1v1 tournament on 15 March 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

19.04.2014 - ZK 2v2 tournament on 19 april 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

24.05.2014 - ZK 1v1 Tournament May 24th! - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

28.06.2014 - ZK 2v2 Tournament 28 June 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

26.07.2014 - ZK 1v1 Tournament July 26 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

23.08.2014 - ZK 2v2 Tournament August 23rd 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

20.09.2014 - ZK 1v1 Tournament September 20 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

25.10.2014 - ZK 2v2 Tournament - October 25 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

01.11.2014 - Zero-K US Tournament 11/1/14 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

29.11.2014 - ZK 1v1 Tournament November 29th 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

20.12.2014 - ZK 2v2 Tournament December 20th 2014 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

31.01.2015 - ZK 1v1 Tournament January 31st 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

28.02.2015 - ZK 2v2 Tournament February 28th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

28.03.2015 - ZK 1v1 Tournament March 28th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

25.04.2015 - ZK 2v2 Tournament April 25th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

30.05.2015 - ZK 1v1 Tournament May 30th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

04.07.2015 - ZK 2v2 Tournament July 4th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

25.07.2015 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament July 25th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

29.08.2015 - ZK 2v2 Tournament August 29th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

26.09.2015 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament September 26th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

31.10.2015 - Zero-K 2v2 Tournament October 31st 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

12.12.2015 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament December 12th 2015 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

02.04.2016 - Zero-K 2v2 Tournament 2th April 2016 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

04.06.2016 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament 4th of June 2016 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

06.06.2016 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament August 2016 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

08.10.2016 - Zero-K 2v2 Tournament 8th of October 2016 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

16.12.2017 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament December 16th 2017 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

03.02.2018 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament February 3rd 2018 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

05.05.2018 - Zero-K Steam Release 1v1 Tournament May 5th 2018 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

19.05.2018 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament - Saturday May 19th - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

30.06.2018 - Zero-K 1v1 Tournament 30 June 2018 - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

31.08.2018 - Zero-K 3v3 Renegade tournament - Gold - Silver - Bronze[Spoiler]

view edit history
+0 / -0
Edits: 1
First: 9 years ago
Last: 9 years ago
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First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
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First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 3
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
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First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 2
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
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First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 10
First: 6 years ago
Last: 6 years ago
the list is missing the single tournament i participated in. a coincidence? i guess not.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
this list is also missing every single tournament in 2015, so yes I suspect it is a coincidence
+0 / -0
8 years ago
mojjj: dann schreib es rein. das ist der sinn.

No coincidence, I simply had stopped updating the list in 2014 because competetive spring was already so declined and the list never got added to website anyway.
Now Capricis added the most recent one. Inbetween nobody did anything with this page, see http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/7110?postID=159065#159065
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Added the rest of the tournaments to the list and somewhat unfied the formating of the page as well.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
a handful of giant 3+ MB png pictures improves every website.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Lol, I didn't think my tourney would even be on here
+0 / -0
I think we should put them in spoiler or something separated them by year.

and my first tournament up there got all the wrong result. the above results are from swiss round, the direct elim round result is very different
+0 / -0
8 years ago
if you know the correct results then edit the page..it works like editing your own posts.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
It was already fixed by ATrankhokomoko
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Changed the formatting. Didn't doublecheck everything though. Please point out or fix errors if you find any.

Also, there's only one tournament listed in 2013. Were there any more played that year?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
DErank[2up]knorke could you add links to CArankAdminShadowfury333 's awesome commentary cast? pretty please?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
the casts are already posted in the tourney threads, i think that is enough.

i do not like the "fancy" formating because
-for me getting easy overview of results is more important than spoilers in this case
-too much manual bb-code editing to add new stuff
-such stuff should be done via template which the avatar-wiki does not support
So I prefer the old text-only style.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
I wish you told me that in the discussion thread when I had only done some of it ):
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I am not your real mom :/
+0 / -0
8 years ago
What does my mother have to do with this? I posted the first four entries of how I would edit it and asked 'Any objections or suggestions?' You said 'Feel free to do whatever you like with that page.' Now that I put in the work you give criticism.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
I did not feel like typing more at that time.

Since many functions of a real wikisoftware are missing at zK the options for fancy formating are either:
A) Do it the hard, choatic way with tons of copypasted formating-tags.
B) Do not do fancy formating and coloring.
In your post seemed aware of the downsides of the many formating-tags so I saw no use to repeat it.

in the discussion thread
The link at top of page to http://zero-k.info/forum/thread/7110 is historical. When I created/maintaned this page zeroK was using google.code wiki. So I had made this link, now that with this avatar-wiki all talk can (must) be here.

In case that was unclear in http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/7110?postID=159065#159065 :
Since two years the page has still not been added to the site-menu, so I had stopped updating it.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
There is also http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/22366 about wiki-editing which I had updated with some stuff.
One can see there that there is some stuff to create headings and put automatic table-of-contents, which would be useful for this page too. But I am not willing to explain/link that every time someone wants to edit a wikipage. So there is that wiki-editing-help page and editors can inform themself there.
+0 / -0

8 years ago

Thank you for your effort here, look much nicer.

If we can auto mate some part of formating, it would save you tons of time though. Here to hope.
+0 / -0
The two 3v3 tornaments in 2018 organised by @_Shaman are missing.
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Page of 2 (25 records)